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Chapter 27
I walked through the castle, down one hallway then the next, thinking of how to go about this. I couldn't suddenly disappear: that would cause too much of a panic and I would lose the ability to be left alone. And when I traveled was also key. I couldn't be missing any events or meetings where my presence was needed; as a Princess, my absence would be extremely difficult to ignore. I ran the dates through my head, and two days from now was the first opportunity I had. We could leave that morning, after breakfast, but we would have to return by dinner. Those were the two meals I had with my father, and there was no logical way to avoid that.
Now that I had the date, I had to find an escort. I knew that I should choose someone in my personal guard- that would raise less suspicion.
Logan was the obvious choice, but he would never agree, and would ensure that I didn't go at all. Isaac wouldn't let me go, and would tell Logan. I didn't want to get Jake in trouble, as he had a family that he had to think of. Max was a possibility, but he was still on probation. If we got caught, he would be sent back to training. That left Philip. He had my best interests at heart, but as one of my tutors, he would see this as a learning opportunity for me. He would be able to use that as a cover story for our venture.
Now all that was left was asking him. I had to be as discreet as possible. I entered into the training area and walked to the house. After about a dozen bows, I came upon his room. I knocked softly on the door.
"Come in." His strong voice came through the door.
I cracked it open enough for him to see me. "Sorry to disturb you, Philip."
He rose from his desk, his eyes wide in shock. "MiLady." He bowed deeply. "You are welcome anytime. What can I do for you?"
I closed the door, and absorbed my surroundings: the room was spotless, with everything in its own place. Shoes were placed carefully in a line along the bottom of the wardrobe, his bed was crisply made, with not a wrinkle in sight, and his desk was, almost disturbingly, tidy.
Focusing my attention back to him, I cleared my throat. "I came to ask a favor." I began. I launched into my plan, trying to mention how reasonable it was a dozen times. Once I finished, he simply gazed at me.
"You do realize what you're asking of me, yes?" He inquired.
I nodded. "I do. But I wouldn't be asking if I didn't think it was something I had to do."
He took a deep breath, and studied my face. After a long period of pure hesitation, he nodded. "I will talk to Logan." He stated. "We will leave at dawn in two days time. I will tell your father we will be studying the plants, and that you are eager to see them awakening in the morning light."
That would give us more time to venture, and my father would laugh the reasoning off. I nodded. "Thank you." It was all I could say.
I rose, as did he. He gave me a slight bow as I left him. I attempted to contain my excitement as I walked back towards the castle; I was going back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2016 ⏰

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