Chapter 15

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"Ocean separates lands, not souls."
~Munia Kahn

"You have your passport and driver's license?" I asked.

"Yes," Will replied, flashing them to me.

"You packed enough suits?"


"Underwear and socks?"

"I hope so."


"I sleep only in my underwear."

"Didn't need to know that. Laptop, phone, iPod, and all their chargers?"

"Check, check, check, and check."

"Then it looks like you're set," I said, straightening the lapels of his suit. "Call me when you get to Japan. I'll be up."

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Will queried one more time.

I smiled. "You know my answer. It's the same as the other fifty times you asked. I wish I could, but I need to stay here for Mia. Besides, you have James going with you. You'll be fine. I'll see you when you get back."

"But two weeks is so long," Will whined

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"But two weeks is so long," Will whined.

"This is what it means to be king. You need to practice some more." When the prince's face fell sorrowful, I added, "You're doing so well already. Verona will be lucky to have you as King."

"Will, get a move on!" James shouted.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," he grumbled. Hugging me goodbye, Will got on the plane. I left with Walt and Patty, who drove me back to Windsor Palace. I'd be sleeping there for the next two weeks while Will was in Japan. If he needed anything, I had to be ready to provide it. Since all important documents were in the palace, I needed to stay there.

"Are you going to see Mia today?" Patty inquired, turning around to look at me in the backseat.

"Yes, ma'am. I have more presents for her. We got a tree set up in her room. It's small, but it's a tree nonetheless. It's cheered her up. Mia says she has a huge present for me, but I don't know what could be so huge that she could buy in the hospital. We're still planning on coming to your Christmas dinner. Mia seems to be feeling a lot better these days. I don't know what her numbers are right now, though."

"I'm sure they're getting better," Patty assured. "When we get back to the palace, I'll show you to your room. Will ordered you have a room to stay in while you're here."

"He didn't have to do that! I'd be fine on a cot in the office!"

"We wouldn't let you do that. There are so many rooms in that place that go completely unoccupied."

"That's too kind of him and you. Thank you," I said sincerely. "What can I do to help today?"

"You really want to help?" Patty asked.

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