Chapter 5 Adele!

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Evangeline's POV

The guy who crashed into me squirms. Axel being the big idiot he is asks "lubberly?" I raise a brow at him. "It means clumsy you doofus" Axel nods his head grinning.

"Clumsy? You guys both weren't watching where you guys were going" Nickolaus says scratching the back of his head.

"No. I wasn't but he was" Axel and Nickolaus turn to look at Mr. Lubberly.

"Whaaat?" He squeaks out. "I was occupied with my cellular device as well" I roll my eyes at him.

"I was occupied by my phone, you saw me coming your way, you tried to side step me but you stepped on your own shoelaces" the guy rubs his jaw wincing at the pain of his bruises.

"So this was your fault" Axel grills him. Nickolaus glares at the guy. "Clark is that true" Nickolaus knows him?

Clark nods his head wincing. "And I'm very very very sorry" he apologizes.

"It's fine" I grunt. Axel turns to me "how did you know he tripped if you weren't paying any attention"

I smirk "I didn't, his shoelaces aren't tied" I point to Clark's shoes. "And I remember when I looked at him the moment we crashed he was lurching forward, towards me so I assumed he tripped on something. When I saw his shoelaces dirty and stretched I put two and two together."

Axel purses his lips whilst Nickolaus eyes widened in surprise. "That's it, no more watching law and order s.v.u when I come over. Your too smart and I don't want your head getting anymore smarter because in the future you'll become a dictator and the world we know it will be over" Nickolaus rambles.

We laugh. "I did get accepted to Yale" they freeze. I haven't told anyone but the girls.

"WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME! THAT'S GREAT!!" Axel screams jumping up and down. "We have to go celebrate" Nickolaus claps.

"Wow. That's amazing" Clark's appraises me. I grin.

"Let's get out of here!" I yell


"Axel your an idiot!" I scream pounding his chest to let me down. "When I said 'let's get out of here' I meant asking the nurses for permission not busting me out of there!"

He crackles like a maniac "what's the fun in that, my baby sister got into Yale" I roll my eyes "I'm not a baby, and we're not that far apart"

He crackles yet again. "Casey were six years apart."

That's true. I'm 17 and axels 23. My mother had him when she was 15. She had me when she was 21. My father and mother are crazy in love and has been since the eighth grade.

"I'll drive the run away car" Clark yells running ahead. Yup he's with us now. I felt bad for him when Axel told me that both him and Nickolaus punched him in the face.

"Bring the patient back young boys! I haven't written a prescription yet! Don't make me call code blue!" Isn't code blue when the patients are dying? Either the nurse is crazy or I'm dying. I took the latter. Besides I was high on morphine. "IM DYING!" I frail my hands and legs giving Axel a hard time running with me in his arms. "Nickolaus she's going wild! Here catch" my eyes almost fall out of my eye sockets when Axel launches me in the air. "AHHHHHH" I land in Nickolaus arms. "ARE YOU CRAZY!!" I scream at the both of them.

"Your not dying Casey" Clark tells me when he pulls up in front of us with an Audi TT.

"I watch 'The doctor' i think I'd know what's code blue"

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