Chapter 7: The Granite Cave and Dewford Gym

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Pokémon Hoenn Adventures

Chapter 7: The Granite Cave and Dewford Gym

Avrial was the first one to wake up with Lynn in his arms. He remembered the night before and smile has her. He quietly got out of bed, got dressed then snuck out of the Pokémon center. He could see the morning sun rise from the sea as he sat on the dock. As he sat out on the dock two of his pokéballs began to shake. They were Treecko and Kirlia pokeballs. Before Avrial could let them out they popped out of their pokéballs themselves. "You guys work up early too huh?" Avrial sat as he patted both of them on the head. Treecko hoped on Avrial's head while Kirlia sat on Avrial lap. "We wanted to see the sunrise too." A voice in Avrial's head said. "Huh? Who said that?" Avrial said as he looked around. "Down here." The voice said again. Avrial look down as his lap and saw his Kirlia smiling at him. "You can talk?" Avrial asked. "Telepathically yes." Kirlia explained. "How come you never talked before?" Avrial asked. "You never asked." Kirlia said smiling wider. "Well that's true." Avrial said as he patted her on the head. Treecko patted Avrial on the head to get him to turn around. Behind them was Kurt and his Growlithe.

"I was gonna watch the sunrise here but I see you already beat us to it." Kurt said as he sat next Avrial. "Yeah. It looks nice out here." Avrial said. "So what are gonna do today man, Other than going to the gym?" Kurt asked. "Well do you remember that letter we got to give to Steven from Mr. Stone in Rustboro City after he gave us all Pokénav's?" Avrial asked? "Yeah after that we walked around and found That Cut HM. Why?" Kurt asked. "Well maybe we should give that letter to him 1st before we head to the gym." Avrial suggested. "Good idea, that way after I get the badge we can head to the next town. I say we start with that cave west of here." Kurt agreed. "Alright I'll go wake up the girls up and meet you there." Avrial said as he put Kirlia on his back and ran back to the Pokémon center.

After Avrial woke up everyone, they all head to the cave to meet up with Kurt and Growlithe. "Umm Kurt what do you and Avrial both have your Pokémon out?" Lynn asked. "Well I just though Growlithe here needed a little walk is all." Kurt explained. "I just wanted to bonded with these two today is all." Avrial explained looking at Treecko and Kirlia. "Well I guess that's a good idea." Shane said as she patted Growlithe on the head. "Come on out Torchic!" Lynn yelled as she threw Torchic's pokéball. "Umbreon!" Shane yelled as she threw her pokéball as well. In a flash of light Umbreon and Torchik were out of their pokeballs. "Well now that that's been explained shouldn't we head into the Cave?" Lynn asked as Torchik climbed on her head.

The gang all headed inside the cave. On the basement floor of the cave Shane caught a Mawile while Avrial barley caught a Makuhita. "Don't worry Avrial I'm sure the next battle you into get will be easier." Kirlia telepathically said. "Yeah but I got him." Avrial said picking up the ball. "Avrial who are you talking to?" Shane asked. Avrial happily states, "Kirlia, as odd as it may be, she can talk to me telepathically." Shane widens her eyes in amazement saying, "That's so cool! Can she talk to me?" Avrial nods and says, "Kirlia, say hi to my friends." Kirlia smiles and says to everyone, "Hello Shane, Kurt, and Lynn! I'm so glad to have you 3 as allies with me and Avrial." Kurt jumped and said, "Whoa, who said that?" Shane told him, "Kirlia! Her telepathy allows her to talk to us in our minds." Lynn squeals in delight, "Awesome! A Pokémon that can actually talk!" Kirlia giggles along with Avrial and she says, "It's fun talking to everyone, but we need to get the letter to Steven. Avrial, go this way." Avrial looks to the direction Kirlia points at and follows along with the gang. After a few minutes, the gang leaves the cave and end up right in front of Rustboro city. "Wow, Kirlia certainly knows her way out," Kurt says in astonishment. "I remember how we came so I can remember how to get back. I'm always happy to help Avrial and his friends," Kirlia says happily. Avrial says, "Well, better get to the Devon Corp. building." The group nods in agreement and follows him to Devon Corp. They walk to the building and notice Steven standing outside and waves to them. The gang walks up to him and Kurt says, "Hey Steven! We have a letter for you from your dad." Steven takes the letter and reads it and says, "Thank you guys, I was wondering when the letter would get here." Avrial says, "No problem, we were meaning to get it back to you before we started the Dewford Gym Battle." "Well I wish you guys the best of luck. I better be on my way, bye!" Steven says as he walks into the Devon Corp building. Kurt smiles and says, "Awesome! Now I can take on the gym leader at Dewford!" Shane whines and says, "I'm too tired to walk anymore, can't we fly there or something?" Avrial then says, "Kirlia can use teleport! Can't you?" Kirlia nods and closes her eyes and the gang transports to Dewford in a split second. Lynn is stunned by how fast they made it back. "This is so cool!" she said in delight. Kurt walks to the gym with the rest of the gang behind him. Kurt walks in and notices the interior. The gym is nothing more than a large cave made of stalagmites with a battlefield in the center. A large man with spiky light blue hair is standing in the center and notices Kurt. He walks up to him and says, "Hey dude, you here for the gym battle?" Kurt nods and says, "Sure am, I'm Kurt from the Kanto region and this is my girlfriend Shane, my bud Avrial, and his girlfriend Lynn." "Nice to meet you all! Well, better prepare for a riptide, cause you're going down bro," Brawly taunts Kurt. Kurt smirks and says, "Bring it on surfer bob." Kurt and Brawly walk to their sides of the gym and the ref walks to the center. "The gym battle between Kurt and Brawly will begin. Trainers, send out your Pokémon!" She points 2 flags in the air and points them each to Kurt and Brawly. Avrial, Shane and Lynn watch from the sidelines and cheer Kurt on. "You can do this Kurt! I believe in you!" Shane said in excitement. Kurt winks at her and takes out his pokeball. "Growlithe, let's do this!" He throws his pokeball and Growlithe appears in front of Kurt and howls in excitement. Brawly smiles and takes out a pokeball. "Machop, let's pound him!" Brawly throws his pokeball and out comes a Machop. Machop flexes for a bit and prepares for battle. Kurt shouts, "All right Growlithe, use flame wheel!" Growlithe runs towards Machop and blazes into flames while tumbling towards him. "Machop! Dodge and use Karate chop on Growlithe!" Brawly commands. Machop swiftly dodges at the last second and chops Growlithe right on the back, landing a critical hit. Growlithe whines in pain and is knocked out right on the spot. The group gasps at Kurt's easy defeat and Shane starts to worry. Kurt frowns and says, "Growlithe! Return buddy." Growlithe is taken back to his pokeball and the ref says, "Growlithe is unable to battle. Machop wins!" Brawly smiles and says, "What's wrong? Poor puppy can't take it?" Machop shows off his muscles towards Kurt and Kurt scowls saying, "You'll pay. Marill let's go!" Kurt throws another pokeball out and a Marill appears and bounces up and down happily. "Marill! Water gun!" Marill blasts a tube of water against Machop, too distracted by his muscles and is washed away. Brawly jumps and says, "No fair! I was distracted!" "Always got to focus!" Kurt taunts him. Brawly focuses on the battle and says, "Machop! Use low kick!" Machop gets up and kicks towards Marill. "Marill! Use roll out to dodge!" Marill rolls forward and out of Machop's way. "Now use bubble beam!" Marill stops and shoots a flurry of bubbles against Machop. Pelted by the bubbles, Machop hits the floor and faints. The ref says, "Machop is unable to battle! Marill wins!" Kurt fist pumps and says, "Nice job girl! You did it!" Marill happily jumps up and down in victory. Brawly frowns and says, "Machop return." Machop is sent back to his pokeball and says, "Not bad dude, but it's not over yet. Meditite! Come on out!" Meditite appears out of his pokeball and levitates over the ground. "Meditite! Use bulk up!" Meditite focuses and raises his Attack stat, making him stronger. "Kurt better watch out, Meditite is stronger now, "Avrial says. Kurt smirks and says, "All right, Marill! Use Bubblebeam!" Marill blows bubbles from her mouth and shoots them towards Meditite. "Meditite! Dodge and use Focus punch!" Meditite is too slow and is pelted by bubblebeam. Meditite hits the ground, but gets back up. "Marill! Use rollout!" Marill rolls towards Meditite with great speed. "Meditite, use light screen!" Meditite sets a transparent screen in front of him and shatters on impact after Meditite hits it, leaving Meditite unaffected. "Crap, should have seen that coming. Marill! Use water gun!" Marill blasts Meditite away and sends him sky high, hitting the wall and falls down, knocked out. The ref says, "Meditite is unable to battle, Marill wins again!" Kurt and the gang cheer as Kurt is 1 step closer to victory. Brawly starts to worry and returns Meditite to his pokeball. "You won't win that easily! Makuhita, finish him off!" Makuhita jumps out and shakes the ground as he lands. The impact unfortunately knocks a rock down and lands on Marill's head, knocking her out on impact. Kurt gasps and says, "Marill! Are you okay?" Brawly laughs and says, "A small rock like that? How sad!" Kurt frowns and returns Marill to her pokeball. "You did great girl, you deserve to chill." Kurt says to his pokeball. Kurt takes out another pokeball and says, "Nuzleaf! Let's go!" Nuzleaf jumps out of his pokeball and prepares to fight. "This is a bad idea, Nuzleaf is a dark type, he'll get creamed by a fighting type," Lynn says in disagreement. "Don't doubt him Lynn, with courage any pokémon can beat another regardless of weakness or strength," Kirlia reassures her. Lynn nods and continues watching the battle. Brawly readies himself and says, "Makuhita! Use Bulk up!" Makuhita greatly raises his attack and smirks at Nuzleaf. Kurt points to Makuhita and says, "Nuzleaf! Use Razor Leaf!" Nuzleaf flicks his antennae back and forth sending blades of leaves towards Makuhita. "Makuhita use Arm Thrust!" Brawly orders him. Makuhita knocks each blade away with no sweat. Kurt cringes and says, "Run to him and use Pound!" Nuzleaf rushes toward Makuhita and prepares to smack him. Brawly shouts, "Vital throw!" Makuhita throws himself towards Nuzleaf. Nuzleaf prepares himself for impact. "Vital Throw never misses, it could be the end for Nuzleaf," Avrial says in despair. Kurt smiles and says, "NOW!" Nuzleaf pounds Makuhita's chest and blows him back straight towards the wall. Makuhita hits the wall headfirst and is knocked out on impact. Brawly stares in disbelief and stays speechless. Nuzleaf cheers and run towards Kurt arms open. Kurt picks him up and hugs him. "You did great buddy! I'm so proud of you!" Kurt says in glee. Shane runs to Kurt and kisses his cheek in excitement. "Babe you were awesome! Who knew a dark type could still beat a fighting type?" She says in joy. Lynn squealed in delight. "I'm sorry I doubted you Kurt. So glad you won!" Kurt says, "No problem, it's cool." Lynn hugs Kurt and Avrial joins. "Awesome job, Kurt! You really made it!" Avrial congratulates. Brawly returns Makuhita to his pokeball and walks to Kurt. "Well, I was wrong; you really have what it takes to take me down Kurt. " Brawly says to him. The gang breaks the hug and Kurt says, "Yeah, definitely defeated those odds you had against me." Brawly grins and scruffs Nuzleaf's head. "This little guy certainly has what it takes!" Brawly says to Nuzleaf. Nuzleaf giggles and Brawly reaches in his pocket, handing Kurt the Knuckle badge. Brawly says, "You earned it Kurt, good luck to you for the rest of the Journey and all your friends." Kurt takes the badge and places it in his pocket. Kurt says, "Thanks Brawly, glad I got to take you on." Brawly pats his back and says, "No problem, hope to take you on again someday!" "You can count on it!" Kurt says in agreement. The gang departs from the gym and Kirlia says, "Never doubt a trainer and his Pokémon's courage. They'll always make it through in the end." Kurt smiles and says, "You got that right Kirlia, I did great!" Shane cuddles him and says, "Cause you're my awesome sexy man!" Kurt and Shane give a small kiss on each other's lips with Lynn squealing in delight saying, "You 2 are soooooooooooooooo adorable! I can't ever get over that!" Avrial smiles and says, "We are 2 you know!" Lynn nods and kisses Avrial. The gang arrives at Mr. Briney's cabin and Avrial says, "Mr. Briney! We delievered the letter like you said!" Mr. Briney walks to them and says, "Ahoy there lads! Glad you could take care of my special task for me!" "It was no problem Captain!" Shane says to Mr. Briney. Mr. Briney laughs and says, "As a reward for being so kind, I will take you lads to Slateport City on my boat! Which is open to your liking anytime you want!" Lynn jumps up and down saying, "Yay! We're sailors now!" Avrial nods and says, "I heard about the Battle Tent there which sounds good, let's go!" Mr. Briney has the gang follow him to his boat and they set sail for Slateport. After a while, the gang arrived at the harbor and departs from the boat. "Give a shout when you need a ride!" Mr. Briney says as the gang walks away. By the time the crew gets to Slateport, it is already nightfall. Kurt checks the gang in at the Pokémon center and they head to their rooms. "Goodnight Kurt and Shane! See you guys tomorrow!" Avrial says to them with Lynn in his arms. "Goodnight Avrial and Lynn!" Shane says to them. They close their doors and Shane looks to Kurt with devious eyes and says, "Now it's my turn Kurty." Kurt removes his hat and takes off his shirt. "I'm all yours Shay-Shay." Shane removes her top and bra and drop them to the floor and pounces onto Kurt on the bed. Shane makes out with Kurt and rubs his chest, slowly reaching down to his crotch. Kurt quietly groans as he feels Shane's hand reach down to him. "What's happening down here, naughty boy?" Shane teases him as she pokes his erected member. Kurt says, "It's all yours Shane, play with me." Shane unzips his pants and out comes his large, elongated cock. Shane is stunned on how much bigger she thought Kurt was. "Holy crap, you're huge!" Shane said in disbelief. Kurt blushes and says, "Well no one's stopping you." Shane smiles and starts stroking his large cock. "It's so soft! I could play with this all day!" Shane said in amusement. Kurt grunts as Shane keeps playing with his cock. Shane licks the head of his cock and starts sucking, enjoying the taste of Kurt's cock, much to his pleasure. Shane brings her breasts up to Kurt and puts his cock in between her breasts. Shane moves her breasts up and down, squeezing Kurt's cock while she licks the head. Kurt gasps and says, "Oh Shane, yes! Babe, keep playing with me! I love it! LOVE IT!" Shane moans as she squeezes her breasts in the process and says, "Kurt, cum, cum for me now!" Before she knew it, Kurt let himself go and sprayed Shane's face and breasts with his warm discharge. Shane licks her face clean and moans upon the taste of Kurt's discharge. "You taste amazing, we need to do this all the time!" Shane says in euphoria. Kurt, feeling the pleasure from his orgasm, says, "Yes we should, this is so good!" Shane crawls up to Kurt and cuddles him. "Good night Kurt," Shane says to him as she kisses Kurt. "Good night, my lovely sex doll," Kurt says with a grin. Shane giggles and falls asleep on Kurt's chest, drifting away to their slumber. In the other room, Avrial was also having his cock played with, by his girl Lynn. As she blew him over and over, Avrial can't help but moan like crazy with Lynn's warm lips wrapped around his cock. "You taste soooooo good Avrial, I want you to let it all out for me, now!" "But I haven't reached my climax yet!" Lynn gives a devilish grin and says, "Then I'll make it happen!" Lynn strokes Avrial's cock with her breasts and does it as fast as she possibly can. Avrial moans loudly and soon reaches his climax, letting all out into Lynn's mouth. Lynn licks it all up and says, "You taste great! I love it soo much! Warm and tasty, mmmmm." Avrial blushes and grins, saying, "You certainly are a naughty girl, and that was one hell of a rush! It felt like I was in the clouds." Lynn giggles and cuddles him saying, "Nighty night Avry!" Avrial kisses her and says, "Night Lynny." The lovers fall asleep and prepare for another great day.

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