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Cara's POV:

It'd been... nine months. It could be any day now, and everybody knew that. Jess has been calling every day, and Niall had been bringing me to work with him; he knew I could go into labour any second, and I wouldn't have been able to drive.

"Niall," I breathed.

"Yeah, sweetie?" He turned in his desk chair to glance at me. He saw the expression on my face and belted out, "Is he coming?"

"No, no, not yet. But come here..." I said elatedly, a smile working its way to my lips.

He advanced cautiously, curious as to what I wanted, until he was sitting in the second chair on the other side of the desk.

I took his hand in mine and led it to the spot on my stomach where the vibrations were strongest, and held it there for a few seconds.

At first, he merely gave me a look that questioned my sanity; possibly it was pregnancy brain, or lack of sleep.

But then, it moved. The small creature of Niall and I's creation, kicked at the walls that enclosed it.

"Oh, my god. Cara, he's kicking." He looked up at me and smiled, truly smiled, like work and my pregnancy wasn't stressing him, and he was once again the happy-go-lucky Irishman I first fell in love with, many months ago. Over a year....

"Yeah, he's kicking." I grinned straight back, glad this enlightened version of Niall was again resurfacing after these few later months of Noah's development.

The best part, every time Niall's voice reverberated against the yellow-beige walls, our little angel would squirm happily.

"Diana, lemme be the one to, light a fire inside those eyes...." he sang quietly with his face pressed against my stomach.

"Where is that song from?" I asked softly.

"What? Oh, nowhere," he evaded cutely, tugging my shirt up to kiss the bare skin concealing Noah.

I giggled quietly, quite enjoying this beautiful moment between the three of us.

In that instant, I realized: it would always be the three of us now. Four, if Niall and I decided to... you know.

What if he were to propose, to seal the deal?

No, I won't think about that now, I told myself.

"Mm, Niall," I winced, my eyes tightening with the movement and a low groan escaped my lips.

"Cara?" A light drip came from my core, increasing every moment.

"Niall, its-" I broke off when I felt the contractions begin.

He just nodded, scooping me up and rushing out. His boss went past and spotted us, not even needing to ask. It was probably obvious, I was having the baby. Noah was coming.

"WE'RE HAVING A BABY!" Niall kept shouting as we hopped into a taxi to get to the nearest hospital.

Luckily it was only two blocks.

Niall paid the taxi man then lifted me out. He ran into the hospital and asked for a wheelchair. A nurse with fair hair gave me one and helped me to sit in it. "Ah!" I said, feeling another contraption.

"I have to sign these papers, i'll be up to you in a minute, alright?" He pecked my lips and began writing on sheets of paper that the woman at the front desk gave to him.

The nurse wheeled me to a room and closed the curtain. I put on the hospital gown and laid down.

"I'm here, i'm here!" I heard Niall say. I heard the noise of a curtain opening. "Oh shit, sorry," I he said. He must've opened the wrong curtain. He finally entered mine. "There you are," he sounded relieved. "You doing ok?" He asked, sitting by my side, squeezing my hand.

"Yeah-" I was cut off by a contraction. "That one hurt," I breathed.

"This is actually happening," he said. "We're actually having a baby," he smiled to himself. His phone vibrated in his pocket and he answered, releasing our hands. "Jess," he said. "We're in room 108 on the third floor... Yeah, alright. See you soon," he hung up and shoved the phone back in his pocket. "Jess and Blake are on their way over,"

"Niall," I said.


"He's coming."


Niall's POV:

After hours in the hospital, deafening screams from Cara, her nearly breaking my hand from squeezing it so hard, Noah Jacon Horan was born. My son.

"Oh my God," I said in disbelief as the nurse wrapped him in a blue blanket and handed him to Cara. She looked at him in amazement. He was screaming crying but she managed to calm him.

"He's gorgeous," she said.

"Just like his daddy," I joked.

"Congratulations," the nurse smiled. "I'll give you two a minute,"

"Let me hold him," I said and she handed him to me ever so gently. "He's as light as a feather," I said, smiling at my new born son.

Soon enough Jess and Blake came in. I knew because I could hear them bickering down the corridor. "We're in here," I said, opening the curtain then closing it when they came in.

"Congratulations, man," Blake put his arm around my shoulder and admired Noah. Jess kept saying "i'm an aunt," and I let her hold the baby, when she finished hugging Cara.

"Can I hold him?" Blake asked.

"Knowing you, you'd probably drop him." Jess joked and gave Blake a hold of him.

"He's so tiny," Blake laughed and the nurse soon came in and asked us to leave because Cara needed rest and she was gonna take the baby to be weighed and rested.

"Let's get something to eat," Blake said but I disagreed because I wanted to be with Cara.

"Go ahead, i'm going to sleep for a while because i'm so tired,"

"Alright," I said, giving her a kiss and heading down to the hospital cafe with Blake and Jess.

"How do you feel?" Blake asked. "About being a dad and all,"

"It's weird like. It's a good weird. I feel... different and it's great. It's the happiest day of my life." I smiled, sipping my coffee. "I'm planning on proposing to her, Christmas day,"

"Oh my God," they said simultaneously and gave me a hug.

"Two weeks?! Do you have the ring yet?" Blake asked.

"No, I want you Jess to come with me to pick it out tomorrow, will you?"

"Yes! Definitely!" She said excitedly, giving me another hug.

"And you hang out with Cara tomorrow, while we're out?" I looked at Blake and he nodded.

"This is great," I said, leaning back in my chair. I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket and I answered the blocked caller. "Hello?" I said.

"Niall, my friend. How's the baby?" My face dropped at the voice. Chris.

(read my new Harry story 'Recovery' it's on my profile)

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