Chapter 2

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"Okay listen up darlings" , I clasp my hands to together as they all assemble on my bed. Katherine grinning  . . . 

Wow , she's bipolar she was crying her eyes out a second ago.

Ash rolls her eyes but sits down anyways although I can see she hates listening to my orders  , especially mine actually . . . 

But something about my crazed look stops her from doing so. I look around getting that feeling that I'm forgetting something or som . . . 

Oh right.

"Where's Mickey?" , I look at them suspiciously . . . actually I look at Ash suspiciously but meh same thing.

Ash looks towards the carpeted floor then quickly looks at me innocently. 

Innocent my ass. 

I walk over to where Ash looked , eyeing her skeptically , forgetting about Ash observing the floor.

I walk over only to . . . 


I fall over something immediately grabbing the nearest thing to me which happened to be the bed cover that Ash and Kat were sitting on. 

The next few things happen so fast I have no idea how they actually happened , so I'll just list them of for you . . .

1 . I land on something thing that feels exactly like a human body

2. Ash and Kat fall on top of me 

3. I realize the thing I landed on is Mickey

4. Mickey wakes up with a groan

5. Ash and Kat gets of me complaining and sitting back on the bed

6. Ash is fuming and Mickey looks about to die since I'm still sitting on her. . . 

"OMG , Mickey you idiot what are you doing sleeping on the floor!" , I exclaim whacking her on top of her head , while standing up. 

Mickey looks around confused , that is until she sees my "on crack" expression. She puts her hands in the air , looking confused and a bit scared , also getting up and backing away from me.

"All I remember is being knocked out . . ." , Mickey babbles on.

"You idiot , I dragged her here cause you were to busy laughing like a maniac to care or help!" , Ash cries out whacking me on the head. I rub my head , pouting  . . . 

"Wait , then who knocked me out?" , Mickey eyes me questionably. 

I look at her batting my eyes angelically and looking around at my other friends. After a few seconds I look back at her. 

"What me?" , I ask her incredulously .

"Yes , you" , Mickey replies rolling her eyes , while crossing her arms over her chest.

"Don't cross your arms over your chest , it's not going to make your non existent boobs look bigger" , I blurt out. Mickey gapes at me while the rest of her and my so called friends chuckle.

I sigh

So much for pretending to be innocent. Oh well I'll just tell her whose fault it was . . .

"Ash did it , it's all Ash's fault" , I shout pointing my finger at her , nearly poking Ashes eyes out in the process.

Wait , didn't I say I was going to .  . . ah well 

Ash glares at me , if I didn't know any better I would have pissed my pants but I knew her she loved me to much to  . . . 

"You little b  . . . " 

She's stopped by Kat , well she's stronger than Kat obviously but Kats having a emotional breakdown so . .  . 

"Back on task you idiots , remember why we are here , revenge , bitches that's why!" , she all but yells.

Oh yeah . . . revenge , hehe.

5 hours , heaps of chocolate and planning for revenge later . . . 

"Okay does everyone know their positions?" , I ask for the hundredth time as we stop close to Aces house.

Ash groans , "For the hundredth time Lexi . . . yes!".

I narrow my eyes at her , as we all get out the car , while Mickey slowly parks the car.

"How can I trust you?" , I ask fixing my cute short black dress shirt (pic above)  . Ash rolls her eyes once again.

"Why the heck are you wearing that?"  , Mickey asks joining us at Aces front porch.

I look at her as if she's grown two heads , "Because , if you want to commit a crime , might as well dress to impress" .

"To impress who there's no one but us around , it's fucking 3 in the morning!" , Ash yells shaking me by the shoulder. I push away from her.

God someone needs to visit therapy.

"You are just trying to avoid the question , what is our plan?" , I ask again.

"We spray paint his car pink , stick Taylor swift posters and other shit all over his car  . . . then leave a message on his car window" , Katherine says in all but one breathe.

"I see someone is actually paying attention" , I pointedly look at Ash.

"But . . " , Ash glares. 

"Hush child" , I whisper as we looking grab Aces garage remote which he had left with Kat since she had been his most trusted girlfriend . . . not that he ever had a girlfriend for more than a week . . . except Kat who had dated him for 2 months before . . . 

The garage opens halfway and we sneak in. Kat turns on a flashlight and we get to work.

1 hour of Taylor Swift and pink spray paint later

Finally we are done , I look at the our finished master piece like the others. His baby or in other words his black BMW is spray painted pink , with Taylor Swift one of the people he hates most taped onto every window except the front with super glue , and "I heart Taylor" on the back window of his car. I frown.

"What , not crazy enough for you?" , Ash asks.

I shake my head. Quickly taking out my one of a kind notebook  , no seriously no ones looks like mine , it was specially designed for me when I had won an art competition. It was a faded yellow with black lines across it and some cute designs across the border . . . 

Anyways taking out my marker I also hadn't surprisingly forgotten , since I usually forget things . . . 


"Mickey you still here?' , I ask. 

"Yes?" , she replies.


I write on my notebook a quick message to Ace , ripping out the piece of paper I leave it lying on his front window. They all take a peek at what's written.

As we head towards the car , Ash smirks fist bumping me , Kat smiles this time not for show and Mickey   . . .  complains about loosing her netflix time.

Typical Mickey.

Written on the paper to Ace by yours truly was not just a threat . . . Oh hell no it was a promise I was willing to keep. Written on the note  . . . 

I'm a bitch  , don't mess with me again.                                                                                                                      - your friend Karma

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