Dumb Fanfictions

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So, I've been meaning to get this out for a while now. I've been reading a TON of fanfics and some things are really getting on my nerves. Thus I have come to complain.

So I present to you,

Dumb Fanfiction

/The Outsiders Fanfics/

So, why the hell is Ariana Grande always the sister/leading female character? In my opinion, she doesn't even look like she could be related in the slightest way to any of the main characters in The Outsiders. But that's just my opinion.

Like she's alright and all, but damn can we get some fresh faces in here?

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Like she's alright and all, but damn can we get some fresh faces in here?

Another thing is clothes. THE CLOTHES.

Like it's the 1960's, not a Katy Perry concert.

So the girl is always wearing leather jackets, DAMN CONVERSE, tank tops, leather mini skirts, pumps, sparkly shirts that say live love laugh on them. It's fricking 1964 and you're dressing like Ariana Grande NOW.

Never, do I ever, see any of the leading females wearing poodle skirts, sweaters, button up blouses, or any other popular outfit that teenage girls wore in that particular era.

They never wear something like this

I understand that the sixties was sort of the birth of psychedelia, but that was around 1967 that it all started to happen

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

I understand that the sixties was sort of the birth of psychedelia, but that was around 1967 that it all started to happen. In 1964 it was sort of still like the 1950s style wise.

Moving on to personalities. The leading female is ALWAYS just like the guy in the gang the author has chosen as a love interest.

Yeah, like I'm going to believe that Ponyboy's girl has ALSO read Gone With The Wind, ALSO loves chocolate, ALSO watches the sunset, and ALSO loves books and movies. It's good to have some things in common but when you're his damn clone it's different.

Well I'm done ranting for now.

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