I don't know if I mentioned it earlier, but I absolutely hate the first day of school (or days, depending on if you have block scheduling). I just hate everything about it, the awkwardness, the nervousness, getting lost if you're at a new school, finding friends in classes and st lunch, etc.
By the way, the inspiration for this one was because today was my first day of school.
Anyways, here are some observations and tips on how to survive school on the first day.
Observation #1: Waking Up
So I know that a lot of people's school's start at like nine and stuff, but my in my school systems, you have to be in your seat by 7:45.
Which means the bus comes at 7:00.
Which means I have to wake up at 6:00.
Which means I'm fucked.
If you've even read the title of my other book (I Think I Have Insomnia) then you know how hard it is for me to sleep, but combined with the fact that I have to get up so early, it just throws me off.
But this is the only good thing about the first few days of school: I don't have any trouble waking up that early. Because I have so much sleep stored up, I'm just not that tired for the first week.
But after I begin to sink into a routine, getting about 7 hours of sleep a night is just not enough for me.
And I know it's not just me, because when I went to school today, literally nobody was tired and sleepy, everyone was buzzing and nervous.
Observation #2: Awkwardness
Especially if you're going to a new school where nobody knows each other (middle school or high school or even elementary school... But you probably shouldn't be reading wattpad if you're just starting elementary school), everyone just gets super awkward. I wouldn't describe it as shy, because nobody is really shy, it's just that nobody really wants to be at school and now everyone is being forced to meet other people, but they don't want to, and it's just so... Awkward.
Observation #3: The Appearance Theory
You can call me a judgemental person, but when I make friends, i want to make sure they're not like the girl that wears long white socks with pink and red polka-dot flats and a white denim skirt with a long sleeve shirt underneath a t-shirt and a headband with a big flower on it.
If you are reading this, and happen to think that would be a really nice fashion choice, then... Sorry?
No but seriously, I don't like drama but I hate complete try-hards. I try to make friends with nice, chill people that aren't annoying as fuck.
See, on the first day, you gotta pick your friends as soon as you walk in that classroom and as soon as the teacher forces you to talk to someone, make sure you're talking to them. This is very important, because if nobody knows each other, they'll probably just be glad that someone is talking to them and there you go, the friend groups are formed.
How do you think popular cliques are formed?
Those people walk into a room, look around for someone wearing something similar to them, or with a similar haircut or attitude and before you know it, cliques are formed.
It's as simple as that.
Observation #4: Teachers
This is one of the top competitors for most annoying thing about the first day of school. All the kids are grumbling and sad that summer is over, then the teacher is up there just giving them an unnecessary autobiography of their life, and about how one of their cats couldn't climb a roof and how they weren't on the doctor oz show and how hard it is to be in the class that your mom is teaching, etc. Like, I don't fucking care. I just wanna get this started. Please don't try to make me like you, because if you're the kind of person I'd like, I can easily figure that out from when you actually start to teach.
How to Survive School
HumorHopefully, my horrible life at school can help you avoid dying. *actually legitimate tips that I use on a daily basis to survive school* Includes: *Horrible teachers *Horrible students *Horrible "friends" *Horrible experiences *Not so horrible teach...