Chapter XV - Talking Treason

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I heard footsteps and then a quiet voice from the other side of the door. "What is it, little one?"

My voice cracked as I explained. "Could you come in here? My leg is seizing... I can't move. Close your eyes or I swear to the gods I will gouge them out."

The towel kept me decent. Well, mostly. But at some point before getting in the bath, I would have to remove it, and I didn't want him to see anything he shouldn't. With Fendur at the river, it had been about preserving some modesty for friendship. With Temris, it was ... different. It had been a long time since I had been shy around a man.

"Just a second." I heard a scuffling sound and Fendur's low voice. Then the door cracked open and Temris slipped inside, his eyes firmly shut. He took a few hesitant steps. "Where are you?"

"To the left. A bit further—" I caught his hand in mine and guided him to where I was sat. Strong arms wrapped around my body and scooped me up ever so carefully. With a bit of teamwork, I managed to direct him to the tub, and he lowered me into it. I removed the towel at the last possible second. The warm water stung my wound at first, but it eventually faded to a dull throb.

"I'm not sure I should leave you alone, Lyra. Passing out and drowning in the bath is a shit way to die."

I wasn't arguing. Still blinded, he tugged off his cloak and laid it across the sides of the tub, covering my body. Then the warlord retreated to sit on his haunches in the far corner, where he could safely open his eyes. Under the shelter of the dark fabric, I coated myself in soap.

"This is awkward," I complained. "I'm naked."

"I could get naked too, if that would make you feel more comfortable," he suggested. I hoped he was joking.

I threw the bar of soap at him. He ducked easily and I instantly regretted it, since I was still caked in dried blood and sweat. But Temris must have been in a forgiving mood, because he returned it with a slightly disgruntled expression.

"Is that a yes, or ... ?"

"No," I said firmly. A blush was starting to spread across my cheeks, despite my best efforts. "Definitely not."

I washed my hair and scrubbed every inch of my body. Temris never looked the slightest bit uncomfortable at our situation, damn him. He smiled and distracted me from the pain until the time came to get out. We managed it with closed eyes and a bare minimum of swearing at each other.

"My clothes are filthy," I pointed out as he returned me to the bed in just a towel.

Temris nodded. "I sent Fendur out to find some more."

I gasped in astonishment. "He left you alone willingly?"

"I'm not alone," he told me. "I'm with you. And it was hardly of his own free will. I had to lock him out of the room."

I had to laugh at that. Fendur was sat on the other side of the door, and he fell backwards when it opened. He ended up lying in the doorway, staring up at Temris with a wonky grin. A folded pile of clothes was beside him, so at least he had done something useful.

"The next time you try that, young man, I'll break down the damn door," Fendur scolded him.

"That's no way to talk to your Ragnyr," Temris drawled.

He scooped up the clothes and gave the Iyrak a kick for good measure. A heap of soft fabric landed next to me. Before I could even thank him, Temris had stepped over Fendur and closed the door behind him, giving me privacy to change. It was difficult, forcing my body to move enough to dress, but I managed to don a white shirt and loose trousers.

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