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To all who have been reading and enjoy this book, thank you. I have gone back to the previous chapter, and have seen some spelling mistakes that I have fixed.From now on, starting from Chapt. 1 I will try to fix them.

   Its honestly emberrasing, I assure you I can spell. Also, I am working on a new story called Caged.Ive written about it in the previous AN. I just wanted to say, before I get the first couple chapters published, I do go back and review them for mistakes, so there shouldnt be spelling issues.

    Also, Caged is going to be WAY better.Its also a werewolf story, I am definitely adding more detail, plot, chemistry all of that.Why I havent published it yet is because I want to make 6 chapters then publish it, plus the pics for it.

   So, if you guys are interested, by next week Ill have the first 6 chapters up, if you want to read it, just go on my profile. 😄😄

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