Chapter 3: A night at the Pokécenter.

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Pokémon Hoenn Adventures

Chapter 3: A night at the Pokécenter.

Avrial, Kurt and Shane had just step foot on Route 103. They decided to stop and train their Pokémon for a little while in the tall grass. Both Kurt and Shane only had 1 Pokémon each, Kurt had a Growlithe while Shane had an Umbreon. Kurt and Shane were surprised when Avrial sent out his shiny Ralts but after Avrial explain to him what happen with Professor Birch they congratulated him. 'It's still feels like I'm in a dream though'. Avrial said looking at both of his pokéballs. 'Dream or not Avrial you got guts.' Kurt said patting him on the head. 'Yeah If I was in your shoes then I would have gotten help or at least thrown something at it'. Shane said looking around. 'Thanks guys.' Avrial said as he activated Ralts Pokéball and returned her to it. 'By the way Avrial that girl you're looking for here.' 'What does she look like?' Kurt asked.' She's about as tall as I am, has short black hair, and is wearing a green bandanna.' Avrial said as he described Lynn as best he could. 'Is that her over there?' Kurt said pointing a girl sitting by a tree. 'Yep that's her.' 'Come on I'll introduce you to her.' Avrial said walking toward Lynn.

Lynn was taking a nap under a tree in the back of the path when she heard footsteps. 'Hmm? Who's that?' She said getting up on her feet and looking at a figure approaching her. 'Hey Lynn guess who?' Avrial said as came closer to her. The moment Lynn heard Avrial voice she ran to him and gave him a hug. 'Avrial! You came!' Lynn said 'Yep! And look at what I got'. Avrial said as he took out his two pokéballs. 'Ahh I see you got some Pokémon from my dad.' Lynn said smiling at Avrial. 'Yep and I made some friends too.' Avrial said pointing at Kurt and Shane. ' Ahh that's great Avrial!' 'By the way you remember our deal before right?' Lynn said as she took out a pokeball from her belt and activating it. 'Yeah!' Avrial said activating Treecko's Pokéball. 'Oh this ought to be interesting. Kurt said.'

'POKÉBALL GO!!' They both yelled as they threw their balls. Lynn had picked her Torchic while Avrial had picked his Treecko. "This is a bad match up for Avrial, Torchic is a fire type while Treecko is a grass type." Kurt explained. "Don't forget Kurt, Avrial had that Ralts as well." Shane reminded him. "Yes but don't forget Avrial's still a new trainer. I say we see how this play's out". Kurt said. "Torchic use Ember!" Lynn commanded. Torchic spat out a few small fire balls but Treecko quickly dodge them. "Treecko use Pound!" Avrial commanded. Treecko ran up to Torchic and pounded him causing it to lose half of its HP. "Torchic don't give up! Use Ember again now!" Lynn encouraged her Pokémon to do. Torchic spat out small fire balls again this time hitting Treecko causing him to almost all of his HP. "We're not done yet! Treecko, use Pound again but this time really focus it!" Avrial commanded. Treecko pounded Torchic again this time causing a critical hit, causing Torchic to faint.

"He did it." Kurt said in amazement. "He didn't even need his Ralts." Shane said. "Yeah we won!" Avrial said as him and Treecko high-fived each other. "Wow Avrial. I didn't expect you to beat me." Lynn said as she beamed Torchic back to her pokeball. "No I just got lucky." Treecko here did all the work Avrial said as he patted him on the head. "Well a deal's a deal. I'll go with you on your adventure. But you better make it interesting ok?" Lynn said as she hugged Avrial out of nowhere. "Umm ummmm ok I will." Avrial said hugging back sounding nervous and blushing.

"So who are your friends?" Lynn said. "I'm Kurt and this is my girlfriend Shane." Kurt introduces. "Were both from the Kanto region." Shane said. "Really you're both from Kanto?" Lynn asked. "Yep. We were planning on traveling around in a group so while we were looking for trainers in Oldale Town Avrial found us in the Pokémon center." Kurt explained. "So Avrial where are we heading now?" Shane asked. "Well since it's getting late I say we spend the night at the Pokémon center then head to Littleroot town in the morning." "We need to heal all of our Pokémon and I heard the Pokémon center always has room available to trainers." Avrial suggested as he looked up as the sky. "Dibs on a room with Lynn!" Shane Shouted. "What!?" Kurt and Avrial said together. "Sorry boys, looks like you'll be getting a room with each other." Lynn giggled as she and Shane started heading back for Oldale Town. "Avrial I think this is gonna be a very long adventure for all of us." Kurt said as he started to head back. "Yup....But I bet it's gonna be a good one!" Avrial said following him.

By the time they all made it to the Pokémon center the moon had just became visible coming up over the trees. Avrial and everyone had gotten their rooms which were right next to each other in the hallway. "So tomorrow after we leave Littleroot I'm guessing were heading to the gyms?" Kurt said as he sat on his bed. "That's the plan." Avrial said as he took off his cap and put it on a desk next to his bed. Avrial asked Kurt, "So how did you and Shane meet?" Kurt stretched his arms and said, "Pretty good story actually. We met when I was 10, I asked my mom if I could be a Pokémon trainer but she said no because of the dangerous Pokémon and all the crooks that are out stealing them from kids so my chances of being a trainer never happened till about a year ago. On my 17th birthday my mom finally allowed me to be a Pokémon trainer and so I ran outside to go ahead and start my adventure and I ran into Shane, she had already started her days as a trainer before me and so she taught me all the ways of a trainer. And all through that, we bonded, and we liked a lot of the same things and had similar backgrounds, one of our parents isn't around, we want to travel the world, and we love Pokémon. And not long after we met, I asked her to be my girlfriend and she was so touched and said yes. So we made it through the Kanto league and came here to Hoenn and we've been together since. I couldn't ask for anyone better." Kurt ended the story with a smile. "Well that's very sweet and cool, glad you two are together," Avrial said with a nod. Kurt chuckled and the guys heard Shane scream. Kurt got up and grabbed his pokeball. "Sounds like she's in trouble," Avrial said and followed Kurt to the girls' room. Kurt came barging in and said, "Shane what's the mat-", before he could finish he noticed she was only in a towel and was about to go in the shower. Kurt blushed and said, "Uhhhh, sorry!" Lynn jumped and said," You perv! Knock first!" She was in a tank top and shorts and Avrial said, "He was worried!" Shane was all red herself and said, "There's a Spinarak in the bathroom! I'm not going in there with that!" Kurt sent out Growlithe and had him use flamethrower. The Spinarak fainted and Avrial threw it out the window. Shane said, "Thanks Kurt, but please knock next time!" Kurt said, "I will, I was really worried." Shane kissed his cheek and Lynn said, "Now let us get ready for bed IN PEACE!" "We will! Good night," Avrial said as he followed Kurt back to their room. "Lynn can be a loudmouth can't she?" Kurt asked Avrial. "Yeah, but somewhat attractive," Avrial said with a chuckle. Kurt laughed and the guys went off to bed, to start their new adventure the next day.

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