Ninth Lesson: How to trust.

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He tasted like chocolate.
As the kiss grew in intensity, that was the only thing I could actually think. He tasted like chocolate. It was because of the chocolate ice cream he had been eating, present in his cold lips and in his swirling tongue.
With my hands on his neck, I kept pulling him closer, which he happily obliged, pinning me to the couch with his body. His hand was traveling down my body and I tangled my hand in his hair, tugging on it a little when he put an arm around my waist, making my body mold to his.
Wrapping my arms around his broad shoulders, I broke the kiss up, looking for his jaw and neck to leave a thousand small kisses on them. He stood still for the most part, letting me do my thing, except for one hand, that he brought from under my body to the front of my shirt, his fingers skimming over the fabric before he took his hand underneath it.
His fingertips brushed my skin, the lightest touch ever and I shivered, taking his face in my hands and pulling it up, allowing me to kiss his lips. I was being greedy, sweeping my tongue over his bottom lip before I slipped past his lips. They felt plush and soft and his sweet taste was going all the way to my head, messing with my brain.
In just one movement, he broke the kiss and made me sit a little so he could pull the shirt over my head. I smiled at him, cupping his face in my hands and letting him push me down to the couch again. He brushed his lips over the exposed skin of my boobs, and looking down at him, his closed eyes and how his pink lips were pressed to my skin, I couldn't help but smile.
"Hey." He whispered when he finally looked up to me.
"Hey. This is nice." A small smile tugged up the corner of his lips, shuffling a little until he was able to leave a kiss on my lips.
"It is." His head was resting between my shoulder and the pillow behind me, our lips practically brushing while our breathings mixed together.
"Am I doing good?" I asked, raising one of my legs so I could hook it around his waist. I was actually curious, despite the naughty implications of the question. I had no idea how to go slow and still get him excited, he had never really taught me that.
"You always do good, babe." He whispered, pressing a kiss on my neck and moving slightly up so our lips could meet in a slow kiss.
"Do you still want me?" I asked him when he gave me a chance to breathe. It might seem like a dumb question, but I needed to hear it from him.
He shuffled his legs, until his hips were pressed to mine and I could feel his hard on pressing to my lower stomach.
"What do you think?" He asked with a smirk.
"I think you're always horny."
"Oh, this one is about you."
"Shut up." Kissing him a little rougher than the nice pace we had been building, I rocked my hips against his, moaning lowly in the kiss.
"Behave, babe." He chuckled and stopped me with his hands on my hips. "I'm trying to be gentle here."
"Okay, I'll behave." I giggled, sighing when his lips brushed my neck in a slow movement. His breath hit my skin and I ran a hand down his back, bunching his shirt in my hand when he nibbled on my collarbones.
His hand cupped one of my boobs and pressing on it a little, he started leaving kisses down my stomach.
The turning of the knob started us both. I looked at the door in front of us and his head rose, turning in the same direction.
"Oops, sorry." Niall smiled sheepishly from the door, a hand still on the keys. Behind him, Zayn and Louis poked their heads, smiling knowingly at his friend. Huffing a big breath, Harry moved so he was blocking the view to my half naked torso. I gripped his biceps, doing my best to hide behind his back.
"Niall, that fucking key is for emergencies."
"This is an emergency, we ran out of beers and the store is too far away."
"Get in the kitchen." He glared at his friends, moving slightly when they walked pass by me, making sure he was hiding me at all moments. He extended his arm and took my shirt from the floor, giving it to me. I quickly pulled it on and I kissed his cheek before getting up from the couch.
"Apparently, the world doesn't want us to be gentle."
"We'll just keep trying." He shrugged. "We have all the time in the world."
"I don't want to go!" I whined and moved further into the bed, bringing the covers with me. Harry was sitting at the edge of the bed, looking at me with an impatient look.
"Come on. We'll just be there for an hour, then we'll leave." He tried convincing me, but the world out there was cold and my bed was warm. Clearly, there could only be a winner and my bed was winning against all odds.
My room was a mess, and I would normally never let him see it like this, but he had just decided it was okay to pay me an unannounced visit, trying to get me out of my bed to go to one of his friend's party. I was one exam away from freedom, so there were books and highlighters and yellow and pink notes scattered all over the room.
"You go, and then come here and tell me all about it." I smiled sheepishly, running a finger down the arm he had right next to my waist.
"I don't want to go without you." He pouted, looking at me sadly. I rolled my eyes and got up from the bed, walking to my cluttered closet so I could find something to wear. Wondering if pajama bottoms and furry boots wouldn't do it, I pulled a dark blue dress out and a pair of pumps.
"I fucking hate you." I groaned, throwing the dress over the bed, I took my shirt off, not even bothering in trying to hide my body from Harry anymore.
"We've been there before, babe." He smiled at me and grabbed me by my hips. Before I could even notice it, I was tangling my fingers in his long hair and standing between his legs. Dipping my head low, I cupped his face in my hands and brushed our lips together. His hands went to my hips, digging his fingers on my skin until he managed to pull me down to the bed and make me straddle him.
It has only been a little over a week since that night in his apartment, the night where so much had happened and so much had changed. No time at all, and it still felt like a lifetime, especially because we hadn't had sex ever since.
Sighing, I let my hands run down his shoulders, bringing them back so I could draw circles on the skin of his neck with my thumbs.
"Enough." I whispered. "I need to change." His fingers dug deeper in my skin, keeping my in place while he brushed his fingers on the skin of my neck. With a final kiss, he let me go, patting my ass as I walked away.
Seeing him lay on my bed was a little more than funny. He barely fit, his legs a little too long for my small twin bed.
"This bed sucks." He said, shuffling a little to try and find the most comfortable position.
"I know." I shrugged. "That's why I always sleep in your bed."
"Awww, babe, I thought it was because of my charming and dashing personality."
"Nope." I smiled sheepishly at him. "It's because you have a comfortable bed."
"I needed to lure you with something. A bed is as good as anything." He smirked at me, shuffling around a little more. "We're definitely sleeping in my flat tonight."
"Jesus Christ." I breathed when I realized how big the party was. I couldn't even believe how many people there was in the house. It was a fairly big house, but still, Jesus Christ seemed like the right thing to say. "Did he invite the entire city?"
"He might have." Harry was looking around, walking a step in front of me. One thing I had realized, he wasn't big on PDA. Now that I think about it, the only time he had touched me or kissed me in public was when we were around his friends, which barely counted, or that time in front of the surfer tattoo artist. Beyond that, he always kept his hands to himself, which he always failed to do when it was just the two of us.
Looking around, I noticed the stares that he was earning just by walking by. Girls from all kind of different cliques stopped their conversations so they could ogle at him. Girls passing by would throw coy smiles at him, trying to establish eye contact. I rubbed my arm slightly, trailing behind him while he made his way into the house.
Tired of it all, I extended my arm until my fingers could wrap around his wrist. He snapped his head back and he offered me his hand, his arm extended back so I could connect our fingers and let him guide me through the crowd.
When we finally reached our destination, a less crowded room in the back of the house. I let his hand go and went to talk to a few girls I knew from the parties Harry had thrown. I watched him walk to his friends, a smile appearing on his face when he patted Niall's back so hard the blond boy almost lost his balance.
I sat on the couch, talking to one of the girls about her plans for winter break. It was so close and yet it felt so far away.
"I'll be back in a sec, I need ice." The petite girl in front of me told me. "Do you want anything?"
"I'm good, thanks." Looking around when she left, I realized it was too late to get up and run away, as I should have, and couldn't do much more than wait for Pete to sit next to me.
His smile was wide when he sat, turning his body slightly to me and pressing the side of it to the back of the couch.
"Hi, stranger." He told me, tilting his beer bottle to his lips and taking a big gulp from it, and I struggled to hide the flinch away. I hadn't seen him since that night he had invited me to a friend's party and I had ended up kneeling on a stranger's floor while I sucked him off. That night had cost me enough already.
"Hey." I told him, running my finger over the brim of the red cup. I flicked my head to Harry's direction, and thanked all the gods when I saw him focused on whatever Zayn was saying. As long as Peter moved his ass off the couch soon, I was good. It was all good.
"I haven't seen you in a while." Peter scooted closer to me and I looked down to my half filled glass. In this moment, I wished I had offered to go with my friend to pick up the ice.
"School's being a bitch." I shrugged, smiling shyly at him. I looked at him for the first time, and I noticed his red eyes and his flushed cheeks. He was at least on his way to be drunk.
He snorted and rubbed his eyes with his fingers, yawning a little. A shy smile tugged up the corner of his lips and he struggled to say something, opening and closing his mouth a couple of times.
"Look I know things are weird between us because of what happened that night. But they don't need to be. I like you, I think you are great and if you ask me, I think you like me too..."
"Pete...." I started, but before I could say another word, a beer appeared before my eyes. Following the arm connected to the hand that was offering me the beer, I saw Harry standing in front of me.
"Your beer, babe."
"Thanks?" I told him, a little hesitant at first. I took the bottle between my fingers and smiled at him, noticing his hard eyes on me.
"Hey bro." He acknowledged Pete's presence with a court nod of his head.
When he plopped right next to me, being followed by a red faced Niall, I expected some kind of possessive gesture, but he did nothing. At least not at first.
Not sure of what I should do, I turned to Peter and smiled at him.
"I think we should talk, maybe later." I told him softly and Pete gave me a bright smile. That's when Harry decided to stop being a decent person.
His hand snuck between my legs, as if it was something natural, his back still slightly turned to me while he talked to his friends. I looked at his hand, his thumb running over my bare skin in circles.
"I'll be right back." Peter smiled at me, not noticing Harry's hand on me. He must've been drunker than he appeared.
It was so casual, one could almost mistake it for a random touch. However, when I wrapped my fingers around his wrist and tried to pull his hand away, he wouldn't budge, remaining firmly planted between my legs.
"Harry." I whispered and he turned to me with a smirk on his face.
"Take your hand off." I urged him, my fingers still on his wrist.
"Give me one good reason." It was not like he gave me any time to actually give him any kind of reason, good or bad, as his lips crashed to mine before I could react.
It was an eager, demanding kiss, his body half hovering over mine and pushing me even further to the back of the couch.
His teeth sank on my bottom lip, pulling on it while his hand finally moved from between my inner thighs to my hips, trying to pull me to him.
My body was contradicting itself, as one of my hands was on his chest, trying to push him away and stop him from making me straddle in the middle of a crowded room, and the other one was on the back of his neck, trying to pull him even closer to my body.
"Fuck." He muttered in the kiss, my fingers weaving through his hair and pulling on it harshly. His hand moved from my hips and he broke the kiss away, a smirk tugging on his lips while he looked behind me. I followed his gaze and saw Peter walking away. Glaring at Harry, I sat straight and crossed my arms over my chest.
"You're a fucker."
"He needs to know you're mine."
"Are you mad?" He asked me. He had been like a broken record for the past 45 minutes, asking the same question over and over again.
"I'm not mad." I said, but did nothing to prove my words, my arms still crossed over my chest and refusing to look at him.
"You're mad." He whined in a silly voice and managed to sneak an arm around me, pulling me to his chest and kissing and nibbling on my neck. Hiding the smile that was threatening to appear on my face, I pushed him away, going back to my original position. "What?" He finally huffed.
"You don't get to decide how I do my things." I told him, frowning my eyebrows while I tried to keep my voice down. The music was blasting, though, which made it a lot harder to keep our voices down. Luckily, Niall and Zayn were in their own world, not paying attention to us.
"Please, he was ready to ask for another blowjob."
"And do you think I would've given to him?" I asked him and I almost screamed out of frustration when he looked down. Pulling his face up until he was looking at me, I kissed his lips softly. "Harry, you need to trust me. I don't know how these things work, but I'm pretty sure there needs to be trust."
"I do. I do trust you. I'm sorry." He said lamely. "I don't know what happens to me when I see other guys around you, something just snaps."
"Harry." I said, licking my lips to give me a chance to organize my thoughts. "Promise me you're going to trust me. I promise you're the only person in my life."
"I do, I trust you. I'm sorry." He kissed me a little more, pressing his forehead to mine before letting me go. I pulled him for another kiss, a smirk almost making me break it as an idea formed in my mind. I was ready to prove how much he trusted me.
"Want something to drink?" I asked him after a while, my head resting on his shoulder while I listened to him talk to Niall and Zayn. From time to time, I would join them, but I wasn't really in the mood for talking.
"Can I get another beer?" Niall asked me with a hopeful stare and I rolled my eyes, taking the cup out of his hands anyway.
"I was actually asking Harry." I said, poking my tongue out to the blond boy.
"Oh, Harry doesn't mind sharing your services, right Harold?"
"Don't get any ideas, Niall." He glared at his friend, his expression completely changing when he looked at me. "I want another beer too, babe." Taking the cup out of his hands, I made my way to the kitchen.
I almost ran away when I noticed Peter standing in the kitchen talking with a bunch of people, but instead, I just took a big breath and walked in, trying to go unnoticed. I quickly filled both Harry's and Niall's cup and turned around to leave. The beer on the cups spilled a little when I was pulled back. Looking up, I found Peter looking down to me. I had never noticed, but he was a good half head taller than me.
"So, you're with Harry."
"Kind of." I nodded, looking to the counter that was right behind him.
"Jesus." He chuckled. "Are you sure you want to do that?"
"What do you mean?" My eyes finally met his and I squeezed the red cup in my hand a little, more beer running down my hand.
"I mean that's not the greatest idea ever." Peter crossed his arms over his chest and I tilted my head, trying to figure out if he was being honest with me or if he was just being petty.
"I don't know what you're talking about. I think it's a great idea."
"Of course you do, until you don't." He smiled at me, whirling around to go to his friends again.
"Peter! We're not done talking!" I screamed, the loudness of the music forcing me to raise my voice. "Peter!!!"
"What?" He turned around and chuckled.
"What are you talking about?"
"Oh, come on. You know it, he's flirty and has commitment issues, everyone knows that. Add the amount of girls that throw themselves at him, and you just got yourself into a bad thing." I huffed, taking a few steps closer to the brunette boy.
"You're just..."
I stopped talking and turned to face Harry who was standing behind me, looking between Peter and I with distrust in his eyes. No matter how much he said it, he still didn't trust me.
"Hey." I offered him one of the cups, but he ignored me, wrapping his hand around my arm and pulling me back softly.
"We're leaving." He whispered to my ear, even when his eyes were still fixed on Pete. I nodded and put the cups on the counter, trying to dry my hands on the back of my dress.
"Just remember what I said, yeah?" Matt told me when I took Harry's hand to leave the kitchen. I turned around to say something, but Harry beat me to it.
"Say whatever you want, mate. I'm the one taking her home."
I should be pissed. That was something my mind was very aware of. I should be pissed. But still, neither my mind nor my body did anything about it. We were kissing as soon as the elevator's door closed, his body pinning me to the glass window that allowed to see into the city. My hand ran through his hair and the other one rested over his shoulder.
Walking out of the elevator and into his apartment was a feat we almost didn't make. Tumbling with our arms around each other's body and with eyes closed as our lips molded together in an urgent kiss, we almost fell when we blindly made it into the living room.
It was right there, right next to the door, where we started to take each other's clothes off. The buttons of his awful shirt flew across the room and I made a mental note to do the same with each of his shirts. I hated them all.
When his arms went around my ass to make me jump, I swiftly complied, hooking my legs around his waist and letting him carry me. I had an idea in my mind and couldn't let anything, not even his pink, minty lips distract me from it.
It was easier thought than done. Once he had me pinned to the bed, turning things around was a little difficult. He got way too into the mood and I ended up being fucked until I was sore and unable to walk.
So, not even a second after he had pushed me down to the bed, I was sitting up, pulling him down to me with my hands on the back of his neck and pushing him down instead. A nice huff of surprise came out of his lips and I smirked at him when I straddled him.
"Do you trust me?" I asked him, dipping my head so I could leave a trail of kisses down his neck, nibbling on that spot where the neck met his shoulder, being rewarded with a low grunt. His hands went to my waist and rocked my hips lightly, moaning a little more at the rutting of our hips together.
The good thing for me (and a little bad for him) was that I knew exactly where he had all the stuff he used on me. It wasn't so hard either, most of them were on the drawer of his night stand and a few of them were in his closet. Luckily, the blind fold and the handcuffs were on the drawer, and all I needed to do was lean a little and I could have them.
"Are you going to be a good boy?" I asked him, rocking my hips over him until he was rolling his eyes back with a parted mouth.
"Would that make you happy?" He asked in a strained voice. I nodded, biting my lip when I showed him two pairs of handcuffs that were in my hands.
"Then I'll be your good boy." He smiled and raised his head a little, as if to tell me to kiss him. Kissing him fully, I pushed him down to the bed completely, my hands running down his arms until I could reach his wrists and wrap my fingers around them. As fast as I could, and with a lot of help from him I bet, I took his arms above his head, hooking the handcuffs around his wrists. They were a lot tighter than they were on me, and I worried the material would bite into his skin, even when they were covered with ugly pink fur.
Harry, not one to lose time, took advantage of my body leaning over him. His lips kissed the uncovered skin of my chest and his lips started to bite and kiss and suck over the fabric, just as my boobs went above his face.
"Don't worry, babe." He whispered when he noticed my hesitation. Smiling at him, I secured the handcuffs around the bed headboard and I kissed him lightly on the lips.
"I don't want to hurt you."
"You won't."
I nodded, biting my lip when I took the blindfold in my hands. He looked at it and shook his head.
"I want to see you." He objected.
"You said you trusted me. This is how we're playing." Ignoring his pouting look, I put the blindfold over his eyes. He whined lightly and I had to resist the urge to give him a hickey so the shivers of pain over the sensitive skin, would give him a reason to really whine.
I assessed all of the opportunities in front of me and decided to start nice and simple, doing something for him.
Trailing my fingers over his chest with a feathery touch, I noticed his parting lips and the goosebumps that rose at my wake, celebrating the caress. I trailed my fingers down his stomach until they were met with the waistband of his jeans. A low moan came out of his lips when I started brushing lightly the strip of skin that was right over his button.
With dainty fingers, I popped the button open, tugging his pants down until his semi was set free. Taking his cock in my hand, I licked the tip, swirling my tongue around it and licking from the base to the tip repeatedly, until he was hard enough for me to take in my mouth. His moans served as a background while I bobbed my head up and down, my fingers squeezing a little and following the movements of my mouth.
It wasn't hard until he was hard as a fucking rock and he felt heavy and hard in my mouth. I let him go so I could get up and take my clothes off.
"Fuck, don't stop." He whined and tugged at the handcuffs desperately when he heard the sound of the fly going down. I undressed myself quickly, taking my bra and my panties off next and letting them pool on the floor.
"Wanna touch me?"
"Fuck, yes. Please let me." He begged. "At least let me see you."
"Wanna eat me out?" I asked him and he nodded, licking his lips like I had just told him I was going to feed him with the most delicious dessert.
I straddled his face, struggling a little not to fall over now that his hands could support me in any way. I lowered my hips and sighed when he licked and nibbled on my inner thighs.
I let him do his thing, enjoying the kisses and the biting he had going on, only resulting in the growing of the wet spot between my legs. To feel the first lick of his tongue over my clit was almost heavenly, his tongue slowly swirling around my clit
"Grind your hips." He reminded me and I complied, grounding my hips on his face until his nose was bumping my clit. "Please, let me see you." He begged and I chuckled. I wasn't done with this whole thing.
It was hard to keep my balance, especially when Harry's lips wrapped around my clit, sucking on it and flicking his tongue over it with expert movements. There was no denying he knew what he was doing.
"Fuck, fuck." I moaned when I felt the clenching of my walls sending an order to my whole body. My legs shook and my stomach trembled until I could barely stay on my knees.
Harry grunted and moan, the vibrations of his low voice creeping over my body until I was screaming and closing my eyes. Feeling his tongue press flat against my clit over and over again when I rocked my hips, I leaned into the wall, extending my arms and pressing my hands flat on the wall so I wouldn't fall now that my orgasm was right over the edge.
"Fuck, God, Harry." My eyes went to the back of my head and I ground faster and harder on his face. He was incoherent, moaning loudly with each of my movements as if I was pleasuring him and not the other way around.
My high sent me on my back, which rested along Harry's torso, while I tried to control the little jolts of my legs, still wide open in front of him, even when he couldn't see a thing.
I waited a moment and crawled my way to his hips. Beads of precum could be found over his tip and, with a quick swept of my tongue over it, I cleaned him.
"Spit on it." He told me. I looked up to him, his arms extended and the furry little pink thing at the end of them, giving them a weird look.
Wrapping my hand around his base, I pumped him a little before I let a trail of saliva fall on it and I spread it with my hand.
"Fuck." He muttered. "Please, ride me."
I smiled, getting on my knees so I could straddle him and sit on it. It never stopped really amazing me. Each time, he managed to go deeper, to fill me even more.
"Move your hips like you were doing on my face." He instructed, biting down a moan when I rocked my hips on his. "Fuck, you feel so good wrapped around my cock."
"Lovely words." I panted, rocking my hips over his and brushing my clit with each movement. "Fuck."
I leaned over his body and left kisses on his chest. My lips felt the saltiness of his sweaty skin, my tongue running over it a little. Moving my hips and gripping the headboard, I leaned until my boobs were over his face. He couldn't see it, but clearly he felt them, as he went to trap my nipple in his lips and suck and bit on the boobs.
"Jump." He ordered and I put my hands on his chest, leaning a little more so I could bite on his collarbones before I started to jump on him.
With my fingers connected to my clit and his moans reverberating through my body, it wasn't hard to find a place where all the pleasure in the world had gathered and was ready to explode in my body. A pleasure that as always was related to Harry, even when right now, he was only there to be used.
"Fuck." I continued to drop my hips over him and his moans were just getting more intense, his lip almost purple from how hard he was biting on it.
"Please, let me see you." He begged and I finally gave up, taking the blindfold out of his eyes. They immediately focused on me, on my bouncing breast and on the point where we joined, my hips dropping over him and taking him completely. "God, you're so fucking beautiful."
Any other time, I would have blushed and denied his statement, but tonight, when I was so close from a second orgasm, all I cared was my own release. Clenching my walls around him, I trapped him every time, repeating over and over until his head lolled to the side and he tugged harder on his restrains.
Soon, he was releasing inside of me and the warmth that filled me was the last thing I needed to throw my head back and let his name scape my lips as if it was the only word I knew.
His moans and my own combined and rocked the silent that otherwise filled the apartment. Moving my hips against him until I was down my high, I sighed and collapsed over his chest, kissing his heated skin until I could breath again.
"Let me go, please." He begged and oh, God, he looked so pretty while he did it. His pink lips were pouted and his eyebrows were creased while he looked at me. Shaking my head playfully, I took his limp cock in my hand again, flattening my tongue over it so it could run up and down and clean the mess we had both caused.
I liked the fact that I could feel him grow harder and heavier against my tongue. It was something that made me feel all kind of powerful. Running my hand up and down, and feeling the vein that crossed it from the base to the tip, I hollowed my cheeks and bobbed my head until the tip was hitting the back of my throat. Taking him out slowly, I reveled in the moans and curses that he was muttering. He tugged his arms, trying to free himself from the hold of the handcuffs and I stared at them for a second, until I was sure he wasn't going anywhere. Relaxed, I took him in my mouth again, my tongue pressed flat against his shaft.
It was the best feeling in the world. He was now hard as rock and his hips moved slightly as a reaction to my touch.
"Fuck, you're so fucking good at that."
I pumped him slowly, kissing from his pubic bone to his hipbones in slow, wet kisses. Making my way back to his cock, I kissed the tip and went down until I reached his base, my tongue poking out from time to time so I could give it kitten licks.
"Please don't tease me. Please, suck my cock." He begged. He was restless, his arms still trying to get out of the handcuffs' hold
"Behave, Styles." I reminded him and he seemed to calm down a little, bucking his hips up when I hollowed my cheeks around him again.
The moan this time was moan, feeling the silences in the room that weren't being filled already by the sounds of my mouth going down on him.
Swallowing, I relaxed my throat and bobbed my head down. The tip of my nose brushed and hovered over his lower stomach and he was hitting the back of my throat. Struggling for air, I closed my eyes and counted the seconds, finally letting him go in a big gasp for air.
"Fuck, fuck, do that again, babe." I did it again and then once more, until he was a moaning and squirming mess. His hips were rolling and the quivering of his stomach's muscles were turning more and more clear. Pumping my hand fast, I ran my thumb over his tip and sucked on it for a minute.
Saliva and cum were mixing and forming trails between my lips and his cock, helping me bob my head easier and run my hand up and down without any difficulty.
"Fuck." I muttered, poking my tongue flat and taking him into my mouth. I bobbed my head until he twitched, a long string of curses, my name and moans slipping out of his lips. I wondered if the handcuffs were going to give up, from how hard he was tugging at them.
Bobbing my head up and down one last time, I took him almost all out, pumping him in my hand and sucking his tip. His eyes were staring straight at me and I responded, looking at him while my tongue swirled around his tip.
His mouth was parted and he squeezed his eyes shut, throwing his head back when he finally reached his high one more time. I sucked, refusing to let him go until I was sure he had come down from his high. With a last kiss, I popped him out of my mouth and licked the remaining juices, doing the same with my fingers.
"You were such a good boy." I teased him when I leaned to free his hands. Kissing on his wrists, I smiled at him.
"For you, I'll be anything, babe."

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