Thompson? | Nicky + Lucas

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Lucas' Younger Sister, Adrianne^

Hey guys, this is a backstory to a plotline in DwaDH (Dancing with a Dancer's Heart), the sequel to my previous TNS book. I've been waiting for ages to release this and now I finally get to! I thought I'd release it before the next chapter so you get an idea about Nicky and Lucas' relationship. Check out the new chapter after to continue the story as well as other character's storylines! Thanks, Lou xx

"Lucas!" I squeal, running away from my friend. Bryce, Amber, Lucas and I were playing chasey in Lucas' backyard.

"Kids, behave," Mum warns. Nicoletta just chuckles at the sight of us running around.

"Michelle, it's okay. I love that the kids are having fun." Her sweet voice fills the air. Adrianne, Lucas' six-year-old sister runs towards us.

"Nicky!" She squeals as I hug her, spinning her around. I stop, admiring the young girl's big green eyes. Lucas runs into me and we fall to the ground. I roll over and begin laughing. I sit up to see Lucas' eyes watering. I get up, concerned for my friend.

"Lukey, are you okay?" I grab his hand, pulling up. He had scrapped his knee and it was bleeding a little. He shakes his head, pouting. I frown softly, but I soon remember something. I grab my band-aid out of my short pocket and wipe his leg. I open the band-aid and put it on the cut. "There, all better." Lucas giggles. "Oh wait, I forgot something." Lucas looks at me curiously. I kiss his cheek and his face turns red. "Ha, you look like a tomato!" I yell giggling. Lucas kisses my cheek too, shocking me.

"Ha! Now you're a tomato too, Nixie!"

"Ew, you two have cooties!" Bryce yells, running away from the scene. I didn't notice him before.


I wipe my tears as I sniffled. I was at the airport with Mum, Dad, Bryce and Amber. Nicoletta, Mike, Lucas and Adrianne are moving to Australia. Adrianne burst into tears, hugging Bryce, Amber and me before letting Mum pick her up.

"We'll see each other soon." Nicoletta smiles, hugging me reassuringly. Even I knew she was just trying to make me feel better. The adults said their goodbyes and Bryce and Amber hugged the two Thompson children, I finally faced Lucas after trying to slow down our final goodbye.

"We'll give you two some privacy." Mike smiles sadly. Amber and Bryce smirk as the rest of the family move back to their waiting seats, their backs facing us as they talked quietly.

"I'm going to miss you," I whisper, wrapping my arms around Lucas and hug him tight.

"I promise one day, we'll meet again." I felt tears drip down my cheeks as we pull away from our hug.

"Promise you'll never ever EVER forget me?" Lucas giggles.

"How could I ever forget someone like you, Nixie?" He kisses my cheek. "Next time I see you, can you return my kiss?" I felt my cheeks turn bright red.

"Of course. Wait a minute." I slide my signet ring off of my finger and hand it to him. "Think of it as a good luck charm, when you dance." Lucas tightly closes his palm around the ring, making sure not to lose it.

'Flight 342 to Brisbane, Australia is now boarding.' I bring Lucas into one more tight hug before he walks away, leaving me confused and sad. What was I going to do now? He's one of my best friends.


"Emotion is a dancer's most powerful weapon, but you don't want to tire yourself before a competition." I abruptly stop and turn to see a tan brunette with curious brown eyes and a cheeky grin drawn on his face. He had a very strong accent. I found his smile contagious as I drew in a deep breath.

"I'm not a soloist or a duet partner, so I've got a few days." The mysterious brunette chuckles.

"Lucas Thompson, but you can call me Luke." My mouth falls lose for a second. There's no way, this has to be another Lucas Thompson. There's no way after so many years, after being across the world from each other for so long, there's no way that we're reuniting.

"Nicoletta Thompson?"

"You've heard of my mother?" He asks, slightly amused and slightly shocked.

"Of course, I met her in person at around age nine in Canada. She was close friends with my parents and she had her..." I trail off, a gasp of realisation leaving my lips. I thought I recognised those doe eyes. "Lukey?" His grin grows a hundred times wider.


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