Dates & Snakes

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What she wears for the date^
Jessica's Pov
When I woke up I was in a hospital. I felt something on both of my hands. I looked to my left & saw my older brother holding my hand asleep, I turn my head to the right & seen Luke.  "They've been like that ever since we got here," Dannie said making me smile up at her. "What even happened?" I asked confused about why I was here. "Wake them up while I go get the doctor," Dannie said.  "Ashton wakeup," I said nudging him. "Mmm, yeah?" He mumbled. "Hey, bro" I smiled at him.  "Gosh, you scared me J I didn't know what was happening," he said crushing me in a hug. "I'm sorry," I said upset. "Just don't do it again okay I love you, sis," he said. "I love you too big bro" I replied.  "Hey Lukey wakeup," I said also nudging him. "I'm up," he said after a minute or two of me shaking him. "Hey, sleepyhead," I said smiling.  "You're awake" he yelled tackling me into a bear hug. Somebody coughed after awhile to get our attention. "I see you're awake Ms. Irwin," Dr. Vincent said.  "Yes I am, thank you," I said politely. "Well, yesterday when you fell you hit your head & got a concussion. It says that you have panic attacks at times, is that true?" He asked reading off the paper. "Yes sir, it's true" I replied tired of how many times I've heard this. "When you passed out was it because of a panic attack? " He asked about to write it down. "Yes," I said. "Okay, Thank you, Ms. Irwin, you can leave after you sign these papers & be careful," he said handing me the paperwork.  

Later on
I just got to the hotel we're supposed to leave tomorrow morning. I still need to talk to Luke about the date. Does he still want to go or not? I found him sitting on the couch in the living room. " Hey Lukey can I talk to you," I asked since the lads were there with him.  "Sure Jessaboo," he said getting up walking my way. We went into the kitchen. I'm just going to ask him & get this done with.  "Are we still having a date tonight?" I asked him confidently but inside I was shaking.  "I was wondering if you still wanted to I mean it's completely okay if you don't we can do this another time if you want" he kept rambling.  "Luke I want to," I said laughing going over to hug him. "Great," he said hugging me resting his head on mine. "I'd love to stay here & hug you but I'm going to make sure everything is set up right," Luke said after a few minutes making me blush. 

I'm getting ready for my date & the time is around 4:45 pm. I had a few minutes until he comes. I was fixing my makeup when there was a knock at my door. "Come in," I said to find all of the girls. "We wanted to see how it's going," Elizabeth said. I smiled at them, they really are my best friends. It's going great, I can't wait I'm so excited honestly" I said going back to my makeup. "Do you know where you're going? " Dannie asked. "No just to dress casually," I said repeating the words he had yesterday.  They nodded then left seeing what the time was. A few minutes later it was 5:45 I still had time til Luke picks me up so I went downstairs. I saw my brother watching TV with all the lads except Luke. "Hey, big bro what's up?" I asked once I got there. "Nothing really," he said. "So Jessica I hear you're going on a date with Luke," Harry said. "Yup," I said with a huge smile on my face. "Just don't hurt him he's really sensitive," Michael said seriously. "I honestly wouldn't dream of it I care too much about him to do that," I said truthfully. "Good," he said going back to watching the TV show.  A few minutes later Luke walked through the door in a button up & skinny jeans. "You look Beautiful Jess" Luke greeted. "Thank you & you look handsome" I greeted back. "Ready to go," he asked flashing that perfect smile of his. "I was born ready," I said making him laugh. We got into the car & left.

We stopped & got out at a beautiful field. It was a breathtaking view there was a clear blue lake down ahead. Luke came around with a blanket & a picnic basket. "The view is absolutely stunning, I really don't know what to say," I said. "Then don't say anything," he said cheekily. We sat down & ate having conversations here & there. "I'm glad you asked me out" I confessed. "I am too," he said happily.  We didn't say anything else for awhile but when you're with someone that you love that doesn't matter. He took out his phone & played a slow song. "May I take this dance?" He asked holding his hand out for mine. "You may" I replied taking his hand. We stood up  & twirled around in circles not missing a single beat. After dancing for a while we stopped &    looked up at the sky. The stars were on full display & were shining brightly. "The stars look beautiful tonight," I said. "Not as beautiful as you" he whispered in my ear, hugging me from behind. I smiled up at him.  We stayed there & got lost in each other's eyes. He started leaning in slowly & our lips met in sync. I smiled into the kiss loving the taste of his lips on mine.

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