Dance Partners | Briar + Myles

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WARNING - Slight make out session (Bryles isn't cannon yet)


MYLES AND I FINISH OUR DUET, panting and sweaty. It was one hundred degrees and we were panting like dogs as we practised our routine. It's been about two months since the Brittany/Levon situation and Jamar had finally got together too. I wonder who would start dating next? I gulp down half my water bottle and try to wipe as much sweat from my forehead as possible. My eyes glance over at Myles, who took his shirt off and poured water over his head. I was trying not to stare. Keyword: Trying. I couldn't help but let my eyes wander. His abs were glistening with sweat and his back muscles kept clenching and unclenching. His body was very well sculpted and every single muscle was chiselled perfectly.

"I hope you don't mind we dancing without my shirt on," Myles smirks as he notices my eyes, using it to his advantage to tease my hormones. I flicker back up to his eyes, trying to not to blush or show any sign of his teasing affecting me.

"Of course not. It's really hot anyway." I press play on the music button again and we start dancing. His hands ride up my singlet as he lifts me up. My shirt slides up, exposing my stomach and I ignored it, pretending to be oblivious to it. We finish and I throw my hair up in a messy bun. I glance back at Myles and he catches me.

"Like what you see?" He smirks and I roll my eyes.

"You're so immature." I pull my yoga pants up just below my knees. Myles grabs my waist and pulls me, face to face.

"You didn't answer my question." I roll my eyes and try to walk away, but I trip and Myles catches me. My hands landed on his chest and our noses are touching. He raises his eyebrows as I blush. I need to take control of this situation.

"Maybe I do like what I see, is there something wrong with that?" I whisper in his ear as I run my hand down his chest. I hear him gulp.

"No." He manages to reply breathlessly. I bite my lip.

"God, you're so hot, Myles," I whisper. Myles presses his lips against mine and I kiss back eagerly. He runs his tongue along my bottom lip and we start making out. I jump and wrap my legs around his waist as he presses me against the wall. He places his hands on my cheeks, stroking them softly as I run my hands down his back, drawing patterns on every defined muscle. I moan softly as Myles pulls my elastic out, running his hand through my hair.

"Aaa! My eyes!" Lamar screams and we pull apart blushing. I wrap my arms around Myles' neck, burying my head in his shoulder to hide my embarrassment. Myles' arms still wrapped tightly around me, refusing to let me go.

"Aw, it took him long enough..." Jordan smiles.

"How about we head to the craft area for lunch?" Myles slides me onto his back with ease.

"Let's go," I whisper and we start running around laughing. He sets me down and I kiss his cheek.

"Thanks babe." He smirks, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"No problem, your majesty." I laugh as we start eating.

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