Moving out

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Ahhh! Well it's summer! And.....I am not happy with it, you see, my mom and stepdad abuse me but I have become strong by that even though it's still a living nightmare. They always take my phone when I talk to my dad and brother who are in S. Korea. They know the situation I am in right now so my dad went to the court to fight for my custody but guess what?! My mom won and showed she was a "perfect" mother. Awesome, right :( . Well if I haven't said, I am from S. Korea but when parents divorced my mom brought me to Texas were no one could find me. Cool, right?
Y/N pov ~

"Ahhhhhh!! Who turned the light on?!" I open my eyes and notice that it was the sun. It was summer and I remember sleeping late because I was watching Dream High again.
I got up and did my morning routine shower, did my business, brushed my hair and teeth etc. I change into black jeans with white shirt and white converse.

Y/N : "COMING!".

Damn, what did I do now... Good timing. I was making my way down stairs when *BUMM* I had bumped into someone. Ahhh what a wonderful morning to start ( sarcasm ) it was my stepdad .

Stepdad: "Yah! Watch were your going!"

Y/N: "Why don't you watch were your going?!" *PUNCH*
I felt to the ground.

Stepdad: "HAHAHAHA serves you right"

Mom: "Y/N! WHY ARE YOU SO SLOW! What's happening over here?!"

Stepdad: "Honey, she's trying to kiss me again!"


Mom: " How dare you accuse him! I am tired of you. You are nothing but a piece of s--- I want you out of my house today that's why I bought you a plane ticket. Your plane leaves at 3 pm so START PACKING!" . She throws the ticket to me and all my papers, my birth certificate, everything. I can't believe she just did that. As my tears started to fall my stepsdad kicks me to my stomach hard since he is buff and left.
I run back to my room and cry but still started packing. I finish at 12: 47 pm .

I decided to call one friend.

?: Hello?
Y/N: Hi there Giselle.
Giselle: Oh Y/N, hi! What's up? ...are you ok? You sound like your crying?
Y/N: Haha, no, no,I am just a little sick...but can you do me a favor?
Giselle: Yeah, sure, what is it?
Y/N: Can you pick me up and take me to the airport? I'll tell you why when you get here.
Giselle: OK I'm on my way be there. See you in 5 mins.
Y/N: Thank you, bye.
.end of call.

I wash my face and apply some mascara really fast since I only had to take my stuffs outside the house before she got here.

.5 min later.

I was out side waiting for Giselle when she arrived. Honestly I only had her because the rest of my friends had turned their backs against me when I needed them the most. At least I had Giselle, but she wasn't my best friend either.

Giselle: Hi there, your ready?
Y/N: Yeah, I am.
Giselle: Ok ,come on let me help you.
Y/N: Thank you.

. at the airport .

I had told Giselle everything what happend at home while she was driving me to the airport, and she got furious. She even was about to call the police but I stopped her before she even had chance to click the call button. Well, let's say that she was lecturing me for being too nice and not calling the police before.

Well when we got there, we went to eat because it was still early. It was 1:40 and I hadn't had eaten breakfast or lunch. So we bought some from Subway! Then it was the time to part our ways. We said our good byes and promised that we will call each other. We also cried a little.
( good thing my mascara is waterproof yayy!)
Well we went our ways and now I'm in the plane.

...At the plane...

Wow! It's so big! ( girls don't think wrong *smirk*)This was my first time being in a plane so I was nervous. I was searching for my seat when I found it and there was a handsome guy around my age sitting there.

Y/N: Uhm... excuse me, may you move your legs so I can sit in my seat?
Y/N: Uhm excuse me?
Aishh! Is this kid even listening to me?!
*tap tap*
Y/N: Hey can you please move your feet so I can have a seat?
?: b**** why don't you go and seat somewhere else. Obviously no one wants you be they're side if your asking me. *rolls eyes*
Wow, I shall call you as the rude dude.
Y/N: Well am sorry but this is my seat. I said trying not to sound hurt but I was shaking like hell

* Skipping to arriving to S. Korea*

OMG! I have arrived! So I have called to my dad, and now he should be on his way to pick me up with my brothers... Or then he should be here already.

Hmmmm...we're are they? *looking around*

*tap tap* Someone taps my shoulder...
And to my surprise it was the rude dude!!!!
I look at him with wide eyes.


Hey guys sorry for a lame chapter but I promise it will get better and..

Who was he? Stay to find out. XD

Also please bear with us. We know there are many grammar mistakes and don't hesitate to correct us. Tell us, if you are liking the story, please.

Please give my dear friend and I a,lot of support in this story and our future stories.

Plus, we'll be writing these chapters by turns. So in the end, if you see letter I or V, don't get misunderstood, those are just our names' first letters.


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