Sixth lesson p1: How to enjoy it.

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That was the third time I had knocked and still I got no answer. I had been standing outside Harry's door for the last 7 minutes and I didn't know what to do. I wanted to give him back the clothes I've been burrowing from him, and now that I had made my way back home and that all of my clothes had been nicely washed by my mom (including his, which could only be done by me sneaking in once she was out of the laundry room and throwing the sweatpants and tees inside the machine), it was the perfect time to do so.
I was tired after a day of listening to my mom talk non stop about how I wasn't eating right and how the bags under my eyes should have their own brand, and I wanted desperately to go to sleep. I wondered if Harry would let me sleep in his bed, as my mattress was sucky and I couldn't find a comfortable position to sleep on it anymore.
I bit my lip, extending my hand and turning the doorknob. It was open. I had spent 7 minutes of my life standing outside a door and the whole time it was actually open. Go figure.
"Harry!!" I shouted once I was inside the apartment. "You left your front door open." The apartment was silent and dark, but there was a faint light coming from Harry's room. Low noises, very grunt-like, could be heard as well and curiosity almost killed me. I made my way to the room, standing right next to the wall and letting the sight of Harry, completely naked and sweaty filled each and every one of my senses.
He had his earphones on, and his eyes were fixed on his laptop in front of him. His hand was stroking his cock at a steady pace and he let a strangled moan out when his thumb ran across his swollen tip, sliding up and down his cock faster than before.
I couldn't take my eyes off him, and I didn't even have the decency to announce myself. I only stood there, watching him getting off to the porn that was playing on his laptop.
I finally found the strength to tear myself off the wall, walking slowly to him, my eyes still drinking in the pleasure in his face. He was about to come, I could tell by his heavy breathing and the small trembles of his stomach.
Biting my lip, I closed the laptop and sat on the bed, his dark eyes suddenly mine as if he were getting out of a daze.
"Fuck." He said and covered himself with the pillow next to him.
"Hey, that's the pillow I use!" I said, and immediately realized how stupid my comment was.
"Have you been here long?" He sat up and leaned enough so our faces were close enough.
"Yes." I admitted and let him kiss me, his fingers were brushing my cheeks and neck and my hand went to his thigh, very close to his still hard cock. "Seriously, take the pillow off." I laughed and he broke the kiss, taking the pillow and throwing it to the floor. It lasted less than 30 seconds, but it gave me the chance to ogle at him in all his glorious nakedness. God, he was perfect.
I put my hands around his face, forcing him to see me and crashing my lips to his. Maybe it was the fact he was completely naked, or that I had heard his little moans, but I was desperate to have his body pressed to mine and for his hands to roam my body. So, it wasn't hard for me to let him push me to the bed and to spread my legs so he could lie between them. Before I knew it, he had pushed my skirt up, bunching it on my waist and rolling his hips against me while his lips and tongue completely dominated mine.
I scratched his back, digging my nails on it when he tugged on my bottom lip, pulling it between his teeth. God, I could feel him, so hard and big and driving himself completely crazy with the smalls rolls of his hips.
My hands were exploring his body hungrily, making sure I had traced every inch of his skin. By the time I took him in my hands, I was a moaning mess, completely lost in the moment. I kissed him some more, before letting him go so he could brush his lips on my neck, nibbling and sucking lightly on the skin there, not enough to leave a mark, but still enough to make me moan lightly, while his long hair tickled me.
It all went out of control when I started to pump him in my hands, his fingers following my example and searching for my clothed clit. Each of his moans would burst a new bubble of excitement inside of me and feeling him so hard and heavy in my fingers only added to my complete need to make him cum.
When he set aside the fabric of my panties and rubbed my clit in rough circles, We both rocked our hips and kissed each other eagerly and roughly, moaning every other second, much to the other pleasure.
"Fuck, Harry." I moaned when he slid a finger inside of me, thrusting it quickly while his thumb continued to focus on my clit. The second one came quickly, Harry's eyes fixed on my face, with my frowned eyebrows and my lip between my teeth. His eyes were dark and lust was filling them.
I gasped when I felt the third finger entering me, stretching me out more than I was used to. I was already shaking and throbbing and there was no way I was going to be able to handle much more, I felt in heaven.
When he pulled his fingers away and offered them to me, I took them in my mouth, swirling my tongue around them and making sure I had clean them entirely. Everything we were doing was clouding my mind and I only wanted more. It wasn't until I felt his fingers put aside my panties and his tip running down my slit that I gasped and flinched, closing my legs out of instinct. Harry's eyes widened in realization and he fixed my panties before pulling away and rolling onto the bed.
"Fuck, I'm sorry." He covered his eyes with his big hand and shook his head. "I'm sorry, I'm a fucking arsehole."
Yes, I got scared and my body reacted before my mind could, poor thing was lost in the daze, but I could understand why he had done it, we were both lost in our own pleasure and were acting out of instinct. There was no doubt he wanted to fuck me it was just not the right moment for me. However, I was still driven by the need to make him feel good, as good as he made me feel every single time before, if that was possible.
"It's okay." I whispered and went to straddle him, kissing him again on the lips to shut him up when he started to protest. My lips were starting to hurt; desperate and rough would be the perfect description for all of our touches tonight, including our kisses.
I broke the kiss apart, kissing down his neck and leaving small kisses down his chest and stomach. When I took him in my hands again, while my lips brushed his navel, he moaned, bucking his hips up.
"Fuck, I don't deserve a blow job." He laughed and took my face between his hands so I would look up to him. "Really, I'm trash."
"It's not for you." I said and continued kissing him, my mouth finally reaching him and my tongue swirling around his tip. "I suck at this, I just want to be better." I shrugged and let his tip go past my lips, sucking on it while my hand pumped him.
I let him go and he moaned in protest, his finger on my fingers tangling my hair between them.
"I thought you didn't want me to." I said innocently, kissing his stomach and letting my fingers skim his cock.
"I'm only helping you out." He said, kissing me when he sat up.
"Yeah, right." I rolled my eyes and went back down, taking him in my mouth and bobbing my head up and down with my tongue flat against his shaft. It was a relief he was almost there, cause I was feeling breathless already. When I focused on his tip again, making sure I moaned and grunted against him, I could see his eyes rolling to the back of his neck and I could feel his hips trying to thrust inside my mouth.
Hollowing my cheeks, I bobbed my head and flicked my wrist a few more times before he was reaching his high in my mouth, some of the liquid running down my lips when he pushed my head down. I continued to suck him, trying to milk everything out of him, until he was finally done.
I lied on the bed and rested my head on his chest; a position I had found was very comfortable for me.
"I'm sorry." He repeated and kissed my forehead softly.
"It's okay."
"I excited."
"I could see that." I left a kiss on his chest, nuzzling my head on his neck this time. "Can I sleep here? My bed suck and my back hurts." I said, hugging him and restraining his movements when he tried to get up from the bed.
"I'm just trying to get your pillow back." He laughed.
I sighed, kneeling on the bed and extending my body until I could reach the pillow and his underwear. I yelped when he swatted his hand on my ass, and blushed when I turned around to glare at him. My ass was sticking out just in front of his face and he had a sheepish smile on his face.
"Idiot." I mumbled, and lay on bed again.
"Hell.... Oh, I thought it was the pizza guy." I gotta say, I had never seen Louis so bummed out before.
"Hey, I'm as good as pizza." I said, entering the room and noticing Louis and Liam were already there and they had a soccer game on the TV.
"Really, can I eat you?" Louis mused and I was going to answer to him when Harry poked his head out of his room.
"Don't answer that." He said and went back. Louis wriggled his eyebrows and ran to the couch when Liam let a very loud fuck out.
"Fuck." Both of them said in unison and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.
"Where are Niall and Zayn?" I asked when I noticed no one else was there, even when it was some kind of a tradition for them to start getting hammered before people arrived to the party.
"Niall is picking your friend up and Zayn has to be sleeping." Liam said distractedly.
I sighed and went to Harry's room only to found him on his bed, reading.
"Hey." He looked up to me and smiled when I lied on the bed, fixing the pillow to be more comfortable.
"Hey." He said and gave me a small kiss before returning to his book.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm trying to finish this, cause I'm going to be hung over tomorrow and probably won't do it."
"Okay." I said and tried to get up from the bed, but Harry stopped me before I could even try it.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm getting out of your way, I don't want to be a bother." I shrugged, smiling at him when he set his big green eyes on me. He furrowed his eyebrows and pouted his lips and he couldn't look anymore adorable even if he tried.
"You're not a bother." He left his book on the bed and hovered over me before kissing me. "You're a distraction, but you're not a bother."
"A pretty distraction?"
"The prettiest distraction."
"Thank you." I giggled, feeling butterflies exploding in my stomach with each kiss on my face. "It makes me feel so much better."
There wasn't much to discuss as we were kissing slowly, both of my hands on his hair, pulling him closer to me.
"Tweedledum and Tweedledee are out there." I said once he let me take a breath from the kiss. He sighed and rolled off of me, taking his book again. In the meanwhile, I decided to take a nap. Ever since I started college, I had found myself more and more willing to take naps wherever the opportunity presented itself. His hand started running down the small of my back, brushing my ass just to go back up and I fell asleep to his touch.
When I finally woke up, it was because the music was too loud and the chattering of the people was starting to get impossible to ignore. After trying to freshen up my breath with some toothpaste, I got out of Harry's room and tried to find Nicole. I knew she was there as Niall had invited her and, as much as she was always willing to let me stood up whenever she wanted, she would never do that to him. When I finally spotted her, she was giggling at something Niall was telling her and I decided I didn't want to ruin whatever those two had going on.
My next idea was to find Harry, but I stopped before I could get too close, noticing him leaning on a wall while he talked to Sam, the girl he was texting with. I didn't know what to do, as I was feeling my feet glued to the floor and a heavy feeling setting on my stomach. All I wanted to do was walk to him and kiss him just to show her I could.
I gasped in surprise when someone touched my shoulder, turning around to see whom it was. Niall was offering me a red cup and I took it, sipping a little and wincing at the strong taste.
"How you doing?" He asked.
"Fine, and you?"
"He's just talking to her, you know? He's flirty and can't avoid it, but they're just talking."
"Yeah, sure." I shrugged, hugging my waist when Niall fixed his blue eyes on me.
"Seriously, there's nothing going on there."
"It doesn't really matter. We have rules and he can do whatever he wants."
"Yeah, right, whatever you say." Niall winked at me and turned around to go find Nicole.
I sighed and took a seat on a couch, right next to a couple making out grossly, cause that was right what I needed, see two people attack each other with their tongues.
"You got your own private show." I got startled when a guy talked to my ear. I turned around and found Peter smiling at me.
"Jesus, you almost scared me to death." I laughed. He sat between the gross couple and me and blocked my view from them, which I thanked immensely.
"Were you enjoying it?" He whispered to my ear and tickled me, causing me to flinch away and laugh.
"It could be worse. They could be naked." I whispered back.
"That'd be a sight."
"By the way, we never set our second date. Like we've talked about going out again, but we've never set the details."
"How does naked people even relate to that?" I looked at him and quirked my eyebrows.
"You know...." He said, looking flicking his eyes to everywhere and everyone in the room. "A date and a show." He frowned and didn't seem so sure of himself anymore.
"Oh, my god!!!!" I laughed, watching his embarrassed face while he processed what he had said. "
All night, Harry was surrounded by people, specially other women and while I tried to enjoy as much as I could, often ending up sitting with Niall and some of the guys, I found myself talking to Peter a lot of times throughout the night.
"You're leaving?" Peter asked me when he was about the leave, the apartment pretty empty by now. "I can take you home.... Your home."
"Nope, I'm staying and helping Harry clean out the apartment." I said, standing by the door while the last couple said their goodbyes.
"Okay, so, well, see you next Saturday."
"See you." I smiled at him and he turned around to leave. I was about to close the door when I noticed he was just standing there, with his back facing me and not moving at all.
"Peter?" I asked and he turned around and crashed his lips to mine, his hand darting to the back of my neck to hold me in place. I kissed him back, completely surprised by his force and looked at him wide eyed when he pulled away.
"A week is a long time." He whispered, kissing me softly one last time before leaving. I stood there and it too me a while to notice six pairs of eyes watching me stunned. I whirled around and smiled briefly at them, walking around while I picked stuff from the floor.
"So, food?" Niall asked in a slurry voice. "Who wants food? I'm starving." Everyone mumbled something and all the boys, along with whomever they had brought as their dates that night left the apartment in a rush.
Harry was sitting on the couch with his arms crossed over his chest and he looked furious. I shrugged, it was not my fault and he had been flirting with some girl the whole night, so instead, I went to the kitchen and threw everything to the trashcan.
My heart almost crawls out of my chest when I turned around and found Harry towering over me.
"What the fuck was that?"
"What? Fuck off, that girl was all over you all fucking night." I said, trying to shove him off to one side but he was much stronger compared to my never-go-to-the-gym ass.
"I didn't fucking kiss her!" He yelled and I looked at him with knitted eyes. Panic surged through me, filling every inch of my body. Fuck, I needed to end this.
He suddenly pulled me to his chest, kissing me deeply and roughly, almost as if he was desperate to prove a point. His teeth sank in my bottom lip and I whimpered, giving him the perfect opportunity to slide his tongue past my lips and explore my mouth with him. As much as I wanted to find, I found myself taking my hands to his hair and tugging on it.
This was a demanding kiss, one that could not possibly leave any doubt to where it was leading and I was okay with it, all traces of panic now erased from my mind.
"You taste like him." He mumbled when he broke the kiss but I quickly pulled him to me again, kissing him with all I got. His hands found their way under my dress, squeezing my ass with force once they were there. I gasped, tilting my head so I could have a different angle in the kiss, one that would allow me to breath without pulling away, which was something I wasn't planning on doing.
When he roughly kissed and bit on my neck, lapping his tongue over the heated skin, I shut my eyes, enjoying the electric currents that were running down my body.
"Harry," I managed to say, my own voice hoarse and weak. "No marks." But he ignored me, continuing to nibble and suck on my skin until blood was drawn to it. "Harry!"
"Babe, he needs to know you're not available and he can't touch you." He looked at me, kissing me softly before resuming his work. It felt too good to deny, his lips on my skin and the fact that somehow he was marking me his. How twisted that whole concept is?
He left marks all over my neck and collarbones and I could feel myself getting wetter by the second, my own hips rolling against his leg between mine, trying to create some relieving friction for me. My fingers found their way to the front of his shirt, unbuttoning the only two buttons he had and exploring his chest eagerly.
"I can feel how wet you are through my jeans." He mumbled and I moaned when his hot breath caused a million goosebumps to rise in my skin.
"Fuck." His hand had found its way to my clit, pressing his middle finger to my clothed slit and sliding it up and down roughly.
"Who made you this wet, babe?" He asked, brushing his lips to my neck.
"Peter?" I joked and his eyes darkened at least 2 shades more when he looked at me, his pupils dilating and almost covering the entire iris.
"Not funny." He said and set the panties aside, connecting his fingers to my clit and making small and quick circles on it. Not much longer after he had started, I cried, feeling myself clench for the first time. "Who made you this wet?"
"Fuck, Harry, you!" I moaned, gripping the counter behind me to stop myself from falling. My legs were starting to check and I had no doubt as soon as I let it go, I was going to fall to the floor.
He continued massaging my clit, going at a steady pace this time and kissed me with everything he had. I felt his rage slowly drift out of his body and be replaced by another emotion, one that made him go slow and brush my skin with his other hand. It was a nice change and it contrasted with the urgency of his fingers on my clit, looking for my release. He entered two fingers inside of me and his thumb continued pressing delicious circles down my body, his long finger managing to hit and rub the spongy spot every time.
"Can you feel how wet you are?" He asked and I nodded feverishly, my own hand going to palm him through his jeans. He was so hard, it had to hurt him be restrained by the fabric, but for a moment, I got lost in my own selfish pleasure and only managed to touch him and delight myself with the moans I earned.
I stopped kissing him, pressing my forehead to his shoulder when I felt my legs almost give up, my quivering stomach and my clenching walls letting the fire spread through my body. I rolled my eyes and my mind went black for a moment, completely lost in my high.
We continued kissing; this time the pace was as slow as if we were trying to learn each other taste, to engrave it in our minds for future references. His hands were on my hips, and mine were divided between his head and the front of his pants. When he pulled my hand away, I smiled at him innocently, kissing the top of his nose and taking his hand to walk him to his bedroom.
"You sure?" He asked when I pushed him to the bed and I nodded, straddling him and kissing his neck for reassurance. "You're not gonna flinch this time?"
"Nope." I said and laid on the bed, smiling at him when he hovered over me. His lips met mine in a slow kiss, my hands brushing his jaw and running down his hair to then go explore his bare back.
It didn't seem like the same Harry for just a couple of minute ago. This was touching me as if I was going to break at any second, his fingers drumming on my skin and playing with the hem of my dress before pulling it off, only then breaking the kiss.
He looked at me with his big dark eyes, exploring my body and smiling to himself. When I pulled him in for a kiss, I could feel him sigh, hooking his arm around my waist to bring me to his chest. It all went in slow motion, the way his muscles tensed under my touch and the way his lips barely brushed my newly marked skin, finding their way to my chest and leaving several kisses on the exposed skin before unclasping my bra.
I felt so self aware when his eyes focused on my now naked boobs, his hand barely brushing one before he dipped his head down and took a nipple in his mouth, swirling his tongue around it while his other hand toyed with the other.
I moaned, feeling the need to have him closer to me grow with each touch, but sadly, he was taking his time, kissing and biting softly on my boobs before continuing to explore down my body.
With each of his kisses down my stomach and legs, I felt myself grow wetter and hungrier for him, but nothing made him lose his focus, his lips brushing my inner thighs until he finally brought his face to my center.
A cold air hit me and when I looked at him, he was blowing over my clit, closing his eyes when he kissed it and licked it delicately.
"Harry." I moaned when his fingers set the lips apart and his tongue licked slowly from the entrance to the clit.
"You want me to stop." He said, kissing the top of my inner thigh.
"Fuck, no."
He continued licking and kissing my thighs, making me go crazy and needy, my mouth opening to start begging for him to do something.
"Harry, please I need you." I begged, even when I couldn't recognize my own voice.
He didn't wait anymore, he set the fabric of my panties apart and his tongue swirled around my clit while he hummed, the vibrations of his grave voice only adding to my pleasure. His tongue was drawing figures on my clit, and with each movement I lost myself a little more, only aware of his tongue on my clit and his hands on my thighs. He pulled and flicked on it, going back to lick stripes before focusing on it again.
"Fuck, Harry, please." I begged, grinding my hips against his face as hard as his restraining hands let me. When he moaned, my walls clenched and my clit throbbed in response, almost ready to reach their high and demanding it.
The two fingers he added were received with a loud moan, his hand across my hips completely immobilizing me this time. When he slid the third one, I knew I wasn't going to last, his plump lips attacking my clit mercilessly while his fingers pumped inside of me, making sure they would reach and massage my g spot every time.
I took a bunch of his hair between my fingers, pulling on it when I felt myself reach my high and releasing around his fingers. My hips had a life of their own, moving and rolling against Harry's face while he continued to suck and hum against me.
I was a moaning and shaky mess when he got up from the bed, walking to his closet to get out a box of condoms.
He took 4, ripping one apart and leaving the other 3 in his nightstand drawer. I looked at him, mesmerized by his movements, his sweaty body and his messy hair. I took a weird pride in knowing I had messed it up like that, while he had his face between my legs.
"Wanna help me?" He said and offered me the package, which I took with trembling fingers. I sat up, unbuttoning his jeans and tugging them down as far as I could, knowing I wasn't going to be able to take them off without some struggle. He took them off as fast as he cool, letting them pool down on the floor.
When I pulled his boxers down and his hard cock sprang to his stomach, I couldn't help but lick my lips, focused solely on it and feeling the need to have it in my mouth one more time. He broke the magic when he cupped my face in his hands and made me look up to him, kissing me softly for a moment before pulling away.
"I don't know how to put this thing." I admitted and handed it to him. He ripped the package open and took my hand, guiding me while we both slid it down his cock.
"You're gonna have to learn, babe." He laughed and climbed on the bed, hovering over me until our lips meet again. His hands traveled down my body and when they reached my hips, his fingers toyed with the waistband of my panties, looking at me one last time before pulling them down. I kicked them off, letting him explore my naked body with his eyes and then with his lips, as he started kissing from my neck down, until he met my navel and went up again.
"Let me know if you want me to stop." He said, kissing me softly one more time. I buried my face on his shoulder when he spread my legs open and teased my clit with his tip, sliding it up and down my slit before he pushed it inside. Even with the 3 fingers that he had in me not minutes ago, it was still impressive. More than impressive, I was going to be sore as hell tomorrow morning.
I moaned at the movement, already knowing this was not going to be anything like my previous experience. He was stretching me farther that I could remember and his lips on my neck were leaving small kisses, maybe to make sure I was okay.
When he thrust slowly, he was filling me completely, my nails digging on his skin at the feeling and my head lolling to the side.
"Hey, look at me." He whispered and when I did I was met with small kisses on my face. "You're so perfect, so pretty." He said and I felt giddy and completely crazy about him at that moment.
"You're so fucking big." I laughed, always one to ruin special moments with awkwardness.
His hips rolled each time he was fully inside of me, letting me feel him completely before pulling away. It was slow, both of us leaving feathery touches on the other's body and kissing as if the other was air or food or some other element completely and absolutely necessary to continue living.
"Fuck, how are you so fucking tight?" He moaned, kissing down my chest and trapping my nipple in his lips.
I moaned loudly when he started going faster, both of my legs hooking around his waist and one of my arms hooking around his shoulder, pressing his body to mine in a desperate attempt to have him as close as possible. I started to suck a mark on his shoulder, wanting to drown the moans that threatened to come out. I could feel his cock reach all the way up my lower stomach and I knew I was going to need more and more and more, and that I was fucked.
"Scream, babe." He demanded, thrusting his hips harder and making me forget everything I had in my mind and replace it with his name, which was the only clear thing that managed to pass my lips, along with a blabbering intended to be curses.
He moaned when I started clenching around his cock and scratching his back roughly. I couldn't stop or command my body to stop doing it, all it could manage to do was shake and quiver as a billion and one small bubbles of pleasure burst inside of me.
I kissed him eagerly, the low grunt and the curse he let go when he reached his high, enough to make me wet all again.
He hugged me, even when we were both almost recovered, pulling away to roll onto the bed only to pull me with him, my head resting on his chest. I felt content and happy and giddy and I didn't want this to end anytime soon, but still the chances I was taking were far too risky.
"Wanna talk about it?" Harry asked and kissed the top of my head.
"Not really."

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