Chapter 12

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"Ryder, what the hell?!"

"Emma, come on," Ryder breathed.

"No!" I yelled pushing him off me.

"Why! Emma my wolfe is going crazy, you are driving me crazy! People need to know your mine!" he said.

"I'm not property, plus you just come out of no where saying; Emna, let me mark you!" I mimick.

"I'm sorry, my wolf is just so anxious with James running around. Me not at the very least marking you means you are fair game to any jackass!" Ryder said, sitting against my bed.

I sighed, Ryder was right. I'm putting myself in danger. My wolfe was pratically howling at being even more connected to Ryder and his wolf.

"I know, I'm sorry. Even if I hate to be wrong, I know I could be in danger," I said softly.

Rydery eyes softened. I didn't want to fight him every step of our relationship. He held out his arms.

"C'mere," Ryder said.

He enveloped me in a warm hug. I sighed, content in his warmth. We fit so perfectly, it was unreal. Ryder just held me for a while. Then, he moved my hair to the side of my neck. I let him, knowing he was going to mark me.

I blushed a little. Ryder and I would be even more close, the bond between is stronger. His lips lead a trail softly to where my neck and shoulder met. He kissed there. I shivered, Ryder's touch sending shock waves throughout my body. I felt his teeth graze my neck as if asking permission.

I tugged on his hair, earning a growl from him as he sank his teeth in my neck. I hissed in pain, as his teeth broke the skin. The pain stopped after a couple seconds. Suddenly it felt like I was breathing clear air after breathing in pollution. Drinking ice cold water on a hot day. I felt beautifully clear.I felt complete.

Ryder drew back, smiling.

"Emma, I love you so much," Ryder said.

I was shocked. I felt what he was feeling. It was nothing but pure love. Warmth spread through my body.

"I love you to Ryder," I said.

He kissed me, but suddenly the door burst open. A guy about a couple years older was standing at the door, looking disheveled.

"Ryder, your brother is here!" the guy said.

"What?!" me and Ryder both said.

I looked at him, I didn't know he had a brother.

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