Dark Snakes?

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Dannie's Pov
"Who is your boss & what does he want with the lads?" I asked.
"You really think I'm gonna tell you that sunshine?" He said looking up at me making the anger rise within me.
"Enough with the games tell me what he wants & who he is or else," I said getting fed up with his little acts & calling me nicknames.
"Dannie calm down" I heard Jess say from beside me knowing that if he acts like this some more I'd probably choke him.
After what seemed like a lifetime of him not telling us who it was & what they want with the bands we decided to come back tomorrow when we wake up but not before making sure he couldn't get out then we got dressed in our pj's & went to bed.
"Do you think he'll tell us eventually?" Jess whispered to me since we share a room together.
"Honestly, I do or my names, not Dannie Marie Payne," I said before we fell into a peaceful slumber not knowing what the events of tomorrow would hold.

(Skip to waking up)
Once we woke up we got in the shower then put our clothes on & went to check on our captive to see if he would talk today or not. Hopefully, we can get him to crack before we have to leave for the hotel which is like in three hours since we had woken up before everyone. Last night Jess noticed he had a neck tattoo of a snake like the other guys we had fought when we captured him. So we did some research on it & the results said the tattoo resembles a gang named "dark snakes" & it also said they don't stop until they get what they want which we expected that cause why go this far for nothing? Exactly. I honestly hate when our job has us finding gangs but yet I love the thrill it comes with.
"Okay, are you ready to talk yet or do we have to do it the hard way?" I asked him.
"What's the hard way sunshine because let's face it none of you little girls scare me" he retorted back which made me punch him in the nose which he didn't expect so his head went back with force. After a while of silence, he finally spoke the words we were waiting for.
"Okay, you really wanna know why? I'll tell you" he said spitting out blood.
"Yes we would like to know why your gang "dark snakes" want two famous bands besides the money because that can't be it at all," I said.
He started laughing like a maniac until he couldn't breathe wiping away the tears that fell from his eyes he then looked right at me & said something so awful that made Jess run out the hall faster then you could say Michael wants another slice.
"That's not what we want you, little idiot, we want... 

Who/what do you think they want? Who do you think the boss is?
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