Devil (By revolutionary1) (Devotional Alley 2)

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Jesus vs Devil : I think that everyone should know the power that is in Jesus's name. I don't think we realise what we can have and what there is for us by just using Jesus's name and having access to him, his love and amazing power. Obviously everyday the devil is a problem. Always there, nagging you or bagging you? I don't know how he affects you, it's different for everyone. The devil lies so close to the truth that sometimes it's easy enough to believe him, but the devil is never truthful. And he only brings trouble. You know how in movies/stories they have the little devil on one shoulder and the little angel on the other. Our minds are actually basically like that. The devil sits there all day trying to get us to do bad. Whilst Jesus/God/Holy Spirit is there to help us through the day doing good. The voices in our head, the things we think are them. Somebody recently told me that God speaking to us will simply sound like our thoughts. We just need to be able to depict the difference between our thoughts and a God thought. We also have have, HAVE TO be able to tell when the Devils talking. When you think something that you know is wrong, in Jesus's name, be gone. We have the authority to do that. When ideas come into your head, that aren't right, shut them out, shut them down. The devil has no right to be in our lives, our minds and bodies. There is no place for anything bad in our lives, no place for a small cold and no place for him to have access to our minds. I found some verses that tell us how much power there is in Jesus's name. Matthew 10:1 | Jesus summoned His twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every kind of disease and every kind. In Jesus's name they cast out unclean spirits. We have the authority to cast out Satan, the devil. In Matthew 10 Jesus gives the disciples authority to cast out unclean spirits and to heal every kind of disease. We have that authority too! When something in our head doesn't seem right, in Jesus's name be gone! Have confidence in that, and believe it. Without believing that it will not work. And by the way, his name isn't something to be messed around with. It's serious stuff. Luke 10:17 | The seventy returned with joy, saying, "Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name." The devil flees when Jesus comes along. He's already won. Jesus (you know the King of the world) came to earth (the worst place ever) and died for us, taking on all the sin there had ever been and was to be and when he rose from the grave he was thinking of you. You. The devil is nothing good and only comes at you with bad intentions. Never give in to the devil, his little sly lies. Do you really think that God could us you? Seriously, you could never make it that far in life! You think your beautiful, take a look in the mirror and see for yourself the truth! John 10:10 | The thief enters only to steal, kill, and destroy. I came so that they could have life—indeed, so that they could. Do not give into the devil. He lies, lies and lies even more. There is actually NO truth in him. Sometimes we do feel like we aren't worth anything but the truth is that you are worth so much more than you think. You are a daughter o God, a princess of the King. You are beautifully and wonderfully made. You were thought of and planned out long before you were born. You are amazing. Sorry....very of subject but I had to add it. Jeremiah 10:12 | It is he who made the earth by his power, who established the world by his wisdom, and by his understanding stretched out the heavens. John 14:13 | And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. John 14:14 | If you ask anything in My name, I will do it. So in conclusion, the devil has no place in our lives. So don't let Him. By: revolutionary1.

A/N (By: Sunshine Magazine)

Hey guys! As mentioned in our update book, my schedule has been WAY out of wack, so if I feel the need to update, I will. If I say I'm going to update on a Tuesday and choose a absolutely RANDOM other day to update, I apologize. I've been having a hard time coming up with ideas for Devotional Alley and it's been a bit of a hassle. I'm dealing with what seems,"more than what I can handle" but God will never give me that. I am trying to trust Him through everything. If you could say a quick prayer for me (even in your head) I would be so pleased. I love you all and will try to update more. Pssst.) One more Devotional Alley to go!

PLUS: ISN'T THAT DEVOTIONAL SO TOUCHING, BONE CHILLING, AND AMAZING? I was having a hard time coming up with a devotional alley idea, and revolutionary1 decided to be AMAZING and help me out by writing a devotional for me! So THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! I love it! PLUSS YA'LL IT'S revolutionary1's birthday on the 29(?) of July SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY WE LOVE YOU!

Shout out question: Please leave a birthday wish to revolutionary1 in the comments! Make sure to thank her for this EPIC devotional!

Shout outs: mellissearevolutionary1infikaradiant_puritycheesecake087, and EMonr7

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