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Welp, since this story has the most views, I want to go ahead and promote other stories I know you readers will like.

So the first story of mine im relling you about is called The Huntress. Its about a girl named Lucy, she is a vampire hunter. All her life, she's been taught to hate vanpires. She finds out something about her that is so special, that her life is in danger. This quality is so special, that she has to live with the Vampire King. But, her staying with him comes with a cost. One Lucy has no choice in. You will find this in Vampire books. Please read it, Im working hard on this book. Im trying to give this book details, romance, suspense, drama, everything. I really want it to be good so please read it and tell me what you think.

Book two is called This Twisted Love. Its about a girl named Jess who now lives in a world with Vampires. In this new world, you never know who is a vampire. A new boy moves to town, and he takes an interest in Jess. Jess doesn't want to be with this boy because he might change things. Things she doesnt want to change. This boy won't give up though, everyone has their secrets.

Well thats all. This next chapter I have big plans for. Don't get mad at them, you'll just have to wait and see..Also, I've figured out how to read comments, idk why I was being so dumb before but ive seen the comments. They make me very happy, so thank you for the nice comments!

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