Chapter 13

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    Ryder stood up, taking me with him.

"Braxton can't be, he's in Spain," Ryder said.

"Well, he is here," the man said.

"Okay, you can go," Ryder dismissed.

   I turned to Ryder as the door shut.

"You didn't tell me about a brother," I said, eyebrows raised.

    Ryder turned to me, obviously annoyed with the situation.

"Braxton is my older brother. He didn't want to be Alpha, so he did everything he could to be banished from the pack. He's always been an ass, but I don't know why he's back."

"Well maybe he missed you."

Ryder snorted, " Yeah right, Braxton and I have always had a deep hatred of each other."


"Like I said, he's an ass," he said.

"Well don't you think we should go out there?" I asked, resting a hand on Ryders back.

   Ryder instantly relaxed at my touch. After a moment, he nodded his head.

"Okay, but after you meet him you should go because I don't want to hurt you," Ryder said smirking at me.

    He chuckled as I blushed and averted my gaze. Ryder opened the door, and soon we found ourselves in the living room. A tall, man with white hair and grey eyes stood before us, wearing white pants and a red shirt.

    Next to Ryder, the two brothers were like yin and yang. I almost laughed at the thought. Braxton turned around, looking at his brother. His eyes seemed to appear cold.

   Braxton turned his eyes to me. The look he gave me scared me, it was pure hunger. I looked away, shifting closer to Ryder but the action didn't go unoticed by Braxton.

"B, what are you doing here, what about Spain?" Ryder asked.

"Well, I heard my little bro found his mate, so of course I had to come congradulate you in person," he said.

"Skype will do," Ryder said.

   I looked at Ryder,  shocked. Well that was rude.

"Ryder, your brother came a long way, be nice," I scolded.

     Ryder looked at me. We had a silent show down, but I knew I won by his long sigh.

"Fine. Thank you for coming."

"Your welcome, and who may you be?" Braxton asked me.

"Emma," I said holding out my hand.

     Braxton took my hand, but instead of shaking it he kissed it.I blushed, pulling my hand away.

"Well I should go," I said.

"Okay, I'll see you later," Ryder said, tenderly kissing me cheek.

   I said by goodbye to Braxton before leaving.


    After arriving home, I found my parents cooking dinner while singing along to the radio. I gushed on the inside, I hope Ryder and I can be like this after all the years.

"Hey, honey! How does home made pizza sound?" my mom asked.

"Good!" I called out, heading to my room.Once I went in my room, I texted Amy telling her to come over.Before I knew it, she was knocking on my bedroom door, chocolate in hand.


"Hey, Emma bout time for a girls day!" Amy said striding in.

"I know, I just have a lot of stuff," I said.

"I know, with that yummy mate of yours, how are you guys?"

"Good. With James, Ryder has been so demanding in marking me, but we won't be able to meet each other for like a week."

"Has he marked you? People at school are dying to know!"

"Um... "
   I couldn't help it. A light flush spread through me

"Holy cat cakes, he did!" Amy squealed.

   She stood up, doing a little dance. I laughed as she flailed her arms and kicked her legs.

"Show me, show me, show me!"

"Okay, down tiger," I said.

     Any sat down givinh me a look of anticipation. I moved my hair. It had turned into a golden cresent by now.The mark slightly glowed in the light.

"Holy fuge nuggets, its beautiful! A mark truly from an Alphas," Amy said as she gawked at it.

    Pride flushed through me, that Ryder had given me such a beautiful mark.

"Well, I met Ryders older brother," I said.

"He has a older brother, who isn't the next Alpha?!"

"Well, his name is Braxton. He didn't want to become Alpha, so he basically did a bunch of things to get himself banished from the pack.  He lives is Spain, but came here to congradulate Ryder," I explained.

"That's nice of him," Amy said, eating a piece of candy.

"Well that's the thing, Ryder said they hate each other, so why come here?"

"The million dollar question."

"One I'm curious of the answer."

    One week later

    This past week has been hard for me. I can't help but feel like something is missing, and that's Ryder. This week has been semi-normal. I have been to school, hung out with friends, but Ryder wasn't there.

    At first, it was easy. Just be normal. Then it felt cruddy. Like I am missing a part of me. I swear, I hear Ryder say my name in the wind. Feel him touch me, but its all in my head. A week feels like a lifetime without your soulmate.

   The only  contact we have is text, so we agreed to meet tomorrow night. We couldn't meet sooner because he was very busy being the pre-Alpha.

    After watching some tv, I decided to get some coffee. The only coffe shop was a place called Pour Me Some. It was a couple blocks from my house. I guess I could use a break from hetic life, sit in a coffee shop and be normal.

   I grabbed my laptop, storing it in my book bag. After grabbing some money, I started the journey to my destination. The air outside was cool, which made my walk bearable.

    When I went into the coffee shop, I payed for my usual. A caramel cappacino, then sat down in a booth by a window. I was a little annoyed that I had to write an essay for school, but whatever.

   I was so into typing, I didn't notice someone sit down across from me.

"School work?"

    I jumped, almost spilling my coffee.I looked up to see Braxtons smiling face.

"Someone's a little jumpy,"he said.

I glared at him, "I didn't hear you."

"Well it looks like your quite the book worm."

"Why are you here?" I asked.

    I didn't like how I asked that, but Ryder didn't trust him so there's a good reason no to also.

"Just to check up on a future family member. Ryders been so annoying without you."


"He's so grumpy, the littlest things set him off and he barely sleeps."

   My heart went out to him. I wondered about how he felt. He never told me, but I faintly felt it through our bond. I looked at Baxton again, noticing how he was looking at me. I shivered, I've seen that look before, like how James looked at me.

AN, why am I imagining Braxton with a brittish accent? Its so weird

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