Fifth Lesson: How to ride.

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"You have a big nose."
"I do not have a big nose."
"You do." To prove my point, I started poking his nose with my pointer finger while I giggled like an idiot. He looked a little offended but the expression was soon wiped off his face, a smirk coming into place while his eyes set on my case with such an intensity that made me shiver. "I think you gave me too much medicine."
"I did not." He laughed.
"I think you did. You wanted to get me in your bed." I lolled my head, feeling drowsy but better than an hour ago when I had rang on Harry's bell with a stuffed nose and a splitting headache. My parents weren't in town and my roommate was as capable of taking care of me as I was of flying a plane. So my obvious choice had been Harry, who looked at me horrified when he opened the door. I think I even caught a gagging face after I had coughed my lungs off. But everything was forgotten when he dragged me to his bed and made me get under the covers so he could make me a soup and then give me some medicine that supposedly tasted like grapes. I don't think those people had ever had grapes in their entire lives.
"Yeah, that was exactly my plan. Get you in my bed when you can't do absolutely anything."
He left the medicine on the night stand, going to bed to lie by my side, pulling me closer to him and letting my head rest on his shoulder, while he brushed the hair out of my forehead.
"I can do stuff." I smiled at his and raised my head so our lips could meet in a slow kiss that wasn't really going anywhere. He let me roll completely onto my back, pressing half his weight on me and his hands went to my neck, drawing small circles on my skin with his thumb, while our lips were working together in a way that had me sighing into the kiss. Suddenly it was hard to breathe and my head was feeling dizzy and as much as I liked kissing Harry it had nothing to do with him and everything to do with my body protesting for my lack of consideration.
"Okay, my lungs are burning." I said, patting his chest. He laughed, kissing my jaw and my neck with the same soft kisses until our lips met again. "Seriously."
He sighed, letting me go and lying on his back, pulling me to his chest in a swift movement.
"Okay, c'mere." He said and wrapped his two arms around my back and kissing my temple once I had my face on the crook of his neck.
"You're warm." I nuzzled my head on his chest, feeling the heat that was radiating from his bare chest.
"You can hire me as your own personal blanket."
"How much do you charge?"
"A few blow jobs." He shrugged and laughed when I slapped him on the chest. I don't know what was I expecting.
I was going to live. I felt like I was going to make it after all. At least I could breathe and my head no longer felt like it was going to explode with every movement. My head was still resting on Harry's chest, even if we had clearly moved during the night as I was now on the opposite side of the bed and he was lying in the middle of it. His hand was under my shirt and I could feel his fingers lightly tracing figures on my skin.
"Hey. How you sleep?" He asked in a raspy voice. I looked him in the eyes and, while I felt my body completely filling with goosebumps at his low and lovely voice and tingles running down my legs, I smiled at him, leaning a little to kiss him softly. "Fine then."
"Fine, Mr. Styles. You'd make one hell of a doctor."
"Don't tell that to my mum."
I laughed, and kissed him again, this time a little harder and a little more urgent. The kiss soon heated up, our lips moving in synch while his tongue ran along my bottom lip, being granted entrance almost immediately. I tried to pull him closer to me, but he just stayed where he was, with his head dipped down and his arms around my waist. However, it was not enough for me, and completely frustrated as I was I pushed him to the bed and straddled him, quicker than I ever thought I could move.
I saw the smile on his face and felt his hands sneaking under my shirt when I went to kiss him, more and more eagerly as time passed. I could feel my lungs burning a little, but this time it was not so bothersome, or if it was, the rest of my body, along with my mind, decided to ignore it.
He bit my lip when I first rolled my hips, making me moan into the kiss, his big hands exploring my back and making all of my body going into alert mode, each one of his movements creating a fiery sensation in my stomach.
I was soon deprived of my control, Harry rolling us over so he was on top and his whole body was pressed to mine. This time my lungs protested a little more, but I ignored them once again, enjoying Harry's tongue exploring my mouth and his hands tracing the curves of my body until they rested on my waist.
My hands were on his hair, feeling its softness between my fingers. When he moved his hands up, I smiled, helping him get my shirt off and continuing with our kiss right away. The kiss was slower but somehow more intense, my arms wrapped around his shoulder while my legs went around his waist, pulling him closer until I could feel him fully with each roll of his hips. We were completely lost in the moment, both of us moaning and grunting lowly despite the softness of the touches. When his lips left mine and started leaving a string of kisses down my throat and chest, I closed my eyes, feeling as if I was on cloud 9 and nothing else mattered. His hair was tickling me and it contrasted with the fire that was burning my skin wherever he touched my skin with his lips. He made his way up until he could kiss me again, his hips rolling harder and faster, making me moan with his rough thrusts. God bless yoga pants.
His hand traveled to my crotch, pressing and rolling his fingers over my clothed clit.
"Fuck." I muttered, feeling his breath hit the skin of my chest while he slid his hands up and down and then rubbed my clit in fast circles and somehow was moving his hips against my thigh.
"I could fuck you with this pants on." He said, making his point when he pressed his finger where my entrance was supposed to be, making me buck my hips up and bring his face to mine to kiss him while he continued to rub me through my pants and rut himself.
Just when he was getting frustrated and his fingers where about to pull my pants down, my lungs decided to give in, the burning and lack of air I was feeling since the beginning becoming too much. The need to cough made me break the kiss, rolling onto my stomach so I could let them out in peace.
Harry sighed, rubbing circles on my back until I could breathe again. He left a soft kiss on my shoulder before pulling me to his chest. I rolled over, until I could nuzzle my nose on his chest and slowly we both drifted to sleep.
"I don't want to watch that movie." I pouted and brought my knees to my chest, sitting on the couch with Harry's arm over my shoulder.
"Are you scared?" Louis cooed and looked at me with quirked eyebrows.
"Yes, that's why I don't want to watch it. It's pretty simple, Lewis."
"Harry, support your girlfriend." Niall nudged his foot on Harry's thigh, making him tear his eyes apart from his phone for the first time since Louis and I started bickering 10 minutes ago.
"I think she's doing just fine." He shrugged and I blushed, trying to repeat to myself "just don't read too much into it", but still the smile that was plastered on my face just wouldn't go away, no matter how hard I tried.
"So, it' settled then. Anabelle it is."
"Oh, come on, Louis, don't be a dick. I'm going to be scared shitless and won't be able to sleep."
"Then wake Harry up."
"Harry won't be there!" I complained and I could feel Louis and Niall looking at me with funny looks.
"Do you really think we haven't noticed you always stay the night?" Niall said and he actually sounded offended. "What are you doing? Playing chess all night long?"
"Harry, defend my honor." I turned to Harry and hit him lightly on his chest, but he caught my hand and kissed me quickly.
"A gentleman doesn't lie, babe."
"It's a gentleman doesn't kiss and tell and you just did." I groaned, resting my head on his arm behind me, complaining and whining when I had to get up to go to the movies.
We arrived late and all there was left were shitty seats that were either too close to the screen and surely were going to make us sprain our necks while we tried to watch the movie, or too far from the screen and in the corner of the room. At the end we chose the farthest ones, buying the snacks and walking fast to our seats as the previews were almost ending and the movie was about to start.
Harry let me take the seat in the corner, right next to the wall, sitting by my side while Louis and Niall took their seats next to him. I looked at him warily, knowing he had something in mind and that I probably was going to be in trouble if he got his way. He smirked and rested his hand on my thigh.
I am not one for scary movies. The time I tried watching The Conjuring, I ended up putting my headphones on, while Nicole squealed and screamed by my side. I am an independent, smart and witty girl that simply considers scary movies are some kind of torture that would stop her from sleeping for at least a week. I appreciate my sleep; I avoid things that would keep me from sleeping. College does that just fine.
The movie started and all I could think about was why on earth would someone have those dolls? Even more, why would someone do so voluntary? That's just looking for trouble. Those dolls don't have to be evil to be creepy.
I was so distracted that I almost missed Harry's lips on my neck, startling myself when his lips brushed my ear.
"Put your bag on your legs."
"Your bag on your legs." He repeated. "And be quiet."
I bit my lip, taking my bag from the floor and putting in on my legs, my fingers playing with its latch.
It almost didn't surprise me when Harry's hand ran up my thigh until it found my crotch. His fingers started sliding up and down, pressing down when he was over my clit. I moved my hips lowering myself a little to make it easier for him. I could see the smile forming in his face through the dime light of the room and in a daring moment I popped my button open, biting my lip when he snuck his hands under the waistband of my panties.
His strokes on my clit were slow, almost lazy, his eyes fixed on the screen while I tried to do the same. Niall and Louis were barely paying attention to the movie, let alone us, talking and laughing among them. I hoped they would just shut up, not because I cared, but because if we were thrown out, I was going to be in trouble when someone realized Harry's hand was literally inside my pants.
I opened my legs a little, feeling Harry's finger slid down my slit just as soon as I had. He smirked, feeling how wet I was starting to get, and went back to roll my clit between his fingers, this time much easier was his fingers were wetter. I let a small whimper out, biting my lips immediately and looking around to see if anyone had heard me. Thankfully every one was focused on the dreadful movie and no one had paid attention to me.
Harry started drawing 8 figures on my clit, leaving it for a moment so he could tease my entrance and go back to massage it. He was smiling, seeing from the corner of his eyes how I was struggling to keep it together, the feeling I was growing more and more used to starting to build up in me. I bucked up my hips and he entered one finger in me as far as he could without drawing attention to him. The fire in my stomach was getting bigger and bigger and I could feel I was not that far away from screaming his name.
He suddenly pulled away, turning his attention to Louis who had called him and laughing at whatever stupid thing the other boy had told him. I was annoyed, if he thought he was going to do to me the same thing he did the other night, he was wrong. Especially because that kind of orgasm had to be a pain in the ass to cover in a room full of people.
I sighed and took his hand that was resting on my thigh on mine, brushing my thumb over his knuckles. I wasn't paying to much attention to the movie, I just knew there was too much noises and screaming for my liking.
Harry pulled his hand away from mine, leaning into me to kiss my cheek. He winked at me and I glared at him in return, gasping when he brought his hand under my jeans again. I widened my eyes at him, afraid other people might hear me, but he just smiled, starting to rub my clit faster this time.
He rubbed fast and hard and I almost cried in pleasure when he pinched me and slid his fingers down, entering me and pumping it a few times before he went to rub my clit again.
"You're so wet I could fuck you se fucking easy right now." He whispered, making me squeezed my eyes shut, trying to gain some self-control. "My cock would feel so fucking good." His words almost sent me to edge and I could feel myself shivering, the hairs on the nape of my neck standing at attention. I rolled my hips subtly and that delicious feeling was threatening to consume me if he continued. I frowned, acknowledging my surroundings and took his wrist in my hand, stopping him from any further movement.
"Stop." I commanded, but in reality it sounded more like begging. He smirked, kissing my cheek and taking his hand from under my jeans and letting it rest on my thighs, his eyes turning to focus on the movie.
The movie was too long or maybe it was just me. I was desperate; feeling myself burning in need and so incredibly wet it was uncomfortable. I needed some kind of friction. I needed Harry so badly.
When the movie finally came to an end and we got up, he offered me his other hand, walking with our fingers intertwined while Niall and Louis mocked me for being afraid.
"Fuck, I'm starving." Louis whined when we left the place, rubbing his inexistent belly and looking up in a dramatic way.
"I could use some food and a pint." Niall added, turning to look at me. "Wanna go?" He asked me.
"Nah, bro." Harry said, wrapping his hand around my waist. "We're leaving."
"You're going to finish whatever it was you two were doing on the movies?" Louis asked, smirking when he saw the sheer terror and embarrassment that formed in my face. "Tsk, tsk, there were children present. Shame on you two."
"Shut up." Harry laughed and I tried to make myself smaller, hiding behind his back a little. I was mortified to say the least. "We're leaving now."
"No glove no love, kids." Louis sang when we were walking away, Niall's laugh echoing in the air.
"Oh, my god. I want to die!!!!"
"Don't be dramatic."
"How is this being dramatic? They saw us!!"
Harry shrugged, his hands squeezing mine when we were walking.
"Want to go home?" He asked me when we were getting closer to his building. "I could take you."
"No." I mumbled, smiling at him when he looked at me.
"Wanna finish?" He wriggled his eyebrows and I giggled, feeling like a 15 years old when her crush remembers her name.
"That'd be nice." I shrugged nonchalantly.
"Your wishes are my command, m'lady."
We walked faster to the building, laughing when we finally reached his apartment and he immediately pushed me to the wall, kissing me hungrily while his hands explored my body. I brought my hands to his neck, tilting his head so I could have a better angle for the kiss, my tongue entering his mouth with an eagerness that was completely new for me.
He smiled into the kiss, breaking apart and trailing his lips over my jaw and neck. When he found that spot that made me moan, he nibbled and sucked on the skin, pushing me to the wall and taking both my hands in one of his, pinning them over my head.
"Do something." I demanded. It was ridiculous, but I was whimpering already and all he was doing it was kissing my neck. God, I love kisses there.
"A little eager, babe?" He pulled away to look me in the eyes. His green, big eyes that were looking at me as if I was the most important person in the world mesmerized me. It was so easy to get lost in them.
"Yes." I nodded, moaning when he shoved his hand under my pants, his fingers connecting to my clit immediately and rubbing on it in a quick pace.
"Fuck, babe, you're still so wet." He almost moaned, sliding his fingers down to my entrance and pulling his hand out. He showed me his wet fingers, both of us looking at them with big eyes.
"Taste." He commanded, bringing his fingers to my hips. I closed my mouth, shaking my head no. He pouted and I rolled my eyes, opening my mouth so he could slide his fingers inside. It was weird, tasting myself, but he was looking at me fascinated.
"Just as if it was my cock, babe." He said, putting a leg between mine. "Roll your hips." I immediately complied, rolling my hips and letting the friction help me relief myself a little. I licked and sucked on his fingers, all while looking at him through my eyelashes. His lips were pink and plump, swollen from all the kissing and all I wanted to do was pull him to me and kiss him all night long. "Fuck, you're so good." He said, pulling his fingers out and taking his hand down, reaching for the hemline of my shirt. He pulled it off, my jeans following in seconds. I was there, almost naked, pushed to a wall and all I could think about how desperate I was for dropping on my knees and suck his cock until he was trembling.
I continued rolling my hips on his thigh, my clit feeling even more sensitive now that it was just covered by the flimsy material of my panties. His lips were on mine, biting and kissing me roughly, moans coming back and forth between us.
Two of his fingers were suddenly on my clit again and I hissed, its coldness and wetness against my warm bud making me go dizzy. Soon enough, the same two fingers were pumping in and out of me while his thumb was massaging roughly my clit. My stomach was already quivering and I could feel my hands clench around his long fingers each time he hit my g-spot.
"Say my name." He whispered when his lips found my ear, my head already too far gone to even register what he had just said. "Say it." He repeated and pulled his hand away slightly. I was so close and desperate, I almost cried at the action.
"Please don't stop, please." I begged.
"Scream my name."
"Fuck, Harry, please don't stop." I screamed as loud as I could, which wasn't too loud, my voice already feeling strained. "Harry, please."
"Look at me while you cum." He ordered.
He continued pumping his fingers in and out, his lips trapping mine in a rough kiss. I could feel myself losing control of my body, the sweet fire blurring my vision while my legs felt as if they were no longer mine, uncontrollable as they shook. His massages on my clit were slower, almost softer as I reached my orgasm and I had to struggled to keep my eyes open and on his, feeling them heavy, tired and unfocused.
"Fuck." I sighed, slowly regaining control over myself.
"Come." He said, dragging me to his bed. I felt cold and sweaty and probably looked like I had just been fingered against a wall. I let Harry guide me; my legs still feeling a little wobbly with each step.
When he sat down on the bed, he pulled me to him, making me stand between his legs. I kissed him, smiling when he pulled my panties down and made me climb on the bed to straddle him.
"You know what we should do?" He asked me, his hands running up and down my thighs until he finally let them rest on my ass.
"You should sit on my face." I widened my eyes, shaking my head no. "Why not?" He whined, pouting and frowning his eyebrows as if he were a 5 years old child.
"Because I'm, because I'm going to crush your face, or you're gonna run out of air or something."
"None of that is going to happen, babe." He laughed and I glared at him.
"I don't know." I started chewing the inside of my cheek.
"Come on, it's gonna be fun, I promise."
"Hmmmm...." I kissed him softly, pushing him to the bed and hovering over him while our lips explored each other. My hips were rolling against his thigh, and I could feel his hard on pressing on my lower stomach. I wanted to touch him as well, make him feel as good as he always made feel. "I'd ride your face if you take your jeans off." I mumbled in the kiss and rolled my hips a little harder, moaning at the feeling I was getting. I was too fucking sensitive already.
"I can feel how fucking wet you are."
"Yeah? You made me this wet."
"She talks dirty." He laughed, patting my ass and helping me stand on my knees a little. I heard his fly going down and he shimmied out of his jeans, the low thud echoing the room when his jeans hit the floor. "C'mere." He put his hand on my hips and made me go up until I was straddling his face.
I was too fucking embarrassed; every little thought blowing up in my mind at the vulnerable position I was in. He could see everything. God.
"Come down." He ordered, but I shook my head no, staying where I was. I gasped when he raised his head, bringing closer to me until he could lick a stripe from my center to my clit, his hands hooking around my thighs to make me lower myself.
I yelped, feeling his breathing hitting my clit directly and his nose bumping it slightly. He left soft kisses on my inner thighs and licked a new stripe from my center to my clit. I breathed, his tongue softly swirling around my clit before he went back to completely ignore it. He kissed my lips, my inner thighs, his fingers granting his the space when he dove his face in, the position giving him a new angle that made me go nuts almost immediately. His tongue and lips finally made their way to my clit and suck on it lightly, his hands on my hips guiding them until they were rocking at a steady pace.
I looked back, seeing his cock resting on his stomach while it twitched a little. I tried to balance myself, until I had found a position that would allow me to take him in my hands, pumping him while he pressed his face closer to me, his lips pulling and flicking on my clit and his moans vibrating through my body.
"Jesus, fuck." I moaned, grinding my face faster and pumping him at the same pace, both of us grunting. He was flicking my clit, his tongue sliding to my center to pump itself in me to then continue sucking on clit. "God, fuck, Harry." I almost screamed when one of his hands traveled to my chest, setting the fabric of the bra apart and playing with my nipple while the other one offered me some support.
I teased his tip, grinding my hips and feeling his nose sometime bumping against my clit. The veins of his cock were swollen and he was thrusting softly in my hand. This was incredibly hot and I felt myself so wet I could barely believe it was really me.
"You're dripping." He confirmed my thoughts, licking and slurping on me until I felt too dizzy. "Fuck, I'm going to cum, keep going, please."
His heavy and short breath hit me, and his cock was twitching in my hands, while I was starting to clench. I bit my lip, trying to focus on him and not on the fire that was spreading through my legs. I needed him to cum, or I was going to lose myself and fall. I went faster, my thumb running along his tip until he moaned my name loudly, his cum spurting out and running down my hand. I pumped him for his life, making sure he was completely done when I pulled my hand away, licking my fingers and humming for his benefit, his eyes fixed on me from where he was.
"Fuck, Harry." I cried, tangling the fingers of his other hand on his hair while I let myself go, my legs shaking and almost closing around his head. I put my hands on the wall to give me some balance while I ground my hips on his face, his moans and grunts the only thing that I needed to sent me over the edge.
I fell on the bed, completely exhausted and shaky, smiling when he pulled me to his chest and kissed my shoulder.
"She's cute." I managed to say the next morning. Harry was texting on his phone, my head lying on his shoulder and his phone high. He was seeing some photos a girl named Sam was sending him and in each and every one she was smiling and half naked. I mean, his phone was over my head, it was really not that hard to see what he was doing, don't judge me.
"She, the girl in the photos." I said, returning to my book. I heard him sigh and he left his phone on the nightstand, taking my book out of my hand and leaving it there as well. I turned around, nuzzling my face on the crook of his neck while his fingers drummed on my shoulder.
"She's just a friend."
"Like me?"
"No, not like you."
"Okay. Cause she could, you know?" I said, tracing figures on his chest and letting my head rest on his shoulder.
"Yeah, but I have you already." He shrugged.
I looked up at him and found that he was already looking at me.
"Oh, such charming words, Styles. You make my heart flutter."

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