No Place I'd Rather Be | James + Riley

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(Ralfie NEVER happened. This is the proposal for my Jiley fanfic, 'First to fall'. I couldn't include it in the actual book, so I decided it would be better to post it here.)

STORYLINE: Riley is stressing out over paperwork and decides she needs to relax. James seems to be avoiding her while still in London and Riley's never felt so lonely, what happens when she finds something in the studio that may change her life forever?


I SIGH AS I SCAN through the massive stack of paperwork. I hadn't even gotten through half of it and A-Troupe had finished practice several hours ago. My eyes wander to Studio A's hardwood floors and I soon forget all about the stack of work I had to finish. I deserve a break anyway. I walk into Studio A and sit down, facing the mirror. Memories flood my brain as I watch sixteen-year-old Riley laugh with a young-looking Giselle, Chloe, Emily, Stephanie, Tiffany, Amanda, and Michelle. I watch as my current boyfriend walked in. My sixteen-year-old-self glared at him and I giggle. If I could go back in time and tell my younger self that she'd date the guy she hates, she'd probably laugh at me. I watch the two argue until the scene changes to our first date. I sigh, my heart aching. I hadn't seen my friends since Emily and Hunter's wedding, we've been so busy. And my boyfriend was meant to back two weeks ago from London, but he's been ignoring me. He isn't answering my calls, responding to my texts. The only reason I know he's still alive is because of Eldon and West. They have been checking in and keeping me updated on James every couple of hours. Besides his friends, I have no idea how my boyfriend is. I snap out of my worried gaze as my eyes trail to a bright arrow.

I frown curiously as I cautiously get up and slowly walk towards a single silver CD. I awkwardly pick it up and place it the stereo. I press play and Eyes On You fills the room. I literally have to hold back a squeal as Tiffany, Stephanie, Giselle and Emily start dancing. Michelle, Becca, Richelle, Chloe and Amanda soon join them. I had to stop myself from hugging them as Noah, Max, Hunter, Cierra and Skylar jump in. I find myself dancing with them, each A-Troupe member either hug or spin me. Kate, Chris, Piper, Daniel, and Alfie join in on the fun and I want to scream with excitement. I'm soon lifted up and I laugh as I'm placed back down. I face the person who lifted me and almost collapses. James grins, grabbing my waist and lifting me back to my feet. We kiss passionately before letting go. James starts leading the dance and I sink to my knees, tears of happiness streaming down my face. The group soon finish and James slides on his knees towards me, the music dies down. He grabs my rather small hands in his large warm ones.

"Riley, I'm about to do the third smartest thing I've ever done. The first one was dating you and the second one was getting you back." My free hand covers my mouth in shock as James grabs a small velvet box from his pocket and opens it. "Riley Brittany Raymond, you're the most wonderful, smart, kind and beautiful person I have ever met. You're the only one I want to dance through life with, will you marry me?" I nod my head frantically before smashing my lips onto his. My friends go wild, tearing up with happiness and cheering with excitement as we pull apart. Still on our knees, I rest my forehead against his and smiled. His eyes shone with pure joy and I melted at the cute way he bites his lip.

"You're mine now," I whisper amongst the chaos, slightly possessively. James chuckles.

"I was and will always be yours." James slides the ring onto my hand before helping me up. I hug my friends as tight as I can. Although it gets stressful, The Next Step is my home. My friends have always taught me that and there's no place I'd rather be.

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