Chapter 7 Masterpiece!

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Casey's party outfit<<<<<<

I'm freaking out.

Earlier today Natalie sent me my "dress" for my party and when I unzipped the bag it wasn't a dress but dark ripped jeans and a cream off the shoulders blouse.

Maybe she made a mistake.

Yeah that's got to be it. I'm having a ball. A gala. You don't use jeans to a gala! Okay breath. Just call her and she'll say sorry and give you the right dress.

So I call her.

"Sup" she answers.

"Natalie, you gave me the wrong outfit."

"I did? Maybe Lexa switched it."

I blow out my breath I've been holding. "Good because for a second I thought I was going to a gala, my gala, with jeans.

"Oh you did get the right one."

"What!?" I sit on the edge of my bed fanning myself.

"Calm down Casey, it's the theme"

"What's the theme!"

"Take a deep breath"

"I can't breath! I forgot to breath!!"

"Trust me, put the outfit on and meet us in your green house at 4pm"

"Green house? Outfit? 4?!"

"Great, got to go, see ya." and she hangs up.

After twenty minutes of freaking out and pacing back and fourth I finally put on the outfit. I don't usually wear ripped jeans so this is new for me. I pair the outfit with black high heels.

I sit down and curl my hair letting it cascade down my shoulders. I add a touch of mascara and lipgloss and head out after grabbing my phone.

My heels stab the grass as I make my way towards the greenhouse. Natalie or a party planner must've hung lightbulbs around the greenhouse because all of a sudden it turns on. It startles me and I jump back.

Oh. It's beautiful. It reflects the pond we have besides the greenhouse making it glisten. By the time I get on the pathway that leads directly towards the greenhouse door, every tree I'm passing brightens. Someone strung tiny lightbulbs around the tree as well and each tree I pass it turns on.

I push open the door to the greenhouse and I gasp when I enter. Instead of classical music there's alternative rock. Instead of glasses of wine there's a medium size pool filled with ice and all kinds of beverages. The only thing that's missing is that no one's dancing to the music. Everyone's standing awkwardly around. No one knows what to do in these type of parties. Each and everyone of us are all used to galas where you have to be respectful and quiet. Admiring the beauty of the gala. So...what do we do now?

I thank my lucky stars when I see my trio walking towards me. Nickolaus reaches me first and gives me a hug.

"Happy birthday beautiful" he pulls away and smiles down at me.

"Thanks Nick" I grin. I turn to see Natalie just in time when she pulls me into a crushing hug squeezing the air out of my lungs.

"Natalie-" I wheeze. She lets go and checks me out.

"You look so freaking gorgeous!" She points at me.

"Doesn't she Axel! She looks so pretty" she squeals. Axel makes a face at me and I punch his arm.

"Shut up" I laugh. He grins and slings an arm around me.

"Happy birthday Casey, your one year closer to death" I pull away laughing. We all turn to look around at the guests and I frown.

"It doesn't look like anyones having fun. Oh and before I forget, who planned all this?"

Nickolaus points to Natalie as Natalie points at Nickolaus, meanwhile axel points at himself smirking.

I give them a questioning look.

Natalie sighs "we all planned it" she pointed at them three.

My face brightens up with a huge smile "I love it... except it doesn't look like anyone else does"

"Pssh all you need is someone to start dancing and everyone else will follow along and before you know it you got a party started"

I nod "okay, then go and get the party started" Axel shakes his head.

"No way, what if the plan fails and I end up looking like an idiot, you go"

"So I can look like an idiot?"

Axel nods grinning, like the big doofus he is.

"But you know how to dance, didn't your mom sent you to ballet class and gymnastics. Not to mention even dance class"

"Jesus! Your great at everything" Nickolaus gasp.

"Please, I can make a list of things I'm not good at" before Nickolaus can say anything else I say "but not right now" he frowns.

In the far corner of the room I hear laughter. I turn and my blood boils when I see Heather. She's talking to the girls. Like she can feel me staring she turns and smirks crossing her arms. She turns to Brooklyn and whispers something to her. Brooklyn throws her head back in laughter. Holly who have must've heard joins in and looks over at me. Soon the whole group caught on and begins laughing. Everyone except Zerena who looks ticked off. She meets my eyes and offers a sympathetic smile. I scowl and make my way over.

"What's so funny" I demand. Heather turns with a smug look covering her features. My fingers itch to wipe that look off her face.

"Nothing interesting...just like your lame party" she cocks her head and squints at me "did you get so discouraged by my gala and gave up, facing the fact that I'm better than you... because let's be frank you've turned weak. These past few weeks you been different. You let Holly off the hook after cheating with William and the only weak prank you've done on me was that lame "throw Heather with eggs" one. You should just step down and hang out with the losers."

My eyes twitch with anger. I clench my hands and take a step towards Heather. To my surprise instead of backing down like she always does she pulls herself to her full height and takes a step closer.

Jaime drops her jaw.

"You think this is all about playing pranks with you don't you? Do you think im going to waste my senior year pulling your pigtails. This isn't kindergarten. What you need to do is quit being jealous and face the fact that you'll never be better than me. And for your information I haven't gone weak, I've been busy actually impressing Yale rather than to be mothering Holly or anyone else for that matter and next time you talk to me that way I'd watch my back." I take a step closer and were nose to nose. "Oh and Heather?" I point to her forehead "all that foundation doesn't hide that zit" with that I walk away leaving Heather speechless.

Nickolaus raises his hand and we high five.

"That was amazing"

I shrug, pretending to dust off my shoulders.

Axel pokes me in the shoulder and points toward the DJ. I turn and to my amazement I see Clark. Hes speaking to the DJ and the DJ nods at something he says giving him thumbs up.

The DJ puts on his head phones and the song "uptown funk" by Bruno Mars blastes through the speakers.

Clark walks towards the middle of the dance floor. He catches my gaze and winks.

To be continued..

Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been updating every week but I've been super busy. I have tennis championships coming up and a lot of homework. So please forgive me :) hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

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