Chapter 18

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"NOOO!!!" I screamed.


"Ryder..RYDER PLEASE!"I screamed.

Ryder just layed there. Still, and cold like stone. The color was still in his face, but his warmth was leaving  him. I couldn't control my breaths, my emotions. Anger, sadness, these emotions were going through me like a tornado.

My tears fell upon Ryder's cheek. I softly kissed his lips, it would be the last time.

"Ya know, you should forget about him.You have me now Emma," James called out.

My eyes snapped to his. I forgot he was even here. All I knew was that my heart, no my soul, had been broken. Shattered. Even my silent screams could be heard.

James was looking at Ryder's body, a bored expression on his face. How dare he have that look on his face. How dare he be passive about what he had just done.

"How dare you. How dare you act like you have the right to even be ALIVE!"I screamed.

James flinched a little. He took a step back, I took one foreward.

"Look, don't worry, Ryder's old news."

Old news?! That did it, that really did it. James is insabe if he thinks I will let this slide. Something broke in me. I think it was my sanity. I have no idea, but I was too broken to care. It felt like my wolf was coming out but I wasn't turning.

James POV

After that last comment, I knew I crossed a line. All I wanted was Emma, but all she wanted was Ryder. I removed the middle man, did us a favor.

"Can't you see! I did this for us! So we could be together!"

"I never wanted you. I never will! You will pay for killing the only thing I ever needed. The only thing a mate has to live for is their mate, and you took that!"

"Are you gonna kill me?" I asked.

I highly doubt she could even try. Her wolf is small, I'm stronger.

"No, that's too easy. Instead, I will make sure your life is hell. You deserve worse than death," she said.

I looked at Emma closely. Something was wrong. Something was happening, inside her. Something big was about to happen.Her head was down, and she was really quiet.

"Emma,"I called out.

As soon as I said her name, her head snapped up.I jumped back, her eyes. Her eyes were a bright purple, almost lavander.


"You killed our mate, I cannot let you continue to do this," she said.

The weird thing was, it wasn't her voice. It sounded lighter, like a echoed whisper.Her ominous eyes stayed on mine.

"What have you done with her!"

"Emma is still in control. She's just tapping into our power," the thing answered.

I quickly realized it was her wolf that was talking. Damn, I have never seen this before. How the hell did this happen? Emma raised her arm out. She flicked her fingers, and suddenly I was sent flying to the stairs.

Pain flared up my left side. It was hard to breathe. How on earth did she do that? No wolf has that kind of power.Before I knew it, my body was being picked up. I couldn't move.I looked down at Emma, her long hair floating around her.

Her feet lifted off the ground. Amazed, I watched as she floated up towards me.Her delicate hand grabbed my chin roughly.

"Do you not regret anything?" Her and her wolf asked.

I laughed, why the hell would I? That idiot took my love from me.

"You already know I don't."

Emma looked in my eyes. She was so calm.

"You'll learn," she simply said as if she was bored.

Emma grabbed me by the neck, and slammed me to the ground. This would kill a human, but not me. I felt the bones in my body rattle. An instant headache blooming in my skull. Emma just looked so calm. Her expression never changing. Her hair kept floating around her, like some invisible wind was around her

I groaned in pain. I was starting to regret this. She grabbed my shirt, forcing me into a half sitting position.

"It's alright, if I can't take your life, I'll take something else "Emma whispered.

Her lips parted, and she started breathing in. I didn't know what was happening. Suddenly, I felt a pulling sensation. It felt like she was trying to suck out my life force. I stared at her as a blue smoke started to go into her mouth.

Then, I realized that my mouth was open. I couldn't close it. I struggled and struggled, but she kept me still. After another minute, Emma pulled away from me.I scrambled back, wanting to get away.

"What the hell did you do to me?!"

"I took your power,"Emma said.


"I will not!" Emma said.

"Why you little!"

I jumped to my feet, racing to her. I was about to grab her, when she said one thing.

"Sleep,"Emma mummered.

Everything stopped, the only thing I knew was black.

Emma's POV

"Sleep," I mummered.

James immediately fell to the ground. I dragged his limp body over to a chai I had spotted in the corner. I looked around a little, under a pile, I found two curtains.I used them to tie his hands and feet behind the chair.

After that was done, I turned my attention to my mate. He was cold, like ice. I propped Ryder up, so that he was lying in my lap.

I closed my eyes. I knew what I have to do, let my wolf take over fully. As I let her take over my mind, and body, my mind sliped deeper and deeper into unconciousness. Before I knew it, I was in a deep sleep.One think I knew, was that before I became unconcious, I heard somethin.Almost like a heartbeat.


I opened my eyes, only to be blinded by a harsh white light. I squinted my eyes, finally getting used to the light.I looked around, noticing I was in a hospital like room.

"Oh, your awake," a voice said.

I looked over to see one of the pack's doctors Laurie.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You passed out, physically exhausted yourself," Laurie said.

"Where's Ryder?!" I asked, suddenly anxious.

Laurie sat on the bed, sighing. I didn't like the look in her eyes.

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