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A lIst Of thE trIAls yOUr nIghtmArEs mAy brIng.

Breathe in the sky of a rainy day.

Cap with marble the top of a silver hill.

Deal out the cards in a game of war.

EtErnAlly hUnt fOr A dOOrwAy OUt.

Flee from the dreams of a broken child.

Guard a mountain of secrets from falsified ghosts.

Hope for the sun to return with the dawn.

IsOlAtEd In mIsEry, yOUr lIfE wIll fAdE.

Jump from the heights of a city of fog.

Keep close your beating and blazing heart.

Lie your way through a maze of shadow.

March forward with armies of cold steel and storms.

Nap in a garden of crystalline seas.

OpEn thE dOOr, And whAt shOUld yOU fInd?

Peer through a window made of pure rain.

Question daylight and the troubles it brings.

Reach for a star who's fallen from grace.

Swim through a door made of emerald glass.

Tie off a line marking your path.

UndEr A drEAm sIts yOUr Only EscApE.

Vilify trials standing behind you.

Whittle away at a falsified world.

Xeriscape a hill made of delicate flowers.

Yield a harvest of pebbles and precious jewels.

Zip through your life and find hope in the night.

A/N- There were a lot of alternate lines... Um... If you want to see them, comment, I guess.

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