New Years Kiss | Victoria + Issac

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"YOU READY FOR THE PARTY, VIC." Brittany asks, swiping cherry red lipstick on her plump lips. It's New Year's Eve and the cast and crew decided to have a New Year's Eve party and show video clips from seasons one through three, cast cams, birthdays, tour diaries, etc. It was being held at the studio and everyone was bringing friends and family. All the girls had dates, except me. I sigh as I fix my hair for the third time. I was never amazing with relationships, but having a crush on your cast mate is hard. I like Isaac. I remember at the auditions seeing him there and my heart stopped. He was extremely goofy and funny. Everyone got along with him and I couldn't help but fall for him.

"You okay, Vic?" Briar asks, looking at me with concern as she snapped me out of my train of thought.

"I'm fine, I just can't stop thinking about him." I swipe my eyelashes with the mascara wand, glancing in the mirror.

"This is the perfect opportunity, Vic. It's New Years. It's a couples tradition to kiss someone when the clock strikes twelve." Logan snorts as Jordan wiggles her eyebrows jokingly.

"He loves you." Britt teases.

"How do you know that for sure?" Alex's jaw drops.

"Since auditions, he won't stop staring at you. He's always making you laugh." Sam adds.

"Yeah and he's all lovey dovey." The girls make kissy faces.

"Trust me, I've talked to the boys. When I needed advice on Trevor, I told them all they needed to wake up before it's too late. I bet he's got something planned." Britt winks as we hop in the car.

"You're the one who told them to just do it?" Logan asks.

"You can thank me later." We pull up at the studio and hop out of the car.

"Welcome!" Amy hugs us and leads us into the studio. The music was really loud and everyone was dancing. The girls and I started to dance and one by one, they left. Half an hour later, I was by myself. Alex and Sam had gone off somewhere. I sigh and sit down, downing a can of lemonade.

"Hey Vic, are you okay?" I grin as Isaac sits beside me.

"Yeah, it's just a bit hard with the girls dating." I sigh.

"Yeah, I'm a bit of a lone wolf myself." My eyebrows furrow.

"What about Zach?" Isaac points to Alex and Zach, who were flirting.

"He's too busy trying to win Alex over." I roll my eyes.

"What about Sam?" Isaac asks. My eyes scan the room and I see Sam making out with one of the extras.

"Guess she's found a guy as well." Isaac wraps his arm around my shoulder. We chat and make jokes and dance the night away. An hour before midnight, he says he has to leave and I'm by myself again.

"Attention everyone!" Franks stops the music and all eyes are on him. "If you would follow me to Studio B, a slideshow will be shown of all the behind the scenes and random clips." We all find a seat and Frank stands on a makeshift stage.

"Where's Isaac?" I ask Lamar, but he just smirks at me. Frank pull down a huge sheet and turns a projector on.


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