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Cara's POV:

It's been a few months since Niall and I's fight over what to name our baby, and now it looks almost like I swallowed a watermelon whole. No joking.

Today was the day Niall and I had made the appointment for the ultrasound, and after an hour or so of debate he'd given in and said yes to discovering the gender.

"Cara baby?" he called from the car as I rushed out to meet him.

"Right here," I murmured. His affectionate term for me sent butterflies to my stomach, which I was sure our special treasure could feel, but also made a twinge of guilt surface. I really hadn't meant to kiss Chris that time, honestly.

"Mmm," I hummed when he brought me into his chest for a hug and a passionate kiss.

"Nervous now, babe?" I shook my head, flushing red.

It was true, earlier today I'd been nervous, and even a few minutes before Niall left to retrieve the car I'd been jittery. Since then, I'd talked reason into myself and calmed myself down quite a bit, so I wasn't skiddish anymore.

Niall drove as quickly as he could to the doctor's, without driving too fast or carelessly. I don't even remember the doctor's name anymore, although I'll probably hear it sometime today again.

"Cara Ribeiro," I told the receptionist at the hospital once we'd walked through the doors hand in hand. The greying woman in a yellow duck scrub nodded before tapping at the large computer submerged in a sea of cords.

"Dr. Eli will be right with you, dear," she said, not unkindly.

Niall nodded, turning to pull me towards one of the hard plaid fabric-sheathed chairs dispersed in back-to-back rows and against the wall of the bland waiting room. Pulling my hand onto his lap, he rested his arm around my shoulder and drew me closer to his broad, muscular form.

We sat there for a few minutes, which felt like hours, until finally the woman at the desk called us, leading us through a maze-work of hallways and doors, nooks, gurneys, IV poles, and other various medical equipment. Eventually she brought us to a room, with which we entered to reveal a smiling Dr. Eli.

"There you go, have a good day," the nurse belted quickly, taking off to resume her one position of many at the desk.

"Mr. and Mrs. Horan, it's great to see you again today."

"You too, Doctor, but Cara and I, we aren't married," Niall replied with a tinge of confusion in his voice. I'm sure my face held the same expression; Wouldn't a doctor know if we're married or not?

"Of course. When is the wedding?"

More confusion entered my mind. "We aren't even engaged?"

It came out more as a question than a statement, but I couldn't halt the note of the last word, turned up as if to query.

Maybe Niall told him something about getting married, but hasn't actually asked me yet? Or possibly, Niall was planning to propose before the issue of the drunken kiss with Chris came up? I couldn't help but hope he was unaware of other things that had been going on....

"My mistake. I just assumed you had wed, eloped maybe, and just didn't change your records," he shrugged. As he executed the slightly embarrassed movement, I couldn't help but agree with Jess, he did look quite a bit like Mario.

I giggled to myself, causing both Niall and Dr. Eli to look at me strangely.

"Uh.... My stomach rolled," I lied smoothly, not necessarily wanting to admit aloud the uncanny resemblance between a long-time famous video game character and my maternity doctor.

Mario nodded knowingly, as if he knew the amusing and overly distracting thoughts invading my mind.

"Let's get you ready."


I laid with my shirt pulled up, transparent cream smeared across my swollen stomach. Some device, which was wired to the colossal ultrasound, was held firmly and confidently over the area the cream was spread.

My eyes glanced up at Dr. Eli, looking to him for assurance. He winked like a weirdo and I held back a laugh.

I hadn't realized I had begun to grip Niall's hand tighter until he removed it from my grasp and stroked up and down my arm.

Goosebumps rose when the machine made a few beeping noises.

The doctor stared at the screen for a moments before smiling to himself, "I'm going to get this printed and processed before I'll show it to you, you need to know how to be patient if you want to be parents."

We nodded, irrational worry seeding through my thoughts.


We sat in the examination room for a considerable amount of time, and the entire time I was preventing myself from nibbling my fingernails, a nervous habit I had abandoned a few years back, but the urge was beginning to resurface as I made my way further into parenthood.

"What if something's wrong with her?" I stared into Niall's big blue eyes, wondering what my daughter - or son, I suppose, although I always imagined Niall and I raising a girl - would look like.

Would she have round eyes, like me, or pointed like a cute, fat almond like Niall's? Long or short nose, freckles or no? Any beauty marks?

Curly, puffed hair or straight? What if it's really frizzy? I felt pity for my imaginary daughter and having to straighten her hair every morning before feigning to make an appearance at school.

So many questions clouded my mind that I didn't notice when Niall answered.



"I said, 'her?"

"Oh, yeah, well I, um, don't want to call the baby an it."

"Oh," he chuckled adorably.

Jumping, I steadied myself on Niall's arm when the door popped open.

"You won't have to call the child an it anymore, dear."

A smile spread itself wide across my face as the ultrasound was latched onto the light-screen on the wall.

"Is 'e healthy, nothing's wrong with 'im is there?"

Niall's worried voice reverberated across the white room, and I felt before thought about my other hand darting to assist the first in holding one of his, comforting him greatly; I saw the muscles in his neck and back loosen and felt the tension in his hands release.

"Yes, your baby is healthy, developing well, and the best part is, we know the gender."

"Really, you saw!?" I heard myself saying excitedly.

"Yes, we did," Dr. Eli chuckled.

"What sex is it?" Niall rumbled.

"The gender of the child is a...."

A/N: hahahaah you'll find out soon ;) when this chapter gets 2k votes, we'll update :-)
Check out my new Harry fanfic 'Recovery'

Do you think it's a girl or a boy?

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