Chapter 24

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  Ya know when you just wanted to bang your head against a wall? Yeah, that was me right now. Why the hell were we talking about James? How the hell did he still find ways to interrupt my life.

   The last I heard he was in some isolated place, unable to escape. I thought I had killed him, but I guess not. It was a good thing, I didn't want blood on my hands. If James was dead, he wouldn't have to live with what he sid. Now he gets to rot away, all by himself.

   I also felt sorry for him. James would never get to meet his mate, and it was his fault. He'll never get to experience true love. It didn't matter if I felt sorry for him, James got what he deserved.

"I can't believe that rat is still somehow in our lifes. He's lower than dirt,"Ryder said.

  I glanced at Ryder, he looked and he looked kind of mad.

"Laurie, how do I fix this?" I asked.

"Well, right now you are just not in control of your powers..Its simple to fix it, just imagine whoever you turn into transforming back into yourself."

"That's it?" I asked.

"Yes, you will find that your new power is easy to control," Laurie explained.

"Alright, sounds easy enough," I said, taking a deep breath.

  Closing my eyes, I imagined my friend. I imagined her hair turning into mine. Slowly, in my mind, I became myself once again. I opened my eyes and looked down.

"Oh moon goddess it worked!" I said.

"I knew you could do it," Ryder said, kissing my cheek.

"Thank you so much Laurie. I don't know where I'd be without you,"I said.

"I'm always here for you," she said, smiling.


   It was Saturday, I was supposed to meet Ryder, Amy, and Braxton at a coffe shop. I had just gotten out of my car. Today I was in a happy mood. The four of us were going to hang out and have fun.

  I was happy for Amy. I was so glad she had found her mate. By the way Braxton looked at her, it was easy to tell he loved her already. Ryder has also been a little secretive. I wanted to think that he was slipping back into his old ways.

  Yet, that wouldn't be right to say. Ryder has changed so much. He doesn't get in trouble, or have fights anymore. I was also glad that we had become an even stronger couple. Ryder has changed so much for me, and I have changed because if him.

  I'm no longer that shy girl afraid of love. I'm no longer that girl who didn't want to leave my comfort zone. Ryder had made me step out of that the moment I layed eyes on him.

  Inside, the coffe shop smelled if coffee and pastries. I saw Amy, Ryder, and Braxton sitting in a booth in the back. I made my way over quickly.

"Hi," I said.

"Hey angel, you look beautiful," Ryder said getting up to kiss me.

  Ryder let me sit on the inside, holding my purse as I sat down. I looked up at the right moment, seeing Braxton do a "whipping" motio.

  Amy and I laughed, while Ryder just growled at Braxton. Ryder pulled me closer. I was almost on top of him.

"Ryder, air please," I said, scooting away.

"No, I want you right here," Ryder said.

"I'm literally am right next to you," I said.

"Would you like to sit on my lap, missy?"

  I rolled my eyes, Ryder could be so childsh sometimes. Ryder let it go, grumbling under his breath. I laughed as he pulled me closer again.I gave up.

"So, how is it with you guys?" I asked Amy and Braxton.

"Good, Braxton wants to take me to Spain in the spring," Amy said.

"WHAT? OMG how lucky! Ryder why don't you wanna take me places?" I asked, turning to him.

"I'll  take you anywhere you wanna go. Fun town, funky town, pleas-"

"If you finish that I'll chop your tounge off," I said darkly.

"Ooh, sassy, I like it," Ryder said.

  This time, both Amy and Braxton did the little whipping motions.I laughed, while Ryder scowled.

  The rest of the hour consisted if the new couple pointing out how whipped Ryder was.

   After Amy and Braxtin parted ways, Ryder and I went to take a walk.

"I'm lucky to have you Emma," Ryder said.

"No, I'm lucky," I said.

"No, if you hadn't come into my life, I don't know where I would be. I probably would never become Alpha, I would be a loser.You made me want to change to be better for you."

"Awww, that means so much to me. Without you, I would never have stepped out of my shell. I would have still been scared of change. To not have you in my life, it scared me."

"I would have hate to have been James when you thought I was dead," Ryder joked.

"That was not a good moment. I just let my wolf take over. I gues she knew what do do," I said.

  Ryder stopped walking. He pulled me to his chest, holding me tightly.

"Promise me you'll always be with me," Ryder mummered against my hair.

"I promise."

   Well, the story of Ryder and Emma are over. I will post chapters of what the characters look like.Also, I can do a ending to show what happens later to the characters if anyone wants that. Did you enjoy the book? Vote, comment or follow please! :D


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