Unfortunately for me, I've had to deal with these people way more often than not.
I guess that I'll just tell you guys the story rather than give you tips (or I might just bullet point the main ideas or something).
How I got rid of a fake friend:
Okay, so before we begin, there are three main characters involved: myself, and two other girls who I will call Charlotte (because I dont know anyone named Charlotte) and Belinda (because I don't know anyone named Belinda but I hate that name (no offense if your name is Belinda)).
So once upon a time, when I was just starting out middle school in sixth grade as a fetus, I didn't know anybody. In my humanities (combined language arts and social studies) class, there were only three girls: me, Belinda and Charlotte. That class was twice as long as the other classes and my teacher always sat us next to each other.
The three of us became really close friends, but towards the end of the year, Charlotte sort of started to drift away... She got meaner and I found out she had talked shit about me behind my back.
So all through seventh grade, I was slowly changing from the innocent little girl into the boss ass bitch that I am today. As I changed, I began to see why Charlotte had drifted away from Belinda and me. We were both total losers. But I was getting sense kicked into me, and Belinda just... Was not.
I faked it through seventh grade and by eighth grade I was just so irritated, especially when I found out that we had almost all of our classes together. So I just began to hate Belinda. All this while, I was becoming closer with Charlotte and soon enough, I found that I just could not stand another day being friends with Belinda.
She was rude and bitchy and she looked like a starved baby bird but she always called herself fat. When she would do good on a test (which was not often at all, by the way) she would always complain about it. Like, this one time, she got a 90 on a math test (I got an 82) and she was like "oh no my Mom is going to kill me, this grade is so horrible!"
Like bitch, I know you tryna act like you smart or some shit, but don't even pretend with me okay? I saw that 59 you got on our last quiz, so fuck off, would you?
Anyways so my friends and I just totally roasted and bashed her behind her back but I just felt sick doing it, and then coming back and pretending to be nice to her.
I had tried distancing myself with her but she was so clingy because she only had one other friend besides me.
So one day, I told her to meet me in the library (well it was more detailed than that but I'll spare you the details) and I just told her that I didn't want to be friends anymore. She cried and tried to be victim and she even said that she didn't care if I was pretending to be her friend or not. She was that desperate.
But, we stopped talking and she lost her other friends and now I trash her out in the open without feeling guilty and Charlotte is sketch as fuck so I'm not close with her but we talk occasionally and I just made better friends that are less annoying and more trustworthy.
Main points:
1) I'm a bitch.
Okay, if you got through that story without once thinking about how mean of thing that was to do, then hmu bro, cuz we could be friends.
But even I know how mean it was and yet I just don't feel guilty at all. I mean, this girl was just so fucking annoying. I couldn't deal with her anymore. But I felt too fake trashing her behind her back, so I put an end to that.
In a sick and twisted way, my good morals pushed me to stop being friends with this girl so I could trash her without feeling guilty.
2) I no longer have to deal with this girl.
Belinda was a pain in the ass, but by literally telling her that I don't want to talk to her again, I got rid of the biggest and most annoying part of my life. The rest of my eighth grade year was top-notch.
3) Be nice.
I know with the way I told the story, I sounded brutal and cruel, but I tried to be as nice as possible when I was breaking off our friendship.
For example, I said "i think we have just been friends for so long, and we have both just become such different people and I just don't think that this friendship is doing us any good."
Total bullshit, but it's a nice way to get that message across.
4) Stay strong.
It's hard to be mean to a crying person. But we had other friends around us, so when she started crying, I just made eye contact with my other friends that also hated her.
Literally she just looked pathetic, begging me not to leave her and I know this sounds bad, but when we were done with all of it, I had to go to the bathroom and laugh so fucking hard and just being like "I'm free! I fuckin did it, I'm free!"
Again, I'm not denying the fact that I'm a complete bitch.
The moral of the story:
Look, if you hate someone, cut them out of your life. I know it's more complicated than it sounds but I mean... Is it really?
Just tell them you don't want to be friends, like I did with Belinda.
But in that case, I was the fake friend. However in the case of Charlotte and me, Charlotte was the fake friend
Here's how you deal with that shit:
Once you find out that they've been fucking with you and talking Shit behind your back, you have a couple of options.
1) Confront them
Just talk to them face to face and tell them what you know. Most likely, they will deny it, but as we already know, they are really good liars. So if they refuse to tell you why they talked trash about you and what you ever did to them, just ditch them. They'll understand your reasoning if you ditch them after they talked behind your back.
If the fake friend is your only friend, then... You should probably make more friends (I'll do a chapter on that sometime, leave a comment if you would like that).
2) Revenge
Okay this option is tricky and I personally would never ever do this, but you could take revenge on them...
What i mean is, if they talk shit about you to someone or reveal a secret, reveal a secret about them. Fight fire with fire.
But if you do this, you're starting a war with the other person, and no one will end up benefitting.
Basically, what I'm saying about this, as a person who has both been the fake friend and also on the receiving end of it, just be good to your close friends.
If you have minor friends or acquaintances, they probably wouldn't care too much if you trashed them, they'd probably just stop talking to you.
If you start to realize that you hate one of your close friends, ditch them if you can afford to do it. But if you feel like it's something you can work out, talk to them because if they're really your friend, they'll understand.
Again, when you ditch them, be nice to them.
Also, note that the feeling is typically mutual but sometimes, a person can't really afford to lose their friend if they're close to each other.
You could also try to distance yourself from them, but if they're really clingy, they either won't get the hint or will ignore it.
Everyone talks bad about other people behind their backs. Just make sure that the people you're trashing aren't people that you're really close to, otherwise it might be time to stop being close with them.
Ugh, I have a lot of stuff to say about this topic, but that just about sums it up, and sorry that my thoughts were kind of scattered and random this time, and also sorry that there was a little more cussing.
Anyways, comment personal stories, questions, other advice, anything really, and also vote please!
I'll do another chapter probably about making friends or something to do with friends, and also maybe about getting teased, so yeah.
Anyways, that's all, and thanks for reading!

How to Survive School
HumorHopefully, my horrible life at school can help you avoid dying. *actually legitimate tips that I use on a daily basis to survive school* Includes: *Horrible teachers *Horrible students *Horrible "friends" *Horrible experiences *Not so horrible teach...