Once Upon in Antasla

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Hi everyone,

This is my first Novel. I'm super excited. I hope you like it. :)


Chapter One.

Far Far away among the beautiful meadows of Sagewynn was a kingdom called Antasla. Antasla was ruled by a kind and just king ,Arthlon. Perhaps it should have been given in the beginning that this is not a fairytale. There are neither fairies nor is this your usual tale. That being said we may now proceed. The King of Antasla had a daughter. Yes, she was a princess and she was beautiful. To be more precise, she was a beauty with no equals. Her dark blue eyes, shone with a playful and innocent light, her dark chocolate brown hair was the envy of every girl in the kingdom, her skin radiated with a beauty that entailed the neighbouring kindgom’s princesses to beg for its secret. But there was no secret. Princess Amanda was a beauty and she was born one. And there was nobody who had ever repressed a praise of her. Princes of the neighbouring kingdoms, praise her to the skies. The whole kingdom spoke with awe about her beauty.  And being a princess her whims and fancies were all given utmost importance. In short, Amanda was a spoilt princess. But those who had noticed had never dared to speak it to the public.There were to others member to the Royal Family, The princess’s brothers were unlike her. Prince gillian and Prince Arlanwere kind and just. They were loved for their character by the kingdom. The only envy that Amanda had to her brothers was that they were loved by those in the kingdom. But it never came in the way of liking them. Though spoilt, she really loved her family.

It was on Princess Amanda’s birthday our story finds it beginning. It was celebrated with great pomp and glory. The whole kingdom was invited. Occasions such as these were ones that Amanda dreaded. Yes, it was all about giving her attention. But she found it boring. She was supposed to dance with guests. And she hated dancing. Especially with those stuck up princes. She couldn’t think of spending her precious time talking to them, about boring topics. They spoke of nothing but how they had fought some bear or won a duel with some evil guy. Boring! She knew she could taken down a bear anytime so, these brags were not impressing her. She would mostly just nod and wish that the dance would end fast. Amanda loved sports. She was a great archer , and more skilled at swords fight. But of course she had kept these talents a secret. Because in her kingdom a Princess who knew how to fight was looked down upon. They preferred the whole ‘I’m so helpless’ kind of girls. They were supposed to “conduct themselves with dignity and in a feminine manner.” So, her archery and fighting skills had to be developed in secret with her eavesdropping and secretly watching the Master teach her brothers. But she had done a good job. For she was the five year winner of the Fight Arena championships held in their kingdom. Of course she wasn’t fighting duels as Princess Amanda. In Fight Arena she was The Knight. She had easily disguised as a man. Nobody ever suspected the little princess. But there had been questions about The Knight. Nobody knew who was behind the armor. And she was going to keep it that way.

After spending her time dancing with some guests she thought it best that she go for walk. It was a very good idea as that was what really began our story. For in her walk she came across something very interesting.

The garden of the Palace in Antasla was really famous. It was kept by the most talented and creative gardener. So, it was a great beauty. There were variously shaped hedges, a large lawn filled with bluebells, and other noteworthy beautiful flowers, which are left to the reader's imagination.  And Princess Amanda spend her time there mostly. The garden was so beautiful that the King’s Chamber was right next to it. It was done so that the King could wake up to see the beauty of this garden each day. Princess Amanda was walking in the garden during the party. She had her own space in the garden. So, she didn’t really have to go to the King’s private garden which was but a few feet away from her own. They were separate by a small door. But this day, she was rather curious to find that there was a whispering in the King’s garden. That was unusual. The King usually never spent his time in the garden when a party was going on. Besides what should he be whispering about. She sat down next to the door and tried to hear what they were speaking now. She heard that the King was speaking to the Minister Erlon.

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