Chapter 11: Lynn vs. Norman: Back To Mauville!

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Pokemon Hoenn Adventures 

Chapter 11: Lynn vs. Norman: Back To Mauville! 

The next morning arrives and Kurt wakes up before Avrial. It's still dawn and Kurt decides to get up and wait for the sunrise. He gets his shirt, hat and sneakers on, grabs his backpack and heads out the door without waking Avrial. Kurt slowly opens the door to the girls' room. He notices their clothes still scattered on the floor from their very interesting hangout last night. Kurt tiptoes to Shane and taps her shoulder. Shane slowly gets up and opens her eyes saying, "Kurt, what are you doing here so early?" Kurt replies, "I want us to watch the sunrise together. Please?" Shane smiles and nods and gets her bra and top on along with her pants. "I'm too lazy to put shoes on, so let's just go!" Kurt looks at her black painted toes and says, "Black's always been a good look for you." Shane giggles and says, "Lead the way hot stuff." Kurt smiles and walks her out, hand in hand. Kurt and Shane walk out of the Pokémon Center. The sky is starting to transcend into daylight as Kurt and Shane sit outside and watch for the sunrise. "It's so beautiful to see the sunrise, it's so romantic and beautiful," Shane says as she cuddles up with Kurt. "You said it, it's so amazing to watch," Kurt says to her. Shane smiles and they embrace each other as the sun rises above them. Kurt and Shane pass out from their warm embrace and wake up when Lynn, Flannery and Avrial arrive. "Rise and Shine love birds!" Flannery says to them. Kurt yawns and says, "Dang, did we really fall asleep here?" Avrial nodded. "Yep, you guys were out by the time we got here." Shane stretches her arms and says, "Great, now I got to go back up and get shoes, ugh." Lynn smiles and hands Shane a pair of black flip flops to her. "Just to save you the trouble babe," Lynn says to her. Shane takes them and puts the flip flops on and says, "Thanks Lynn, I owe ya." "Oh it's no problem! I really want you guys to see me take on my 1st gym battle!" Lynn happily exclaims. Avrial nods and says, "Yep, can't wait to see her dominate!" Flannery responds, "Of course she will, a girl like her will totally wipe out Norman." Lynn blushes and says, "You're so sweet Flannery!" Kirlia giggles and says, "Well, let's not waste our time. Off to Petalburg everyone!" The group nods and walk on over to Petalburg City. The gang makes it to the gym and walk inside. Norman is standing at the very end of the field and walks to them. "Welcome back Avrial, I see you have finally gained more badges to take me on," Norman greets them. Avrial says, "Yep, but it's not me who's fighting you. It's my girlfriend, Lynn." Lynn does a cute wave and Norman says, "Well then, let's not waste any time!" Kurt and the gang sit on the sidelines and watch Lynn take on Norman. "You got this Lynn!" Avrial cheers her on. Kirlia frowns and says, "I have a feeling something bad is going to happen Avrial." Kurt asks, "What? She's going to lose?" Kirlia shakes her head and says, "No, someone is going to attack us, and they're not showing mercy. But it's happening later, like in a few days" Avrial says, "Well then let's keep an eye out till then, but stay on guard guys." The group nods and watches Lynn. Norman takes out a pokeball and throws it out. "Come on out Spinda!" An orange bear like creature appears with dizzy looking eyes appears. Lynn takes out a pokeball and says, "Let's go Torchic!" Torchic appears and prepares for battle. "Torchic! Use ember!" Torchic spews fire pellets towards Spinda. "Spinda! Use Psybeam!" Spinda attacks Torchic with a beam of rays and is attacked by ember yet Spinda also hits Torchic. Spinda gets back up and Norman says, "Spinda! Use Façade!" Spinda uses Façade on Torchic, but Lynn says, "Use Peck!" Torchic dashes for Spinda and lands a critical hit against Spinda, knocking him out. Norman says, "Spinda return!" Lynn says, "Great job Torchic!" Torchic happily chirps and suddenly glows and morphs into Combusken. "Torchic! You evolved into Combusken!" Combusken happily jumps up in joy. Avrial says, "She's doing great! And Combusken looks great!" Flannery nods and says, "Yep, and its evolution, Blaziken is one of my personal favorites." Norman says, "Nice work Lynn, but it's not all over yet. Come on out Vigoroth!" Out comes a raging primate like creature, prepared to cause a massacre. Lynn says, "Let's have this monkey chill! Use Double Kick Combusken!" Combusken rushes for Vigoroth and prepares to land kicks against him but Vigoroth dodges. "Vigoroth! Use slash!" Vigoroth slashes Combusken with his claw and Combusken hits the ground. Combusken gets back up and Lynn says, "Focus Energy, then ember!" Combusken focuses her attack on a weak spot on Vigoroth and then let's out spews of flames towards Vigoroth. Vigoroth is attacked and is knocked out. Avrial says, "You're doing great babe!" Lynn smiles and says, "Halfway done, nervous Norman?" Norman smirks and says, "Not a bad job, but it's not over yet. Linoone! Let's go!" Linoone appears and prepares for battle. Lynn says, "Take a break Combusken. Now let's go Mawile!" Out comes Mawile and she prepares for battle. "Linoone! Use Headbutt!" Linoone rushes for Mawile with his head facing her. "Mawile! Use vicegrip!" Mawile opens her jaw and clasps Linoone. "Linoone! Use Slash!" Linoone slashes Mawile's head and Mawile throws him down. "Mawile! Astonish!" Mawile nips Linoone and kicks him back. "Linoone! Façade!" Linoone attacks Mawile but Mawile dodges and uses bite, knocking him out. Norman frowns and says, "You're doing very well Lynn. Guess it's now or never. Slaking! Let's go!" Norman sends out a large ape like creature with a lazy, bored look on his face. Lynn smirks and says, "A Slaking? Slaking barely does anything! Mawile! Vicegrip!" Mawile runs for Slaking and Slaking simply puts his hand out and keeps her from moving forward. Mawile bit his hand and Slaking bonks her head. Mawile is knocked out on impact. Lynn gasps and says, "Guess I underestimated him. Mawile return!" Norman chuckles and Lynn just scoffs. Lynn sends out Machop. "Machop! Use Karate chop!" Machop runs for Slaking and chops him. Slaking whines in pain and Norman says, "Use Counter!" Slaking sweeps against Machop and blows him back. Machop gets up and runs for Slaking again. "Use Low sweep!" Slaking is too lazy to move again and takes the beating. Slaking simply grunts and smacks Machop on the head and knocks him out too. Lynn frowns and says, "He's a lazy ass but strong. Machop return! Combusken! Come on out and use ember!" Combusken pops out and spews little sparks of flame. Slaking takes it and eventually is burned. Norman smirks and says, "Use façade!" Slaking prepares to attack Combusken and hits her. Combusken is blown back but gets back up. "Use focus energy and then use double kick!" Combusken focuses on Slaking and prepares to attack. "Use façade one more time!" Slaking is about to finish off Combusken, but Combusken kicks Slaking right in the stomach and knocks him out. Norman returns Slaking and says, "Well, you win Lynn." Lynn squeals in delight and says, "Yay!!!!! Combusken we did it!" Lynn runs to her and hugs her. Combusken happily chirps and Lynn returns her to her pokeball. Avrial runs to her and hugs her saying, "You did it babe! I'm so proud!" Lynn giggles and kisses Avrial. The rest of the gang hugs her and Norman says, "Well, you earned it! Here is the balance badge Lynn." Lynn takes the badge and thanks Norman. The gang walks out of the stadium and have a nice lunch to celebrate Lynn's victory. Kurt says, "That was some sick moves out there Lynn, you were awesome!" "Oh Kurt, you're embarrassing me! Hee-hee, yep, I was worried for a second," Lynn replies to him. Flannery says, "Bitch please, you had it all taken care of since the start!" Avrial nods and says, "Torchic evolving was a sign this was your match now." Shane says, "You were awesome babe, cause of our support and your determination." Kirlia says, "I'm very proud of you Lynn, I always knew you have been a great trainer." Lynn starts to cry in joy and says, "You people are the bestest friends I could ever have!!!!!!!!!!" The gang laughs and Avrial hugs her in support. Kurt's cell phone rings and he answers it. "Hey Wattson....Okay....all right, we'll be there shortly." Kurt hangs up and says, "Wattson called, he wants us to meet up with him at Mauville, he needs us to do him a favor." The group nods and they ride their bikes to Mauville. After a while, the gang reaches Mauville, leave their bikes at the rack in front of the gym and walk in. Wattson appears with his gruff laughter and says, "I see you children finally made it!" Avrial nods and Lynn asks, "What's going on?" "There's a generator in New Mauville to the east of here, I need you to shut it down for me, and I'm willing to give a reward!" Wattson tells them. The gang nods in agreement and head for New Mauville. The gang rides their bikes east and makes it to a body of water. Kurt says, "No other way around it. Glaceon! Use Ice Beam!" Glaceon comes out and blows a freezing breath to create a bridge. The gang crosses carefully and makes it to the island. "Great work girl, stay with us so you can refreeze it," Kurt tells her. Glaceon nods and follows Kurt and the gang. The inside is a high tech lab and a generator is straight ahead. Avrial walks up to the generator and immediately disconnects it. A large humming noise flows and stops. The generator's lights go off and stop running its gears. Avrial says, "Well that takes care of that!" Avrial knocks a voltorb and it self-destructs under him. Immediately, a bunch of other voltorbs start setting off and the gang runs for their lives to make it out of New Mauville. The constant destruction causes the island to start falling to pieces and Galceon leads the way while using Ice beam to repair the bridge. The gang makes it back to land and the island sinks to the ocean. Kurt says, "Smart move Avrial." Avrial says, "At least we're okay now!" Kirlia says, "No arguing you two, let's just get back to Wattson." Avrial nods and the gang heads back to Mauville City. The gang meets up with Wattson and he laughs in joy. "Glad you kids could help me out. Here's the TM for Thunderbolt, take it with you." Flannery takes the TM and thanks Wattson and the gang head for Route 118. By the time they get there, they set up camp due to the sun going down. Kurt uses Growlithe to make a fire and Avrial makes stew for dinner. The gang eats it all up in delight. "Never knew you were a good cook Avrial, I love it!" Kurt says to him. Flannery adds a significant amount of hot sauce and says, "Even better when it's really hot!" Avrial giggles and says, "Glad you guys enjoy it." After dinner, the gang decides who gets Flannery for their tent. Kurt says, "Let's flip a coin. What do you call Avrial?" "Tails." Kurt flips the coin and it lands on heads. Flannery says, "Slumber party!!!!!!!! Come on!" She grabs Avrial and Lynn's hands and they run to their tent. Shane looks at Kurt and says, "So I guess we're on our own tonight." Kurt smiles and says, "We sure are." They walk to their tent and zip it up. Kurt removes his hat, shirt and shoes and crawls into his sleeping bag. Shane gets on top of him and says, "Kurt, we've waited too long...I want it now." Kurt looks into her seductive eyes and says, "In the open field, right here right now. As you wish." Shane smiles and says, "Take it all off." Kurt removes her top and bra and he removes his pants. Shane gently removes her bottoms and she is completely undressed in front of Kurt. "Be gentle with me babe," Shane says to Kurt. Kurt nods and Shane lays on the sleeping bag saying, "I'm all yours." Kurt moves close to Shane and brings his manhood to Shane's womanhood. He slowly moves into her and Shane whines a bit. " hurts a bit..." Shane says softly. Kurt shushes her and moves further into her and Shane starts to tear up. "'s hurting me..." Shane says in slight agony. Kurt asks, "You want me to stop?" Shane shakes her head and says, "Keep going." Kurt moves further into her and Shane lets out a yelp. Shane says, "Kurt! It hurts yet it feels so good!" Shane is in pleasure yet in pain too, trying to fight back the tears. Kurt moves in and out of her slowly with Shane whining and moaning throughout. Shane brings him close to her and Kisses him. They French kiss and caress each other as Kurt moves faster and harder inside Shane. Shane never felt a more pleasurable experience than ever, much better than going down and having her breasts played with. Kurt kisses her neck ever so passionately, Shane felt like she was walking on the clouds. "'re so wonderful...I never want you to leave me..." "And I won't Shay-Shay..." Soon enough, Shane starts feeling light headed and so does Kurt. "Kurt, I don't know how much longer I can hold it back..." "Don't, let it all out!" Shane soon reaches her climax and lets out a soothing gasp. Kurt also releases himself and they both climax at the same time. Their discharges mix with each other, leaving a relaxing, warm feeling inside them. Kurt falls onto Shane and Shane cuddles him. "Kurt, you were so was so worth the wait," Shane says to him. Kurt replies, "Definitely...even more romantic when we're doing it in the wild." Shane nods and says, "Good night Kurt, I love you." "I love you too Shane." They kiss each other one more time and fall asleep, ready for the next day. An unknown man in a black hoodie watches the tents from a distance and says, "These trainers could be a threat to my plans. But I have no need for them...yet." The hooded man walks off into the night.

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