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Niall's POV:

My mum, Cara and I were all talking in the sitting room, mum and Cara are getting along great.

"Do you want to see baby pictures of him?" my mum asked Cara.

"Ma, no." I said.

"Yes i'd love to," Cara said, giggling.

My mum grabbed a photo album from a drawer beside the t.v and flicked through it, showing Cara all the photos.

"This was when he was born... this was when he went to his first rugby match with his dad... this was his first day of school," she said, pointing to all the pictures.

Cara smiled and admired all the pictures.


After showing her all of the pictures of me as a baby, mum decided to go for some shopping.

"I'm off to the shop, don't take your eyes off the baby," she put her coat on and walked out the sitting room door.

"Ma, will ya get me a few cans?" I shouted after her and she said "yeah."

"You're gonna wake the baby," Cara slapped my arm.

"He'll be alright" I pulled his carrier near me and bent down to fix his blanket. "Me ribs are better, no pain anymore! It's been what?" I thought to myself. "A week and a half?"

"Lets see," she said and I pulled my t-shirt up a little and the bruises were gone. "No bruises," she smiled. "It's good they went in time for your birthday, which is tomorrow."

I planted a few kisses on Cara's lips and switched on the t.v. A loud noise on the t.v woke the baby, he start crying.

"Shit" I lifted him up and gently patted his back. "Shh it's alright, little man." I whispered and he continued crying.

"What do I do?" I panicked.

"It's alright, give him to me," she said and she gently took him in her arms. He immediately stopped crying.

"How did you do that?" I asked, sitting back down on the couch.

She sat beside me, cradling the baby in her arms.

"Let me get a picture of ya" I whipped my iPhone out and snapped a picture of her and the baby. "My new wallpaper," I said, putting the phone back in my pocket.

"What time is it?" she asked.

"I'll check my snazzy Rolex." I joked, looking at the time. "Almost one pm, already?" I asked, surprised.

"The days are flying in" replied Cara, putting the baby carefully back into his carrier.

"D'ya wanna have a barbecue? I'm starving," I patted my stomach.

"Call your mum and ask her first." Cara said.

I dialled my mums number and she answered.

"Ma, can I put on a barbecue? Ya have sausages and meat and stuff in the freezer, yeah?" I said.

"She said yeah no problem and she's bringing back some drinks,"
I stood up and grabbed the carrier.

"It's a nice day today," I looked out the window and walked out to the back garden. I put on the barbecue and start cooking. Cara sat down on the bench, with the baby's carrier on the table.

"Put on some tunes," I said to Cara as I flipped the burgers. She turned on the radio.

"Last chance to win tickets to see Bon Jovi live in Croke Park. The show is tomorrow night, for a chance to win text this number." I heard the man say on the radio.

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