Better Guy | James + Riley

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^Based on this Instagram post I found.

Storyline: Alfie's never been a good boyfriend and forgets his and Riley's anniversary. Almost in tears, Riley goes to leave, but a cheeky boy with a cheeky smile stops her

"MAM, WOULD YOU LIKE TO ORDER NOW?" I feel the sympathetic gaze of the waitress pierce my skin, making me want to squirm as she asks me for the fifth time. I couldn't blame her though, it is her job to ask these questions.

"I'll wait just a bit longer, come back in around ten minutes." I feel the attention turn on me as tears build up in my eyes, threatening to rush down my cheeks. Alfie had never been a good boyfriend. He never showed up to dates on time and the obvious cheating that he didn't even try to hide, but for once, I thought he might show up. I felt humiliated and useless. On our one year anniversary too.

'Where are you?! You're an hour late!' I texted, biting my lip. I refused to let anyone see me crack. My heart broke. My cheeks flushing red with anger, I stood up. Muttering profanities under my breath and holding in tears that made my breathing shake, I grab my purse. A very handsome guy around my age in a white dress shirt with black tufty hair, cheeky brown eyes and a mischievous grin, sits down at my table and fakes concern.

"Babe, I'm so sorry! I got held up at work again, do you want to have dinner now?" Giving me a cheeky wink. I giggle before sitting down, knowing there's no way that Alfie would show up, so why not enjoy myself. "We'll have some menus now, thank you Saskia." He calls the waitress over by name. The waitress places the menus down and walks away, a big grin on her face. "My name is James by the way." He whispers, not wanting anyone to notice.

"Riley. Thank you for saving my butt." James chuckles.

"Don't even worry about it, your boyfriend's a dickhead by the way." I roll my eyes as if to say that I know.

"I should've given up months ago, he's never treated me right. I'm just so used to it." I sigh, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. James looks at me with concern.

"Beautiful girls don't deserve such a horrible treatment." I blush, feeling a lot happier than I was before.

"Any drinks for the lady and the gentleman?" A friendly-looking middle-aged waiter addresses us, notebook in hand.

"I will have a white champagne." I quickly scan the menu. James smiles cheekily.

"Make that a bottle of your finest bottled stars, good sir." James closes the drinks menu, handing ours back to the waiter, winking at him.

"Our finest white champagne coming right up." The waiter chuckles with glee and walks away. As horrible as the night was going, James just made my day completely. For the rest of the night, we chat and laugh while eating and drinking. At one point, he even asked me to dance.

"May I have this dance?" James asks, extending his hand. I crack a grin before softly grabbing his hand, Italian music playing over the speakers.

"You may, kind sir." I play along and James whisks me away, hand on my waist and the other holding my hand. I'd never had so much fun in my life. My heart thumped with excitement and my smile never dulled as James guided me around. I'd never felt so carefree and loved in my whole life. I'd been with James for one night and I'd felt more passion and care than any other date I'd gone on. James is truly the best guy I'd ever met. "I'm glad Alfie didn't show up." As we finish up our meal. James nods in agreement.

"As bad as he is, I'm glad I had the chance to meet you, princess." He winks cheekily and I laugh, unable to stop smiling.

"Your bill, fine sir." The same waiter comes back. I grab my purse and go to pay.

"Riley, I've got this." He drops a handful of cash onto the serving platter.


"No buts," James replies and he grabs my hand, whisking me out of the restaurant.

"You didn't have to do that." I felt a blush crawling up my neck.

"Don't even worry about it, Ri." I bite my lip.

"James, you made my day. You met me today and I've never felt so loved." I giggle as we walk, hand in hand.

"Alfie doesn't deserve you," I smirk at James as he looked at me curiously.

"That reminds me." I grab my phone and click on Alfie's contact. After the third ring, he picks up.

"What do you want?" I chuckle, slightly maniacally.

"Hey Alfie, it's your girlfriend. Or did you forget? I can't believe I wasted a year of my life on your sorry, pathetic ass. I'm doing something I should've done a long time ago. Delete my contact and never talk to me again. Oh, I almost forgot. Go fuck yourself." I hung up, delete his number and hug James, burying my head in his chest. "I don't know how to thank you." I murmur into his shirt.

"Say you'll go out with me again?" I look up at James. His dazzling brown eyes pleading as I bite my lip. I kiss his cheek.

"How could I say no." We exchange numbers and I feel sad that I have to say goodbye. James walks me to my car. "I'll text you tomorrow so we can organise something." I smile, not letting go of his hand.

"You better." James jokingly states. I felt my heart race as I decided to do something daring. I grab the collar of his shirt and pull him into a kiss. We remain there for a while, my heart thumping and a feeling of pure bliss causing my knees to almost collapse. I tug on a tuft of James' black hair as he pulled me closer, his hands secured softly around my waist. We pull away, James' face flushing as I smirked once more.

"Don't worry, I will."

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