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*-: Cara :-*

I was broken from one of my sadness-induced stares at nothing by the ringtone I had set for a call from Niall months ago, some sappy love song I didn't particularly want to hear at the moment.

Snapped out of my tired daze, my fingers grasped my white iPhone 4S out from my white jeans' back pocket, turning it over until I was looking at the screen instead of the hard plastic black case with a circular kaleidoscope pattern.

"Accept, dammit," I fumbled with the screen until I finally answered his call, keeping my voice down. Some other people situated on the transit vehicle shot me looks but continued on their day.

"Finally," I heard him grumble from the other end.

"Hi," I greeted, putting on a strong façade for over the phone. That's what you're supposed to do when you talk to your ex, right?

Ex. Fuck, fuck, fuck, don't think about that right now.

"What was so important?" It was a simple question, but he said it as if almost chewing on a fermented lemon. Sour and rotting; foul.

"I..." Centring myself, I continued with less of a tremble, "I wanted to see Noah. I m-miss him." My voice still shook, nervous tremors wracking me as he was silent for a few seconds, except for some of his deep breaths, contemplating a reasonable answer. His wavering intake of air told me something; that he was trying not to explode.

I was shocked when he calmly and orderly stated, "I'm in Ireland. With Mum."

"What? Y-you leave without telling me?" I knew I shouldn't have said that as I settled in the bus seat, crossing and uncrossing my legs.

"Seriously? As if you even would've cared! You didn't even check up on him to see if he was okay! Do you expect me to still call you when what you did was unforgivable? You /fucked/ Chris, /fucked/ him. You shouldn't even be allowed to ever see him again but there I was, hoping beyond hope that you would call to check on him!"

"Can we not do this here?" I whispered anxiously, the glares a group of old women and a young couple with three kids below the age of ten putting me on edge.

"Why fucking not?" Niall spat, although he did lower his voice.

"I'm on a bus."

"Going where, exactly?"

"None of your business," I shot, but then sighed. Even if he would probably never stop, I knew that my being harsh towards him would never get me anywhere. "I'm going back to Jess's to pack my stuff, and then I'm coming to Mullingar."

"What?" He sounded astonished.

"I don't care if you want me there or not but I'll bet Noah does so I'll go for him."

"No, not just that, but... You're still staying with Jess?"

"Yes?" I said it as more of a question. What does Jess have to do with anything. "Is there any reason I shouldn't be?"

"No," he answered, almost too quickly. His lightning-fast response had me suspicious, but now was not the time to give him the third degree.

"Alright, well, I'll see you in Mullingar. As long as that's okay," I added hastily, mentally face-palming directly afterwards. I should not be asking his permission, ever. But it was too late; his response had already fell from his soft lips and had been caught by his phone.

"Fine, I suppose. He does miss you." He then sighed, a low voice in the background heard. "Hey, I uh, have to go."

"Um, alright. Bye."

And so I began to plan my absence from England.


I returned to my former living arrangements to finish loading the last armful of boxes of mine into a taxi I'd called to take me to the airport, surprised to see Jess sitting there on the couch. The many other times I had entered the den to retrieve my belongings Jess had been nowhere in sight and, by my own inference, out.

"Are you leaving?"

"Yeah," I replied, hefting the last box into my grip.

"Where to?" she asked casually.

"Mullingar," I told her awkwardly. Yes, I would miss her, but I had had almost too much of her. Specifically, feeling like she was rubbing her relationship with Blake in my face.

"Why!?" Jess stood, staring at me with wide eyes and resting her fingertips on her thighs.

"Because; that's where Niall is. And more specifically, Noah."

"He took him!? That's kidnapping! You have to get him arrested!" I laughed at her words until I realized she was serious.

"God, no. Noah's his kid too."

"Don't leave," she pled, stretching out the "ea". I almost caved to her request, for I myself was nervous about flying. Although I had flown many times before, this time was different.

This time I was going to (hopefully) move back in with my adorable child and easily be rejected by my ex.

What if it crashes and I never see my baby again? What if I get stranded on an island somewhere and Niall moves on with another girl and Noah forgets me like in Cast Away? I knew these thoughts were stupid, Niall will almost definitely find another girl.

And by "most definitely," I was just leaving room for my tiny sliver of hope.

So I decided to keep my mind off the growing pit in my stomach, taking quiet steps towards the open door, no longer looking at Jess.

"You're my best friend, Cara. Please stay."

"I'm going and that's that. I will never leave my son motherless, not again. He needs me." I turned to face her once more, dramatically almost, and stated bluntly, "And I need him too. I need him far more than I will ever need you. I'm sorry Jess but it's the truth. I love them."

Sucking in a breath, I added, "Both of them."

And I then left Jess standing there in the open doorway, a few metres back, gaping at my bold statement.

A/N: Sorry if this is a shit ending.

I'm sorry to announce I will not be continuing.

The sequel will be on my co-writers page @playful_soul ! It's a continuation.

I will have nothing to do with the sequel. I won't be writing anything.

I know the ending isn't good but the continuation is on @playful_soul. I decided to end this book because I just lost faith in it, didn't think it was original and was just kinda boring.

But thank you so much for 8 MILLION READS!

Follow my Twitter @kisswhoIG

Instagram @lauriefx

FINALLY: Check out my Harry fanfic 'Recovery' it's on my page and that story is one I'm really proud of and hope you read it :)

I have more stories coming out soon so please follow :)

Was not expecting all the attention this got so I just really want to thank you all for your support :) x

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