Italy? (A Hetaoni Poem)

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Katana fell out of his hand,

Piano playing as we ran.

Tried to fight but fell and died,

Blood like roses blooming wide.

Old as time and wise as rhyme,

As he fell the clock now chimes.

Tall, foreboding, winter's king,

The sunflowers he loved with blood now gleam.

The wizard transcending from medieval ages,

His book of spells, blood stains the pages.

A man invisible as the wind,

Fell in battle to this sin.

A self-proclaimed hero stays by their side,

Now darkness takes his hopeful light.

One who belonged to death long ago,

Has dipped his head, bowing low.

A man I promised, he promised, to protect,

Is no longer there to save me from death.

I left this time behind and now,

Wish to save us from the demon's power.

My brother, his lover, fell to the night,

Now we continue, out of the demon's spite.

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