Whole truth

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*Jungkook's POV*

" okay now spit it out " I said sounding irritaded

"  (scoff)  you dont have to be so rude"

We'll I guess it work.  Am glad for my accomplishment,  she is just so easy for me and for my liking.

" I can be what ever I like and when ever I please"  I said

" we'll you can since you clearly don't have a brain and don't think at all of your actions"  She said bearly a whisper and turning around but I heard every single word. 

"WHAT DID YOU SAID?!" I was getting very irritated by her but I try to calm down because honestly, I want to hear what she has to ask.

"Well apparently you heard me so I won't repeat my words"  This girl has a nerve to be talking to me like that, doesn't she know who I am?!

"Just tell me what do you have to say?!"  I said

"Ask" she said looking elsewhere


"I want to ask you something not give you a speech" she finally look at me

"Well then ask and it better be important or else you will regret wasting my time"

"I want to ask you about the gangs in school, and you are the only one who can tell me more information" she said while rolling her eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me little girl, and why don't you just ask your little Yugyeom"  I said with something on my tone that I can't seem to decipher what.

"Just like you said I can do what I want and wherever I please, well because I know he won't say nothing" she said looking sternly at me

" What makes you think then that I will give you information.

"Ash, I knew it would be a waste of time" she whisper looking somewhere else before looking at me and saying "fine don't say nothing, I'm leaving" she was starting to walk but before she could give another step I grab her by the hand and pull her towards me but before I could speak I heard someone screaming

"Y/N !!!" we both turn around and guess who it was interrupting our lovely conversation.

"Shit" I heard her whisper and I look at her and pull her behind me.

By then dear ol' Yugyeom was right infront of us and let me say he looks very funny when hes angry.

"Let her leave Jungkook and don't think of using her like all your little toys because she will not be one of them over my dead body" Who does he think he is by telling me what to do.

But I still didn't let her go but she was trying to get out of my grip. "Jungkook please let go of my hand you are hurting me" she try to whisper, but even Yugyeom heard it and the next thing I know I was punch in the jaw. But turn quickly and let her go so I wouldn't fall on here and hurt her. Because no girls should be hit even if they are ugly like her.

But I got up quick and throw a puck on his nose when he was taking Y/N.
Y/N was already shaking when we started fighting and throwing punches left and right. She didn't got involve for she knew it was our fight and our fight only. All she did was plea for us to stop fighting.

Minutes later and we were being separated and to my surprise both my hyungs and that little rascal's hyungs were here. My only question was how did they know we were here?

They were all quiet and I wonder why until I saw our leader with Yugyeom's leader talking with Y/N and they look very angry but she was surprisingly compose. We couldn't hear what they were saying because they were far away from us but his hyungs and my hyungs were only glaring at each other but said nothing. Who I saw mostly mad were no other than Dan and David who look furious with Yugyeom and I, so we stay quiet for we didn't wanted any more fights today.


After 30 minutes our leaders came back quietly with Y/N who looks very upset.

When they were walking towards us we saw Y/N walking on another direction and I turn to see Dan and David look at each other and both took of running to her until they were out of our sight. When our leaders got to us they only said two words "let's go"  and we were all walking on different directions not before Yugyeom and I glare at each other one more time.



I am soo mad i can't even look at anyone right now without punching someone all I can think of is running and that's what I did. I run and run until I was home, and lock myself in the room. After putting music on blast I took a long shower and then I just lay in bed thinking.

Know I know everything now I know that Yugyeom is part of the GOT7 gang and apparently they are the nice, caring, loving, and protective. Jungkook is part of the BTS gang and they are the rude, arrogant, big ego, and selfish people.

But guess what guess what, Dan is part of the GOT7 gang and David is part of the BTS gang and now since I now know apparently the "leaders" want me to choose a side since I will be in danger and more vulnerable since I'm not on a side and the rumers of me hanging out with the guys spread to the girl gangs and they guys want ME to pick a side now

Most of all I am slightly disappointed on my brothers. They didn't want to tell me nothing in order to "protect" me but what hurts me the most is when you hear something important from the mouth of someone else instead of who it needed to come from. Call me dramatic or that I'm overreacting but that's how I feel, I feel hurt.


Hey, so I am sooooo sorry I haven't been able to publish anything in a while please forgive me I will try just please remind me. So I hope all of y'all have had a great time , if not everything will get better even if it isn't alright right now.

Sorry for any errors or misspell words and sorry this is a short chapter 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2017 ⏰

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