The Clockwork (A Hetaoni Song)

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A clock hangs by a single thread,

No more may time go on.

I promise we'll get out alive,

Before the morning dawns.

We all walked in not knowing,

What we'd find within these halls.

The first to die had a fighter's eye,

And then we were only nine.

I couldn't tell you what truly aspired,

After the clock was reset.

The mage's sight,

The hero's light,

Lost to a demon outside.

A clock hangs by a bloody thread,

No more may time go on.

I'll continue 'til the clock strikes twelve,

We all live or die in this hour.

Why did my brother follow me?

I don't want him to die.

I left before I saw him fall,

And the clock wound back again.

I couldn't tell you what truly aspired,

After the clock was reset.

Your brother's voice,

Your own life,

Lost to a demon outside.

Please return to me, my love.

I've missed you all these years.

So tell me when the clock strikes twelve,

And I'll turn back time again.

I couldn't tell you what truly aspired,

After the clock was reset.

My life I gave,

To see you safe,

But you threw it all away!

I couldn't tell you what truly aspired,

After the clock was reset.

Our countries's past,

No more may last,

Lost to the demon outside.

A clock hung by a broken thread,

Our time has finally stopped.

We think we've escaped this haunting nightmare,

But sometimes I can't help but wonder...

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