Chapter Two

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“All of you will go and take three tasks. The one who passes all three shall win. The tasks will test your Strength, marksmanship and wisdom. Only those who possess all three shall win. The first Task shall be to fight a hungry lion. You will enter the chamber of the lion and you will have to stay there for three hours or until you defeat he lion. Those who shall come out alive will be taken into the next task.” Said the Master.

They were escorted to a a chamber. It was not really a chamber, actually. It was more like room with walls that looked like they had been carved out of a cave. What she had not noticed was that there were five doors.

“Each of you will enter through one of these doors. Inside awaits a lion. Those who will come out after defeating the lion shall be taken to the next task.” Said the master.

They entered the doors. Amanda had a bit of a scare. She had been good at fighting people. But a lion? Would she be able to do that? She saw that the door led to a place that looked like a cave with a dark tunnel opposite to the door. She went inside and waited wondering if she should go through the tunnel. The door closed behind her. She could see the tunnel barely with all the torches lit. She waited, not daring to move forward. After a few minutes, she could sense a  movement. She looked closer  to see a lion. It came slowly, like waiting to see its prey was worth running for. She raised her sword at it. It stopped walking. She waited for it to move. They stayed staring at each other for a while. Then, two things happened. One, The lion pounced at her suddenly. Two, She fell down with her sword facing up and the lion’s pounce landed it on top of the sword. She cringed and got up. She looked at the lion, wondering what to do. She had actually won. That had been rather fast. She opened the door and came out. The Master had been waiting outside. The other warriors seemed to be fighting. The Master looked at her.

“Why have you come out?” he asked.

“Em,…  I think I won.” She said.

The master looked at her enquiringly. He went inside the room. He came out after a few seconds. It seemed liked he was a bit surprised. So, she had won afight too soon for the Master. She beamed.

“Well, we’ll just have to wait for the other contestants to finish before moving on to the next Task.” He said.

She nodded.

Then, after waiting in the chamber for about half an hour, one of the warriors came out. He seemed ragged and out of breath. He had been really fighting. He wore the look of victory on his face. It looked a bit funny. But when, he saw her sitting on the chair waiting for the others to finish, he looked a bit disappointed. It seemed he had thought himself to be the first person to come out. How deluded he was. The master went inside to confirm that he had truly won. He came back and repeated what he had told her. He took another chair and waited. Very soon, the other warriors followed. It seemed liked, fighting a lion was not really a tough task for them all.

The Master motioned them to follow. They stood up and went after him. He seemed to be taking them to a large open space. After walking a bit they reached a forest.

“Your next task, tests your marksmanship. I want you all to go and bring back a bird you have hunted down. Remember, it’s not only bird’s you’d have to look out for.” He said.

That was it? Bring down a bird? She could do that in no time. But the last part of the Master's sentence made her on alert.

The warriors went inside the forest. It had been hard. The path was not well formed. They each speard in a directed. Amanda was not sure if she’d find a bird. For one, she was not good at identifying them, as she had spent little time doing that. She had of course used them as target before, but not in such manner that she was expert at it. But she knew she’d be able to get it somehow.

She went walking. It was a bit hard with all the rocky path. She went forward because she had no idea where else to go. She scanned the skies for a sign of birds. It seemed they had decided to hide themselves. It was not long before she began getting tired. She had been walking for hours. Where were all those birds? She was thinking just that went she saw a movement. She looked around to see it clearly. It seemed to have gone. She was somehow getting the feel of being followed. Maybe she ought to be on guard. The master had warned them about other animals. She saw a movement again. It was quick. Before she knew, there was a thud and she saw a wolf staring at her. It has hungry eyes and was looking at her if looking at food. She raised her bow. It leapt forward. She tried to move aside, but fell down as she did. The wolf was growling at her. She got up fast and stepped back. It menancing eyes were following her. She needed time to aim well. But the wolf’s quick movements were keeping her from aiming. It ran towards her. She began running, it was no use trying to stand there. She ran as fast as her legs could take her. After what seemed like eternity she seemed to have got away from the wolf. Its image lingered in her memories. She had to find a bird and get out of the forests fast.  She looked at the trees and spotted a hawk perched on it. It was about time. She took her bow and aimed at it. Just as she was about to shoot, it flew away. She was now giving up. She tried to see its movements and hit the target. But it seemed like each time the bird moved forward and missed her arrow. If only it wasn’t flying. She had an idea. She aimed the Arrow a bit to the front of its current position in the sky and sent her arrow away. It hit the target and the bird fell down. She was relieved to be able to leave the forest fast. She walked her way back. As she reached the open space from where she had begun, she could hear noises. She reached the place and saw, that one of the contestants had a bleeding arm.  Rather than trying to brave it off as she had expected he would, he was weeping like a kid.

“My ……. Hand.” He said between his weeping.

The physician seemed to be comforting him.

“It’s okay, it’ll be fine in a few days.” He said.

“But, it pains.” He said.

“The pain will go soon.” Assured the physician.

“Will I even live?” he asked with melodrama.

The master seemed to be rather angry. He looked heavenward and muttered.

“What’s wrong?” she asked in a manly voice.

“He got bitten by some wolf. He seems to have taken it a bit more serious.” Said the Master.

She smiled and went to stand in the rows with the other warrior who had come back from the task. He didn’t seem to have any problem with wolves. She wondered where the other two were. Soon, one of them came from the forest. He seemed to have a bird with him. The master nodded and motioned him to be seated. He came and sat with them. She wondered if she ought to speak with them. But it seemed rather weird. She just sat looking around.

The warrior, who was in forest came out as well. He looked a bit ragged and confused. He seemed have been running and was dragging himself to reach the place near the master.

“Wolf. Scary. Got lost.” He managed to say.

One of the attendants, led him away from the Master. He was seated in one of the benches and the physician came to attend him. The Master whispered something with him. He nodded. He walked towards them and announced.

“As we can see, the Koughen and Lamnith are unfit for continuing in the task. So, the three of you shall join me in the next task. We shall now, attend lunch and then, continue with the Task.” He said.

Amanda, excused herself and ran towards the castle. She had to get into her room, before someone found out about this. She changed into her gown, after a quick bath. Soon, she had a knock on her door.

“Come In.” she said.

One of the servants entered.

“His Majesty wants to meet you.” She said.

“I’ll be there.” She said.

She followed the servant into her Dad’s office. She wonderd whatever it was about. They ahdn’t found out about her had they?

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