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So um, hi

It's been a long time, hasn't it?

Well, I just wanted to get on here and say some things. So here it goes.

Basically, I left Wattpad. I was at a point where I just didn't want to be on here anymore. Lots of drama, lots of things I don't need. And definitely didn't at the time.

Over the course of the time I've been gone, I've changed. Things that used to matter, don't to me anymore.

There was just so much drama on here and so much insignificant shit and I really just couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to stay, for those few good people that I know on here, but I was in this state of mind where I had to let everything go. And to some people, I have to be brutally honest, had to just get out of my life. I had to cut the toxic out.

And then, I met him.

Yes, I met a guy. He picked me up and shook me around and turned me into someone new. And that was good.

His smile is like a breath of spring, his voice is soft like summer rain, and I just adore him. I think he's sensational.

We're not dating or anything like that, but it's really hard when you like someone a lot but you're not sure what they're waiting for.

So message me, tell me what's up. You may have to tell me who you are tho, bc a lot of people have changed their usernames. 😂😂😂

Love you guys, even when I'm not here.


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