Mom's Spirit

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Chapter 12

It was all to much- the story of the king, the theory that I possessed powers. I ventured out to the palace garden to get some peace and quiet, only to discover it bustling with people.

I let out a sigh. I had forgotten that father intended on having a ball tonight to celebrate my sixteenth birthday. I guess I hadn't put much thought into all the decorations and such, and that had put me in the dark once more on the planning. My father, surprisingly, made a good call on adorning the garden area with lights.

As I walked through the mass of people and avoided the objects they carried, I could already see the guests wandering out here to get a bit of fresh air, then staying here because of how welcoming it felt. This is what occurs whenever I journey out here. I would always go to my spot and stay there for hours. I would take a few books and sit under my tree and read them in peace. Although, I wasn't quite alone in my special place.

I took an unpaved path and left all the workers behind me. I walked the familiar route for around two minutes before taking another one that wove around to the back of the palace. I had to pause for a moment like I always do before I moved towards my goal.

I was standing in front of a gorgeous apple tree, with bright, green leaves and a full, round trunk. I advanced to the tree and placed my hand on the bark. I couldn't help but grin and look up through the branches. All the feeling rushing over me at once.

"Hi, mom." I whispered. "It's funny, isn't it; That this is still here?" I lifted my hand and leaned up against the tree for support. "I thought for sure someone would find it by now, but they haven't. It's still our secret, and I hope it will stay that way."

This tree was unique, though, in a way that confused me quite a bit when I was a small child. It grew out here, in the palaces' shadow, away from the other plant life. I found it one afternoon when I was upset with my father for not telling me why I couldn't go play with the other kids.

I had been running through the garden, looking for some place quiet, but there was always a grounds keeper or maid lurking where ever I went. Frustrated, I began to wonder if I could ever truly be myself. Then, out of the blue, a beautiful maroon colored butterfly landed on the ground before me. It waited, then flew a few inches further. The creature did this three times before I realized it was trying to get me to follow it. So, in order to please the butterfly and to ease my curious mind, I did.

The butterfly led me down that peculiar path and, when we reached the end, landed on the tree.

I was confused, at first, as any five year old would be, but as I neared the tree, I felt as though this was fate. Or something along those lines. The tree seemed to call out to me, urging me to come closer. My young, hopeful mind created the illusion that this was my mothers spirit. So, seeing it fit to do so, I began to call it 'Mom'. As I grew older, I realized that this was illogical. But the name stuck and I continued to come here and read out loud. This tree was a good listener, one that never criticized me when I misspoke, and somehow helped me feel better whenever I was having a rough day. Today, it would act through both roles.

I bent over and took off my shoes. "I must apologize, mother, but I don't want to read today. There are a few things I wanted to talk to you about."

I took a step away from the tree, then, climbed the all to familiar terrain to the middle branch. Climbing trees, of course, was not something a princess should do. But this tree didn't care that I was a princess. It saw me a normal girl, so it didn't care what I did. With it, I was free to behave however I liked.

"Father finally confessed everything to me." I began as I found a comfortable spot on the branches. "I must say, I never would have thought he'd say something like that. You know why?" I paused to let the tree think it over. "I'll tell you; he said that I could possesses some unique power and that a simple flower is the reason we don't get along with Philite. That seems a bit far fetched, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. I know that sounds strange, but just let me explain.

"My father told me that people think I have the power to heal things. While I have to admit that I never actively attempted this before, I have to consider the fact that I have never been sick. Also, remember that time when I was eleven and I fell off this very branch? I should have at least broken my leg, but walked away from it completely unscathed. Then, when I was sewing and I accidentally stabbed myself with the needle, I barely bled."

I leaned my head against against the tree and looked up into the branches. "I don't know what to do from here, mom. I feel like part of me wants to ignore it all, but the other part says that this is something I should look into." I closed my eyes, feeling the cool breeze on my cheeks. "I really do want to look into this a bit more. There is this boy in Philite that I met this morning... I'd really like to see him again, but when I do, I want to know if I'd be safe. I think that is also why I don't want to investigate this any further; I might discover something that prevents me from seeing him."

I felt myself begin to nod off as my speech became slurred. "What should... I do...?"

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