Chapter 33

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"I'm not crying because of you; I'm crying because my delusion of who you were was shattered by the truth of who you are."
~Steve Mariboli


"If he thinks publicly announcing that he believes I'm innocent will get me to pick up my phone to answer one of his bloody calls or texts, he's sorely mistaken," Annalise spat, standing up in a huff and stomping to the kitchen. James, Everly, Mia, and I shared a concerned look. In all the years I'd known Annalise, I'd never seen her fully lose her temper until yesterday when she went on a massive tangent after the paparazzi cornered Mia. Ever since then, she seemed to be particularly on edge, every little thing setting her off. It was like walking on eggshells around her. Thankfully, whenever something did set her off, none of her anger was directed towards us.

"I'm going to go get some food for us to eat. I think the police have gotten most of the people away from the building," James said. "Also, I think we all need something good to eat after the last twenty-four hours."

"I'd offer to help, but I need to take care of some family matters." Everly sank into the couch with a groan. "My parents are in a tizzy over this."

"James, I'll go with you," Mia offered.

"I don't want you getting cornered again," Annalise said sharply.

"I won't be. Besides, I'll have James, and we both know he'd protect us from anything crazy."

Annalise bit her lip. "Fine, but call me if anything happens."

"I will. Love you!" The younger Stark nearly dragged James out of the flat, and Everly was soon to follow. I stayed back, worried about my sister. I waited until the door was completely shut before asking, "How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine," Anna replied stoically.

"Tell me the truth. I've known you since literally before I can remember, and that means I know all your signs and quirks. I know that when you're upset, you get mad. Not at the situation, but at yourself because you hate letting yourself get like that. Especially when it's because of a person. I also know you developed feelings for Will, so what he's done to you makes this even worse." I walked up to her slowly, gauging the situation. Either Anna was going to tell me to shut up, or she was going to tell me everything going on inside her head. There was no middle ground. "You were there for me when I needed you after Everly, so let me be here for you now. Talk to me, vent to me, shout at me- do whatever you need to get it off your chest, Anna, because I know you need to."

For a few silent seconds, Annalise remained unmoving, the gears turning in her as she processed my words. She appeared unnervingly blank.

Then, in the blink of an eye, her tough and strong facade disappeared. I watched in horror as Annalise broke down into tears as all her resolve dissipated into nothingness. My sister crumpled into my arms, letting out everything she'd been holding in. She shook violently from the sobs wracking her body, and any words Annalise tried to speak came out incoherently, which only made her cry harder.

"I've got you, Anna," I whispered.

"What did I do to deserve this?" she managed to get out. "I'm- I'm only twenty-two! I've lost my-my parents, I n-nearly lost Mia, I finally got my life on track and... and then I l-lose my best friend to a red... a red-headed bitch! I loved him, and he turned his back on me! Why?!"

"Because he's a fucking idiot, that's why," I said. "You didn't do anything wrong."

"I could've told him how I felt, though! I could've told him I missed hanging out with him! I could've said I had feelings for him too! But no-" Annalise pulled away, angrily wiping the tears off her face- "I kept my mouth shut like I always do because I was scared of ruining what we had, but I ruined it anyway."

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