Played by LiveLaughLoveLuna
Name: Skylas Morrphin
Age: 15
Race: Kilaenaian (Lessaenite)
Background: Skylas lives on Kilaenas, but looks exceedingly like a Lessaenite. She had been adopted when she was young, and has no clue who her parents truly are. She'd like to win the challenge to go and build a better life for herself, maybe finding her parents in the process.
Note to Contestant: The mystery surrounding your origins is intriguing indeed. I can't wait to see how you do in my challenge.
-Queen Sara
The Million Duvat Endeavor *OPEN*
DiversosThe Icehearts are hosting an all new contest, the winner of which will receive a grand prize of one million duvats! Do you have what it takes to win?