Luke's Surprise?

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Luke's Pov 

How did this happen? Jessica better be okay I'll hurt them if they hurt her.  Why'd they have to take her she didn't do anything to them. If I get my hands on them I will kill them. You all are probably confused so I'll fill you in.  

Few Hours Earlier 

"Hey Jess I'm taking you out later," I said letting her know.  Okay, what should I wear? she asked walking over to me.  "Something casual, babe,"  I said her cheeks as red as a tomato.  Awe she's adorable it's been a few weeks since our first date. I'm planning on finally asking her to be mine. I hope she says yes, I'll be the happiest man alive. It's time today is the day, it's finally here.  Everything has to be perfect for her nothing less.  She came down the steps in a gray shirt, black skinny jeans with a red & black flannel tied around her waist with brown boots.  She looked stunning, her hair was in a cute braided headband the rest falling on her shoulder in a braid.  We went out to the car me opening the door for her like the gentleman I am. "Why thank you," she said winking at me. "You're welcome," I said shutting the door running to the driver's side. I started driving to our destination making small conversation with Jess. I hope this goes well. We got there after a few minutes, I got out & opened her door.  "My lady," I said holding it open. "Thank you, Sir,"  she said giggling.  I took her to a moonlight dinner & the bowling alley.  Bowling was over & the moon was out. Time for the dinner we got back in the car. I drove over to our spot & got the food. We ate  & it was finally time for the big moment "Jessica Ann Irwin, will you do the honor & be my girlfriend" "Yes, I will Lukey" she said leaning over to kiss me. We were walking to the car in silence then I decided to talk."Did you have fun? I asked hoping she did. "I had heaps of fun,"  she said kissing my cheek "Thank you so much" "No problem,  I'm glad you had fun," I said.  We got to the car about to leave when we saw a girl on the ground further up the road.  We ran over finding out it was Perrie, "Oh my gosh she's bleeding" Jess said. I picked up my phone to call 911 & Dannie but when I looked back they were gone. 

Current Time 

Jessica's Pov 

I woke up in a dark room tied up in a chair. How'd I get here & why am I even here? Whoever tied me up did a horrible job. I was about to untie myself when two dark figures walked into the room. I pretended I was asleep "Is she still asleep?" a deep familiar guy voice said.  Where do I know that voice from? "She's faking it, idiot," a high pitched girl voice said. Call me crazy but that sounds like Perrie. They turned the lights on & came over to me. The guy slapped me I opened my eyes & had to do a double take it can't be him. No, my eyes must be playing tricks on me. "Hello, pumpkin," my uncle said with a fake smile. It's him but why would he do this to his niece and nephew? I feel confused, betrayed & hurt.  "Uncle  Alan, why are you doing this?" I spoke. It all makes sense it was always him"Because your brother has money that I need & what better way then to capture his sister to get what I want" he said cockily "What made you like this?" I yelled right before he left. "You," he said yelling at me. He walked out the door but I could tell someone was in the room with me. "Who's there," I asked seeing a figure in a shaded spot"It's me," the girl said stepping into the light revealing herself. "Perrie, you too?" I asked in disbelief. "Yes," she said smirking. "Why?" I asked. This is unbelievable! "Because you took the only thing I loved away, you took my Zayn from me," she said crying. "How did I take him I didn't do anything!" I yelled at her getting mad. "You came back into his life & befriended him again, he never had time for me. He broke up with me because of you" she yelled at me leaving the room. I untied myself & looked around the room. It was pretty lonely. 

A Week Later

I've been here for about a week. I still haven't been found & I'm hungry. I just hope they find me soon. 

Dannie's Pov
It's been a week without Jess it's extremely chaotic & everyone is on edge. Ashton has been crying his eyes out nonstop, Luke won't eat & no one will talk. It's hard I miss my best friend. We will find her. When I went to go cook I heard Jessica's text tone. I read the message I was so happy.
Jess/ Dannie
I need your help asap I know who's doing this.
How do I know this is actually you?
You were a ballerina when you were little & hated it. Your middle name is Marie.
Okay, that's enough.  Anyway, who is it?
It's Perrie & my uncle, Alan
Perrie Edwards?
Yes Zayn's old fiancé

"Guys, come here" I yelled. Everyone sluggishly walked down here. "I have excellent news" "What is it?" Elizabeth asked. "I know who has Jess" "Well tell us & how do you know" they shouted. "Perrie & her uncle Alan & I know because she texted me," I said. "Show me & I can track it to see where they are," Elizabeth said. I showed her & a few minutes later she found the address.

What do you think will they find her? Who do you like?

Note~ I don't actually think of Perrie like this I love her.

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