[4] A Day With the Prince

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I woke up early. The sun has barley began to rise. I ordered my maidens to run me a warm bath.
After bathing, I slipped on a red dress and over it a grey coat with intricate designs. My hair was pulled up in a bun with little strands framing my face. By the time I finished, the sun has finally risen. My maids escorted me to the gardens for breakfast. Upon my arrival I see a beautiful girl with red hair and bright blue eyes. She looks up and gasped. She bowed before me.

"Hello Queen Ravenna" she muttered softly. "I'm sorry if interrupted your morning meal. I'll just go" she began walking away until I reached for her hand.
"No. Stay. Have a meal with me. Please do join me" I asked with a kind smile. She hesitates at first but agree in the end.
"If that is what the queen wants" she smiled shyly as she took a seat across me. My maids placed various fruits and meat infront of us.
"Please just call me Ravenna. What's your name?" I asked as I took a sip out of my goblet.
"Sansa Stark" she muttered quietly. I raised an eyebrow.

"Stark? From Winterfell?" She squirmed in her seat and nodded.

"That's so far. What are you doing all the way down here?" Her entire demeanor fell as I see her eyes beginning to water. I quickly sat up and stare at her worriedly.

"Oh I'm sorry Lady Sansa. I did not mean to upset you. You don't have to answer" I assured her. She just shook her head.

"No it's alright. I was actually betrothed to Joffrey. It wasn't until my father called him a bastard. Saying he wasn't a true Baratheon because he was a product of incest. He was beheaded for it. He was a liar" more sadness flashed through here eyes at the mention of her deceased father. I reached over and grabbed her hand.

"He was being brave. Everyone knows that Joffrey is a product of incest. Everyone is afraid to admit it because they're all scared of the Lannister's." I answered truthfully. A small minute of silence fell between the two of us

"Why are you being so nice to me? I thought you were loyal to the Lannister's?" She asked all of a sudden. I sighed before answering. "My father is loyal to the Lannister's. I am loyal to whatever and whomever I believe is right." I smiled and pulled my hand and rest it on my lap.
"Thank you" she smiled sadly. She began to eat her pigeon pie as I ate my berries.
"But tell me why you are still here? Can't you leave?" I asked confused. She certainly isn't important here anymore since I heard Joffrey was to marry another woman.
"No. I'm being held as a prisoner" she said grimly. I smile faded. "That's awful. I'm so sorry" I pity her. She's so young and she's already experiencing this type of trauma.
"It's fine." She looks down to her lap. "No it's not. When I leave kings landing, I will ask that you come with me as one of my lady-in-waiting." Anger was evident in my eyes yet I remained calm outside.
"They'll never agree" she tried to reason with me but I ignored it.
"Yes they would. They can't refuse me. I am the queen after all" I smirked as I took another sip of water.
"And once you we are safely out of kings landing, I'll have a few of my men escort you back to winterfell" I continued.
"You would do that?" She asked in disbelief. I nodded.
"Yes" her lips quivered until tears fell down her cheeks. "Thank you so much Ravenna" she cried out in happiness. I stood up and came over to her side and pulled her into a hug.
"As long as I'm here, they will not harm my friend" I muttered softly. "We're friends?" She pulled away slightly to look me in the eyes. I nodded
"Yes unless you don't want to-" I teased until she shook her head.
"No. I mean yes. I would love to be your friend" she smiled, a genuine smile for once. I pulled away and I see Tommen in the distance waving me over.
"If you'll excuse me, I have to talk to Tommen" I quickly made my way across the garden to were Tommen stood.

"Well goodmorning Prince Tommen" I smiled.
"Goodmorning to you aswell Queen Ravenna. Would you like that tour around the castle now?" I nodded.
"Sure" he offered me his arm which I took and wrapped mine in. We walked around and talked as he showed me the entire castle. I learned new stuff about him as did he to me. We now sat by the docks behind the castle talking about our families
"Are you the only child or do you have siblings?" He asked.
"I have an older brother but he's still considered a bastard." I muttered as I threw a rock into the sea.
"Why is that?" He furrowed his brows. I shed and began to tell the story.
"Well before my father married my mother, he grew a relationship with another woman. She conceived, thus making my brother Mateus. She died during childbirth and father took him in. When father married my mother, she took care of Mateus as her own. I still don't understand why he hasn't been legitimize" I frowned as I grabbed another rock and threw it. "I'm sure he will be someday." Tommen assured me. I smiled sadly
"I hope...What about your siblings? Joffrey and Myrcella?" I asked. His brows furrowed as he was thinking of the exact words.
"Joffrey is Joffrey. He's mean to us but shows more kindness to us.  His insults are less harsher than what he usually says. Myrcella is beautiful and kind. She's in Dorne right now. She's betrothed to the prince of Dorne" I nodded as I listened to him speak. But I haven't realized that there was someone spying on us up above in a tower


"They make a good couple" Tywin muttered as he sipped his wine. Beside him stood Edon, Ravenna's father. He too, sipping wine. He see's his daughter laughing along with something told by Tommen. He smiles lovingly as he turns away followed by Tywin
"Yes. He's the first boy Ravenna has ever took interest in" Edon smiled as he see's his daughter laughing along with something told by Tommen. He smiles lovingly as he turns away followed by Tywin. "How would you feel about uniting our houses together?" Edon asked his friend as he poured himself some more wine.
"You mean marrying Ravenna to Tommen?" Edon smiled. "Yes that is exactly what I mean" Tywin didn't even need to think before he accepted his friends request. "Yes I would very much like that." Tywin smirked.
"So it is set. Tommen is to marry Ravenna" Edon announced and toasted with one another

Silver Crown ➳ Tommen BaratheonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang