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So I've got so much drama to vent to you guys oh my gosh.

So a while back my mom spotted my friends bf cheating on them. And let me tell you, my mom doesn't mistake a face. And I mean, you can't mistake cheating either when the person CLEARLY wasn't my friend and they were holding hands and kissing and shit.

So naturally I told my friend because I'd want to know if I were being cheated on. Right? So my friend went and asked their bf about it and he denied it OF COURSE.

But here's where I'm pissed at my friend; they told their bf who said that after I asked them not to. I mean, their bf lives right around the corner from me and I don't want any trouble with him because he's crazy. So they told him my name and now I've awoken a crazy bitch.

Like first of all, can you not? I asked them not to tell him my name. But they went ahead and told him anyway. And then my friend gets mad at me because 'I disturbed their relationship.' Like bitch you've only known him a couple days at this point.

So everything quieted down after that and we were all good. Then I was hanging out with my friend yesterday when this happens:

My friend looks through their texts then looks at me and tells me I've gotta leave. It's not so much that they told me to leave it was their tone that really concerned me.

And I was like 'why?' and they said 'because my bf wants to hang out and you're not supposed to be here."

Mind you, this whole time I'm thinking we were all good because after that whole thing I kept my mouth shut. So I find out that my friends bf thinks that I'm working with another one of my friends (who's on bad terms with him) to break them up.

First of all, what even. Can we just take a minuet? What drew him to that conclusion? He must have a lot of spare time on his hands to be thinking up that shit. So later on as we're walking back I see the texts. Their bf told them to make me leave or he'd end their relationship basically.

So my friend makes me take a whole different street to walk on just so their bf wouldn't see me. So I pulled my scarf over my head and put my sunglasses on and walked away.

I think he's going to convince my friend not to talk to me anymore because I'm working with people 😂 I got connections. He's treating it like I've got connections with the damn mafia and I've put a hit out on their relationship.

So yeah, that's the last time I tell anyone anything about cheating. I didn't see anything, I don't know anything, don't ask don't tell.

So do you guys think I did the right thing? Idk anymore. 😬

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