Second Lesson: How to touch him.

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This was not weird, not weird at all. His hands on my hips while I stood there between his legs. Nope, not weird.
"How did it feel?" He asked.
"Good." I said, a little more excited than normal.
"Told ya."
"Shut up." I said, trying to walk away, but his hands on my hips didn't let me.
"I can teach you a lot more."
My eyes widened at his words. I really didn't want things to get weird, and I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure sexual stuff make things just like that, weird. But he was so eye widening, panty dropping hot. Fuck, I should've said no.
"No, come on Styles, be serious." I said, taking his hands off of my hips and walking away.
"I am being serious!"
"Things will get weird." I laughed in exasperation. How could he not understand that?
"They won't. I won't meddle in your life, you won't meddle in mine. We'll just," He stood up, licking his lips and walking to me, until we were face to face. "We'll just have a little fun. It was fun, wasn't it?" He said in a low voice, pressing his body to mine and walking us until my back hit the wall.
"It was." I gulped, my eyes darting from his oh so green eyes to his pink mouth. I didn't know which one I wanted to stare at. He gave me a cocky smile, as if he knew the internal struggle I was currently experiencing.
"So, what do you say?" He asked, his husky voice sending chills to the very core of my body.
"You're asking me if I want to be your sex toy?" His lips, I definitely wanted to watch his lips.
"I'll be yours." He shrugged. "It's really a win win situation." He lowered his head, a hand on the back of my neck tilting my head up, until his lips met mine, brushing them before he gave me a kiss, soft and slow while his body pressed me even more to the wall, and my hands were weaving in his hair. It was a kiss that allowed me to explore his mouth, taste the mint from his lips, make me lose my train of thoughts.
"Okay." I mumbled against his lips, a smile spreading in his face. "But no weirdness." I said, pointing a finger to him.
"No weirdness." He said, giving me another kiss and breaking apart. Yeah, right, that's going to happen.
I stood there, watching him shuffle around in his room, my legs still feeling a little weird. God, that had been so hot.
"Wanna go down?" He asked as he put his shoes on.
"Go down where?" I asked a little panicked as I had been caught in deep thought, no doubt about it when Harry laughed loudly.
"Oh, yeah." I nodded, trying to hide my face from Harry's eyes, turning around and opening the door, leaving him to trail behind me. We reached the first floor of the tidy house, and I stopped, my eyes darting to Harry when I saw his mom and sister sitting on the living room, both of them with cups of tea on their hands. God, what if they heard us?
Anne turned around, a big smile that reminded me a lot of Harry's, spreading on her face.
"Oh, hi, honey!!" She exclaimed, getting up from the couch and extending her arms to give me a hug. I walked to her, wrapping my arms around her body. She smelled like cookies and lavender. "I made lasagna, you are staying, right?" She asked once she pulled away, her hands on my elbows and a smile still on her face.
"Oh, no, I wouldn't want to...."
"Yes, she's is." Harry said, not letting me finish and passing by me to go sit with Gemma, who was looking at me from the couch and squinter her eyes when she saw Harry approaching.
"Lovely, come sit." Anne said, ushing me to sit on the couch while she went to the kitchen.
"Behave." Gemma said, getting up from the couch and following her mom. Harry chuckled and took the remote, his legs wide open and his knee bumping with mine when he started moving them.
"Stop it." I whispered.
"What?" He asked very innocently.
"The stupid smirk and the stupid knee. Stop it!" He turned to me and gave me an amused look.
"We're just getting started." He said in a seductive low voice that made me shiver. I was going to say something, after a couple of seconds of just staring at his lips, but his mom called us over to dinner.
And starting we were. I noticed that much when his hand trailed up my thigh, making me close my legs in a hurry. I looked at him and he was focused on his phone, a small smirk on his lips while his mom and Gemma were fixing the table.
"What are you doing?" I whispered, widening my eyes to make him stop.
"Open your legs." He said in a low voice.
"I'm not opening my legs." I said, looking around and straightening when I saw Anne finally sitting on the table.
"I won't leave you alone until you open them."
"Harry, sweetie." Anne called him and he turned to face her, his hands traveling to the front of my crotch, where it remained. I thanked her when she passed me some salad and let out a gasp when Harry's hand finally sneaked between my legs, Gemma turning my way to flick her eyes from Harry to me.
I opened a little, letting his hand run up and down my front, thankful for the long table cloth and the fact that Anne and Gemma were having a conversation about what they wanted to buy in the next day's shopping trip.
Harry was apparently interested in what his mom was saying, nodding when everyone nodded, laughing when everyone laughed, talking in a cool voice when it was due. In the meanwhile, his hand, that was now under my shorts and touching directly my skin, rubbing my clit in lazy strokes.
I managed to stay quiet, biting my lip when he started going faster, laughing about something Gemma had said, without any idea what it was, but everyone else seemed to be laughing.
I was getting wetter, which Harry took full advantage off, sliding his fingers down my slit and teasing my entrance, making me whimper softly before his fingers attached to my clit again. The coldness of his rings were sending extra shivers up my body.
It was incredibly uncomfortable, being in his family presence and feeling the pressure in my legs start to build and my stomach contract, and I knew that was exactly why he was doing it.
I tried to pull his hand away, the other one lying limp over the table, but Harry continued rubbing my clit, teasing it with occasional flicks or trailing two fingers down my slit until the met my entrance. I was still a little excited from our little session and the fire and electricity that was consuming my body was almost making me moan right there in the table, in front of his family.
Just as I started to clench, his fingers drawing fast 8 circles around my clit, he pulled his hand away, mocking Gemma over the boy she was seeing. I knew I should be relief, but my shaking legs and the pressure in my tummy screamed otherwise, angry cause they didn't get to release.
He smirked and brought his finger to his mouth, sucking on them before continuing as if nothing had just happened. In the meanwhile, that image was going to be a part of my dreams from then on.
"So, are you just gonna stand there and look pretty?" Harry asked me when he dropped another box on the floor.
"Do I need to remind you I didn't even want to come and you just dragged me here?" I asked, still reclining on a desk that was covered with old newspapers.
"It'd be nice if you helped." He said, smiling and looking at me, my feet dangling from the desk. We were helping him move to his new apartment, that was closer to college than his mom's house was. Actually, his friends were helping him move. I had carried a box inside the loft, taking a seat on the desk afterwards.
"I am helping. I'm looking pretty." I said sheepishly and smiled when he started walking to me, his long legs making his way in no time. I laughed when he stood between my legs, taking my face in his hands to kiss me roughly and desperately. My hands darted to his hair and my leg hooked around his waist, pulling him closer to me. Two weeks had passed since that day in his house, where he had left me quite frustrated under the dinning table, and this was the first time we even so much as kissed since then. No wonder I was feeling this weird hunger.
His body kept pushing me down until he was practically over me and I had to support myself on one hand so I wouldn't fall.
"Fuck, I'd fuck you over this table right now."
"Is that my next lesson?" I was a little short of breath from the intense make out session. He pulled my bottom lip between his teeth, before breaking the kiss. He looked at me with dark eyes and trapped his own lip between his teeth.
"Nope. For my next lesson I'm eating you out." He said with a smirk, and this pressure started to build in my stomach at the mere thought. His lips were on mine again in a second, and my hands went under his shirt, feeling the muscles of his back contract under my touch.
"Eh, guys?" We heard a deep British accent say, causing Harry to laugh, turning around and standing in front of me, which I honestly thanked, my face too red to be seen by anybody.
"What do you want Li?" Harry asked, still laughing a little.
"We need you to carry the couch." Liam said, giving me a funny look when I peeked my head over Harry's shoulder.
"I'll be there in a second." Harry said and Liam shook his head, laughing a little before turning around and leaving the room. "You just wait." Harry said once Liam had left the room, turning around and giving me a smirk.
"I'm going to fucking kill you. He saw us!!" I told him, glaring at him.
"Eh," He shrugged. "I've caught him doing worse. Don't even wanna know." He gave me a quick kiss and left the room.
I figured I could at least clean, so I got up and started picking stuff up, trying to move the furniture to where I thought would look better. I bent down, rummaging through a box of pure and utter crap and I straightened up when I heard someone clear their throat, turning around to find Harry's friends carrying a couch and looking at me, while Harry smirked.
"Sorry, I was cleaning." I said sheepishly.
"Finally felt guilty?" He asked, walking into the loft and placing the couch in the middle of it, his body close to mine, and his hand on the small of my back, squeezing my hip with his fingers.
"Eh, didn't want you guys to take all the credit." I shrugged, his fingers burning holes in the strip of skin they were touching.
Louis threw himself on the couch, along with Zayn. I knew them both from college. Louis was majoring in music, while Zayn was majoring in English and we shared some classes. Honestly, those were the most annoying classes ever, the girls snickering and battling their eyelashes hard enough to be heard.
I had sometimes seen Liam and Niall walking through campus. My friend Nicole drooled over Niall every time he passed us by with his soccer uniform. She was going to die when I told her I had officially met him. Peter, the only other american of the bunch, sat on the desk I was previously occupying. Apparently he had lived in London a couple of years before he started college and he met Louis and Liam there, who were friends with Harry from high school. Zayn and Niall had lived in America a lot longer, moving here when they were kids, but I guess motherland calls and that's how they all ended up being friends.
Harry had started college, or Uni as he called it, back in London, finishing his first year, but when his mother told him that she was moving back to America, he decided to come with her and transfer to college here. He already had some friends, and he knew the city, so he figured it wouldn't be that traumatic.
"You know what we should do?" Louis said, scratching his belly over his tshirt. "We should order pizza that Harry will pay for."
Harry groaned, and we tried to decide what pizza we should have, which turned into a 10 minutes argument of "Who can talk the loudest", Louis and Niall winning over us. I didn't like any of the flavors he had decided on, so I sighed and sat on one of the couches while Louis and Niall set the tv on and started a game of FIFA.
Peter sat next to me on the couch, where we were safe from accidental elbows in the face. Harry sat on the armchair by my side, yelling and booing to taunt the players, his hand sometimes running down my neck, causing me to shiver and earning weird looks from Peter.
Once the pizza arrived, everyone dove in the boxes, the first box gone in a matter of seconds. I remained where I was, looking at the hungry boys fight over the food and wondering if they would bite my hand off if I dared take a slice.
I smiled when I saw Harry carrying a small white box, handing it to me and turning around to go for his food and a couple of beers. I opened the box and saw a veggie pizza, that he must have ordered for me.
"Thank you." I whispered when he took his seat on the armchair and gave me a cold beer.
"Wasn't gonna let you starve, after all you helped." He mused and I poked my tongue out, pulling a funny face that made him laugh.
We ate in silence, watching a movie that was halfway started and that no one really understood, coming out with the weirdest theories to try and answer our questions. As I wasn't sitting on the couch in front of the TV, I had a hand over Harry's thigh, resting my chin over it to be able to see anything on the movie. He started running his fingers down my hair, but I swatted his hand away, not wanting to get my hair greasy or smelly.
The boys resumed his game and the loft filled again with noises and screams. Harry went to clean the dishes and garbage that was now scattered on the floor and I started talking to Peter about a class I was taking this semester, which he had already taken, and laughed when he did an impersonation of the professor, a guy in his middle age with a strong tendency to bathe anyone that dared sit in the first two rows of the room in saliva. We continued laughing, and these guys had to be really into the game, cause our laughs just grew louder and louder.
He was a funny guy, Peter, attractive also, with short dark brown hair and blue eyes, an innocent look on his face that was completely thrown to the garbage and forgotten each time he squinted, touched his lips or smirked at you.
Harry sat next to us again, my elbow resting on his thigh while my fingers played with my hair and he watched his friends playing.
Peter told me about this band he was going to see that night. They weren't big, just a couple of friends that thought they could sing, or so he told me, and had started a band. They had booked a gig in one of the city's hottest clubs and he was going with some of his friends. They were decent, he said.
"Do you wanna go?" Peter asked me. The question took me a little by surprise, I barely knew him. I smiled at him and thought, eh why the hell not?
"Sorry mate, she can't go. She's helping me clean tonight." Harry interrupted us, sitting with his elbows resting on his knees.
"I can do it tomorrow." I told him, widening my eyes as if to ask him what the fuck was he doing.
"Nope, my mom and Robin are coming tomorrow, you promised." I had not promised such a thing, but sighed and turned to Peter with a sheepish smile.
"Apparently I can't go." I said. "But we can go for coffee this week? I mean, if you're free."
"Yeah, sure. Coffee sounds great." He winked at me, and got up to go grab a beer.
"What the fuck are you doing?" I whispered angrily at Harry.
"I told you. I'm going to teach you something new tonight." He replied cooly.
"This is the definition of meddling in my life."
"No, it's not. You're going to go get coffee with him, no harm done."
I was going to tell him something else, but Peter was already sitting back, yelling at Niall who had just missed a goal opportunity.
It was around 10 p.m. when they left, the loft suddenly very very quiet. I picked up the beer bottles that were everywhere, wondering just how much we had had to drink, not feeling even a little bit tipsy.
The front door shut and I turned around and found Harry, already taking his shoes off, walking to me and pulling me to his chest, his lips crashing to mine hungrily and his tongue entering my mouth almost immediately. He walked us to the bed, where he threw me before he hovered over me, connecting our lips again. My hands tangled in his, undoing his bun so I could pull his hair properly.
"Fuck, I've been wanting to do this all day." He said, his teeth sinking in the skin of my neck, making me wince. He suck on his mark, making it bigger, jolts of electricity shooting through my body when his hands went under my shirt and squeezed my still clothed boobs.
"Oh, God." I muttered, his tongue running along the skin he had just marked, the cold contrasting with the heat of my body.
His hands went to open the button of my jeans, but I stopped him, making him look at me with questioning eyes.
"I've been thinking..." I started, licking my lips when he started kissing my neck again, his fingers brushing my skin and pushing my hair to the other side, tilting my head to give himself more space.
"What?" He said against my skin, goosebumps raising all over my arm, his hand now rubbing me over my jeans, making me feel dizzy and tingly all over my body.
"I want to see you." I managed to finish. He pulled away, looking at me with a confused expression.
"You want to see me?"
"Yeah, you know you already saw me, and now I want to see you."
"So, you want to see me wank?" He chuckled and I just nodded, thinking if that was a good idea, but fuck, I needed to see him, and touch him and taste him, and I really don't know where this thoughts were coming from.
He smiled, getting up from the bed and leaning in to kiss me slowly, biting my bottom lip, my hands darting underneath his shirt to touch his toned chest. He pulled away, all too quickly and looked at me. His usual jade eyes were now a dark green, his pupils dilated and almost taking over the iris. He licked his lips and took my hands out of his shirts.
"Undress me." He said, and I gaped at him before laughing shyly.
"Okay." I said, getting up to stand in front of him, and taking his gray oversized tshirt over his head, noticing just how fucking hard his chest was and how fucking deep his vlines were, and jesus, how fucking bitable his hips were. I didn't even know it was possible to want to lick and suck on hips until that very moment.
His moth (or a butterfly, the doubt will haunt me forever) tattoo was the first thing you notice about his torso, big and proud on his chest and stomach. I looked up to him, after a while of just tracing my fingers over his skin and find him already looking at me, gulping hard when I bit my lip.
In a big breath of confidence, I pressed my lips to his hot skin, feeling him shiver at my touch. I kissed down his abs, slowly and softly, his happy trail brushing my skin when I finally reached his jeans.
I big sigh came out of his lips, and I looked up, his bit trapped in between his teeth, and his eyebrows knitted together, focused on me.
I fumbled with his belt, taking it out at last and opening his jeans. I wasn't sure if I should take his black boxers as well, so I looked at him once again, the question clear in my face.
"Just the jeans." He whispered, and I hooked my fingers in them, tugging them down until they pooled around his ankles, waiting for him to step out of them while I stayed there on my knees. He walked close to me again, my eyes in front of the bulge in his boxers.
"Touch it like a good girl." He said in a raspy voice, his hands trailing in my hair.
"What the fuck does that mean?" I laughed, nervous winning the battle of the moment.
"Give me your hand." He demanded, taking my hand in him and taking it to the front of his boxers. I could feel the hard bulge under my fingers and I squeezed it a little, a hiss coming from his teeth. I took that as a good sign, running my hand up and down the outline of his cock. "A little harder." He said and when I rose my eyes his eyes were closed, his mouth a little parted. Suddenly his eyelashes fluttered open, his eyes meeting mine and he winked at me, biting his lips when his hips rolled and his cock was closer to my face. "Jesus." He whispered, and the tent in the boxers was now bigger, feeling heavier in my hands.
He pulled my hand away, helping me up and kissing me fully and hungrily, my hands roaming his back, while his were firmly planted on my jaw. He sat on the bed, pulling me down with him until I was straddling him, my hips rolling out of instinct, a soft moan ripping from his throat.
"You wanna see my cock?" He asked, giving me softer kisses now.
"You wanna see me wanking while you watch?" His hips were now moving with mine, a wet pool forming in me.
"Yes." I whispered.
"Are you gonna think of me when you're getting off?" He asked, biting down my shoulder, making me wince and roll my hips harder.
"Yes." I moaned.
"Okay. Get up." He said, and when I complied, he went to rest his back on the wall in which the double bed was supported, a bunch of white pillows surrounding him. He looked at me while he took his boxers off, his hard cock hitting his stomach. He was definitely bigger, longer, thicker than the clueless boy that had taken my virginity. Fuck, poor boy, should hide under a rock at the comparison.
He didn't touch himself right away, his hands trailing down his stomach, while my hands were itching to take him, my mouth watering at the sight.
"You can touch if you want." He said, his eyes focused on my face.
"You start." My eyes were fixed on the pink tip and the vein that ran along down the length. He chuckled, his hand finally wrapping around his cock, hissing with the first pump, his hand running softly up and down, the movement hypnotizing. He continued with his movements, a soft moan coming out of his pink lips after a while.
I rubbed my legs together, wanting to create a friction I had denied to myself that night, licking my dry lips and wondering how would it feel to lick the swollen tip.
I moaned, an involuntary low sound, when he took his other hand to his balls, rolling one of them while he continued to pump himself. He was biting his lip, his hips rolling a little when he started going faster.
"Come on, touch." He said in a throaty voice. He didn't have to tell me twice, my hand already around his length, my thumb swiping over his tip to collect the cold liquid that had gathered there.
"Suck it." I heard him say, and when my eyes met his, he was looking at me with pure lust, waiting for me to actually suck on my thumb. I smiled at him, taking my thumb to my mouth, my tongue darting out of my lips to lick the creamy liquid off my thumb, sucking on it for a moment. It was a little bit salty and a little bit sweet, a taste I was sure not going to forget.
"Fuck." He said, going faster than before. He stopped for a moment when I wrapped my hand around him again, his hand over mine to guide me over the slick skin. It felt weird, cold, wet, terse, and the moans and hiss that he let out, made me want to push my hand under my jeans and touch myself until I was trembling.
His hips bucked into our fists and his fingers made me squeeze him a little harder.
"Lick it." He said, sitting up and touching my face with his hand, pulling it up until he could kiss me, his lips soft and wet and a little desperate on mine.
"Like a kitten?" I asked when he let me go, and he just laughed, nodding his head and pulling our hands away, so I could knelt on the bed and made my way to him.
"Grab it and lick from the base to the tip." He instructed, and I did just that, licking a bold stripe from his base until my lips met the skin of his tip, the skin of his cock feeling silky and cool under my tongue. "Just like that." He said, propping himself on his elbows so he could have a good view. I repeated, my hand pumping him softly.
"God, I've been dreaming with your lips around my cock since that day." He said, a fire running through my body until a little ball of pressure was formed between my legs. "Do just that."
"What?" I asked a little lost.
"Wrap your mouth around the tip. Wrap your lips around it and then suck it, swirl your tongue around." His hand was on my head, and pulled at my hair when I did just that, swirling and sucking at the best of my abilities, my mouth slurping around. A trail of saliva hung from my lips, connecting it with his glistening tip when I pulled away.
"Now, you're gonna take my cock in your mouth and you're gonna suck it." He smiled, siting up and trailing one of his hands up my inner thighs, until his knuckles graced my crotch and he could make quick circles over my center.
I leaned down again, wrapping my hand around him. "Take your tongue out flat and put it there, cover your teeth a little, and you're gonna let it slide as further as you can." He instructed, my tongue licking my lips before I took his cock and put it on my mouth, careful with my teeth, I went down, taking as much as I could, not expecting his tip to hit the back of my throat and make me gag.
"Fuck." He moaned, his hand on my head pushing me farther. I could feel the vibrations caused by my sounds on him, my hand still trying to pump while I kept coming up and down, swallowing so I could take him easily.
"Fuck, stay still." He said, taking his hand on my head stopping me from moving and his hips snapping up. I felt his cock going in and out of my mouth, sliding over my tongue that was still flat under his shaft. "Jesus, fuck, it feels so fucking good." He moaned, and I had bleary eyes by now, but his open pink mouth and the muscles of his stomach that were visibly contracting were all I could think about.
"Fuck, I'm coming." He said, and made me pull my head away, wrapping his hand around his cock immediately, sitting up and pumping fast, his breath shallow and his body a little red and sweaty. He pulled me roughly to him, making me almost straddle him, his lips sucking and biting on mine, and a low and long moan coming from him when the first spurts cover his abs, milking himself for all his worth, drops of cum running down his body.
"Fuck." He croaks when he fell on the bed, sighing and squeezing his eyes shut, his hair framing his face. I ran my hand down his abdomen, my fingers getting wet on my way. His head snapped up, following my touch on his body.
"Wanna lick it?" He asked in a low, raspy voice. I bit my lip, deciding I definitely wanted to do that and straddling him. He moaned again, making me realized I was practically sitting on his cock. I bent down, my tongue running down his skin, cleaning him of all cum.
"Oh, fucking God." He said, still looking at me when I sat up, licking my lips and my fingers. "That was so fucking hot." He laughed.
"I'm learning from the best." I mused, moving off of him and sitting on the bed, where I looked for his face and kissed him softly.
He pulled us both down, wrapping my leg around his hips while he kissed me, slower and softer than before, but still making my body feel as if someone had set it on fire.
"You're naked." I reminded him.
"I don't give a fuck." He laughed.
"No, Styles, come on, get dressed."
I said, managing to roll out of bed. He groaned and rolled his eyes, but got up from the bed and grabbed his boxers from the floor.
"Are you afraid I'll fuck you if I keep naked?" He asked, pulling his underwear on.
"Yeah, right."
"You do know that's what we're gonna end up doing, right?" He turned around to look at me, his skin still glistening with sweat. It was the hottest fucking thing I've ever seen in my entire life.
"We'll see about that."

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