Girls and Furniture

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I was making my way up the stairs to get to my room. I walked into my dorm room and saw Blake unchanging.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Going asleep?" He blinked.

"No you're not, we need to do something epic tonight! Or else i'm gonna look like a douche in front of the entire school."

"A prank? C'mon Niall, I'm tired." He says patting his pillow.

"Get dressed!" I commanded, throwing another pillow at his head.

"Alright," he sighs getting up from the bed. "What are we gonna do tonight?" Blake asked intrigued.

"I dont know I'm thinking about it."

"Spray paint around the school?"

"Nah." I said.

"Poppers in the toilets!" Blake suggested.

"It's too destructive, it's gotta be cooler than that, something elegant." I say the last word softly emphasizing my intention.

"Why don't you think about it while I take a nap." He says lazily turning back to his bed.

"I got it! c'mon!" I said and pulled him outside our dorm.


I saw a gorgeous girl standing by her locker, holding Math books. I walked over and introduced myself.

"Hello." I smiled. "I'm Niall Horan."

"Hey, my name's Stacey. I love your accent. Where are you from?" She asked.

"Mullingar, Ireland, where are you from?" I asked.

"London," she smiled.

"Ah London, where all the sexy women are from." I said and she blushed. "You new here?"

"Yeah, just got here a few days ago."

"It's a good college, I can show you around later if you want?"

"That'd be nice of you" she smiled.

"Have you seen the pool and jacuzzi?"

"No, I haven't."

"Well later, bing bang bloozy you and me in the jacuzzi." I said and she laughed.

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