Fourth Lessons: How to wait.

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I woke up to a sunny day and immediately a jolt of panic surged through my body. I certainly wasn't in my bedroom, and I had no idea where I was. The throbbing pain in my head, along with my hurting eyes didn't help to make me feel at ease.
I blinked several times, taking in the darks cover over my body and recognizing details around me, the half wall that lead to another room, the dark wooden door to a bathroom, the dark wooden closet with a green fabric stripe hanging from one of the knobs. Harry's cologne everywhere.
Harry's. I was in Harry's room.
Turning around as I did proved to be a huge mistake, my head throbbing even quicker and harder. I groaned, blinking several times until the world stopped spinning.
Harry was lying on his stomach, his face buried on the pillow, his arm under the pillow while his other hand was over it, near his face and his hair messy and pointing at every direction. This kind of worked for me, as it gave me an opportunity to ogle at him. It took me a lot of effort not to trail my fingers down his back, tracing the muscles there. Instead I just laid there, closing my eyes to continue sleeping.
It was nice, his bed. Come to think about it, I didn't even know how I ended up there. The last thing I remembered, almost everyone had left Niall's party and we were talking in the living room. I remembered Niall, Louis and Liam were still there, drinking beers and making it impossible to me to understand a thing they were saying with their slurry accents. I was almost sure I had fallen asleep on the couch while they laughed about something silly.
I suddenly felt Harry's big hand traveling from my hips to my ass, squeezing it and leaving it there. I opened my eyes and looked at him, ready to scold him, but he was still asleep. I huffed, taking his hand off me and going back to sleep, this time a little more conscious about the different snores that were feeling the apartment.
The slam of a door woke me up startled, sitting up at once and noticing Harry standing by the bathroom. A towel was hanging from his hips and his skin was glistening with the droplets of water. I felt my mouth watering.
"Sorry." He winced, striding up to the bed and leaving a kiss on my cheek to then walk to his closet "There's a toothbrush for you in there. You can shower if you want."
"I don't have any more clothes." Damn, a shower would be nice. My whole body felt sticky and sweaty.
"You can use mine." He shrugged, tapping my ass when I walked by him on my way to the bathroom.
"Leave my ass alone, Styles."
15 minutes later I was poking my head out of the bathroom, careful not to show my naked body.
"What are you doing?" He laughed, looking at me from his spot on the bed.
"I need clothes."
"Come and get them."
"There are people outside!" I whispered, shaking my head no.
"So, if we were alone..."
"Clothes, Styles."
He took some clothes from the closet and walked up to me, leaning to give me several kisses, still holding the clothes.
"Please tell me you're going commando."
"Shut up." I laughed, hitting him on his forehead and taking the clothes from him.
I looked ridiculous. The sweatpants were a little long on me and the shirt was incredibly big. I didn't even know why he liked those damn big shirts. I sighed, putting my hair in a ponytail and getting out of the bathroom.
"You're taking me home, right? I'm not going anywhere dressed like this."
"Yeap" He said, smiling at his phone's screen while texting with someone.
I leaned into the wall, looking the mess that was right now Harry's apartment. Niall looked almost like a lifeless body, sleeping on the couch with his legs propped up on the armchair. Louis arms' were dangling from the couch and Liam was almost curled up on a chair. I almost yelped when I felt Harry's arm around my waist and his lips on my neck.
"Harry, they're gonna see us." I whispered.
"Nah, they're gone for a while. Come."
"You literally have half a wall and no door." But my chest was already pressed to his body, and his hands traveled to the back of my neck so he could kiss me. "Harry!!" I laughed when he pushed me to the bed.
"Shhhhh, quiet." He said, coming down to kiss me a little hungrier. He put his leg between mine, and trailed his lips down to my neck, nipping on my sweet spot.
"No marks, Harry." I reminded him, and his groan made my skin tingle, his lips leaving more and more kisses down my skin.
"I've never seen your tits." He started tugging at the hemline of my shirt, pulling it up a little, but I stopped him, frankly scared of being caught half naked by one of the boys.
"No! They're gonna see us."
"They're not. Come on, trust me." He quickly pushed the shirt up, letting it bunch over my boobs, almost as if he thought that by being slow he would give me time to reconsider the situation. He pressed his lips to the valley of my breast and my hands darted to his hair, which still was a little wet, tangling my fingers with it.
"I still think this is a bad idea." I mumbled, closing my eyes when he kissed the top of my left boob.
"Gimme a minute." I could feel his smirk on my skin. I gasped when his cold fingers went under my bra and set the cup aside. I gasped loudly when he took my nipple in his mouth, sucking lightly on it.
"Quiet." He whispered, continued to nip and suck on my skin. He hummed, raising goosebumps when his warm breath hit my skin and I pulled his hair a little, rolling my hips against his leg.
He left my nipple, the cold air morning making me shiver, and kissed his way to the other, paying it the same attention, flicking his tongue over it. His hand was traveling down my stomach until it could sneak under my sweatpants.
"Oh." I moaned when his finger connected with my clit, making small circles on it. He left a final kiss on my boob and came to kiss my lips, his tongue swiping over my bottom lip, my mouth parting for him almost immediately.
"You're wet." He mumbled against my lips, his fingers going a little faster causing my hips to move with them.
"Fuck, Harry, I..."
Suddenly a loud thump interrupted me, followed by a "Fuck" along with groans and laughs.
"Shit." Harry said, pressing his forehead to mine and taking his hand off my sweatpants. He kissed me softly and got up, crossing to the living room to see what had happened.
I followed him, seeing Louis now sitting on the floor and rubbing a spot on his head. Niall was practically dying from laughter, with his body doubled over the floor.
Harry's body started rumbling in laughter and soon we were all laughing like maniacs, with Louis still glaring at us.
"You know what? We should go to the beach." Liam said when we all had calmed down. I was sitting on the couch, Harry's arm over my shoulders.
I groaned, hiding my face in Harry's arm.
"No sun." I whined, feeling Harry's chuckles vibrating in his chest. I sat up straight again, seeing that Louis was looking at me weirdly. "What?"
"Did you not fall asleep on that couch?"
"I think so, yeah."
"Harry carried her to his room." Liam said. Everything was a lot clearer now. "Apparently, you have to have boobs to sleep comfortable in this house."
"Next time you want to share a bed with me, just say it, Li." Harry mused, pulling me even closer to his chest.
"Girls can be friends with guys!" I exclaimed, adjusting my glasses over my nose. We were going to the beach after all, and we were supposed to meet with the guys and some other friends. I had invited my friend Nicole, who at the mention of Niall's name had screeched and jumped around as if I had told her she was marrying a prince.
"Yeah, like us." Harry looked at me briefly, a smirk clear on his face.
"Well, no. I mean, friends friends."
"Are you saying we're not real friends?" He gasped, sounding a little offended, which I was sure was pure pretend.
"I mean friends that don't do what we do."
"What do we do?" Harry asked in an innocent voice.
"You know."
"I don't."
"What? What do we do?" I just groaned in response, looking out the window. "Come on, it's not hard, you suck my cock, I eat you out."
"You're ridiculous."
"I still think you're being naïve."
"I am not." I was supposed to go to the movies with Peter tonight, as with the whole beach thing I had to cancel on the coffee. Harry insisted he was trying to make a move while I thought a girl and a guy could be friends just fine. Truth is, I wasn't sure if Peter making a move would be a problem for me.
"Let's do something. If he doesn't try anything tonight, I'll buy you lunch and your coffee fix for a week."
"I'm listening."
"If he does try to make a move, you'll let me do anything I want to you tonight."
"Hardly fair."
"That's my offer." He shrugged.
"I want expensive lunch, no McDonalds."
"And my coffee fix better includes shit at Starbucks."
"Okay." He laughed.
"You've got yourself a deal."
When we finally arrived to the beach, I had 12 texts from Nicole freaking out and asking me where the fuck was I. I was supposed to text her once I was there so she could make a casual entrance. I quickly texted her back telling her she could come now.
We reached the place where the guys were sitting. Liam and Louis were standing up, getting ready to go surf for a while Niall, Zayn and a couple more people I didn't know were lazily hanging around.
I sat between Harry and Niall, joining his conversation with Zayn. Harry's hand skimmed my thighs from time to time, sometimes letting it there when he leaned to talk to someone across the group.
When Nicole finally arrived, I introduced her to everyone, letting her do her own thing when I realized she was doing just fine grabbing Niall's attention, already laughing and joking with the guy.
Harry, on the other hand was doing more than just fine, talking with a blonde girl wearing a black bikini. She was flirting so hard it was almost laughable and even though I couldn't see Harry's face, I could only imagine his intense eyes and dimpled smile. I felt a pang of what I can only describe as jealousy cross my stomach, but I tried to shake it off as quickly as it came. I was sure it was something I didn't want to deal with. It was Harry, he was flirty by definition, and above all he was not mine to feel jealous about.
But it was getting harder to keep quiet, especially when the girl kept leaning down, letting her boobs be the center of attention. You have boobs, we all noticed, now put those away.
"Harry, I'm gonna go." I said, getting up and trying to shake the sand off my ass.
"Why? Oh, right, your date. I'll take you."
"It's not a date, and no, please stay."
"Nah." He was already up and saying goodbye to the blonde girl, who did not look so friendly anymore when he turned around and I was the only one looking at her. I smiled sweetly at her, turning around and following Harry in little skips.
"So, what time are you coming?" He asked when he was pulling over in front of my building.
"I'm not. I'm gonna call you and tell you he was a perfectly good friend material." I smirked at him, leaning to kiss him goodbye on his cheek.
"So, around 11?"
"Only if you come and pick me out." I groaned.
"Okay, babe." There was that damn word again waking up the damn butterflies.
It was 10:50 when I arrived home. Lying on my bed I continued to debate with myself whether I should call Harry or not. Peter had in fact made a move, kissing me when we were eating ice cream after the movie. It was kind of a hot night and I was always down for dessert, don't judge, and now I was supposed to tell Harry.
When I was about to say "Fuck it" and go to sleep, my phone started buzzing, a photo of Harry with wide eyes and his tongue out appearing on the screen. I sighed before answering.
"Hi." His voice was raspy and I bit my lip, feeling the anticipation start building in me. I was gonna tell him the truth, I was gonna tell him whatever it was that would make him take me to his place. "How did it go?"
"Fine. It was a funny movie."
"Did he try anything?"
"Yeap." I said, letting the 'p' pop up at the end. "He kind of kissed me."
"Mmmmm..." The line went silent for a couple of seconds and I wasn't sure if he had fallen asleep or something. "Did you kind of kiss him back?"
"I did."
"Okay...I'm picking you up in 20."
"Harry, it's really late."
"No, babe. A bet's a bet. I won."
"Okay, but nothing too freakish, Harry."
"Whatever I want, babe."
"Where were we this morning?" He asked, slamming his front door shut and pulling me to his bedroom. He sat on his bed and immediately brought me down to straddle him, attaching his lips to mine with hunger.
"I can't remember." I said, incapable of telling any of the stuff he was doing. He chuckled, kissing down my neck and biting on the skin, creating a little mark before I had time to react.
"Say it."
"Come on, say it." He said, pulling my shirt over my head and letting it pool on the floor.
"You were kissing me."
"Yeah? Here?" He asked, kissing my collarbones.
"Here?" He left a kiss on my shoulder and then looked up at me. His hands on my hips were starting to make me roll my hips against him.
"No." I laughed. His next kiss was on my arm, asking me if that was where he had kissed me and when I answered no, he unclasped my bra, throwing it to the floor.
"Here?" He asked one last time, taking my nipple between his lips and sucking and flicking on it while he looked up to me through his eyelashes, his other hand playing with my other nipple.
"Yeap." I rolled my hips a little harder, weaving my fingers on his hair. I moaned, feeling him go harder, use his teeth a little more, marking the skin he left before focusing on the other boob. "Jesus, Harry." I started rolling my hips a little harder, feeling his bulge growing hard under me, little whimpers escaping his mouth when I moved my hips faster.
Suddenly, he was rolling us around, letting my back hit the bed before he was hovering over me, his lips desperate against my skin. I brought my hand down, until I could palm him, feeling how hard he was under my own hand and trailing my fingers up and down.
"Fuck, go under, touch my cock." He mumbled, biting a little harder than necessary on my neck. I popped his jeans open, my hand going under his jeans and underwear and taking him, pumping and playing with his tip just like I had seen him do it himself. He moaned, doing the same with me, teasing my clit a little before massaging it in circles.
"How many times to you think you can come?" He asked, rubbing my clit faster.
"Last night was pretty intense." I breathed, trying to maintain his rhythm with my own hand. His fingers slid down my slit, teasing my entrance before focusing on my clit.
"Those were 2, babe." He laughed, but I was too focused on his two fingers on my clit to even respond. He kissed me once more, his tongue entering my mouth to play with my own.
Maybe I was too sensitive, or maybe it was the whole situation, hearing his little moans, his teeth biting and tugging my bottom lip between them, his cock in my hands doing little twitches while his hips were thrusting in my hand, but I could feel myself throb, my stomach quiver and my legs shake. And I was so so close, my breathing was becoming shallower, his harder and heavier.
"I want to fuck you so fucking bad." He whispered to my ear.
"Do it." I answered without thinking.
"I don't have condoms."
"Why?" I laughed. I would've thought he had condoms hiding on every corner of this apartment.
"Cause if I did, I would be fucking you at all times, I wouldn't let you out of this apartment."
In the spur of the moment, I pushed him off me and to the bed, climbing on top of him in a second. He looked at me wide eyed, but I just smiled, pulling his jeans down until they were around his knees and taking him in my mouth, kissing and licking his tip until his eyes were rolling and he had to throw back his head. I started bobbing my head down, sliding my hand up and down what I couldn't fit. It wasn't long before he started twitching, holding my head down and making little thrusts inside my mouth.
"You want me to come in your mouth?"
"Yeah." I moaned, pulling him almost all the way up and sucking on his tip until I felt him coming, the liquid shooting in my mouth. He sat up, looking at me with fascinated eyes and running his thumb over my chin, collecting the little drops that had escaped my mouth.
"Swallow it." He said and I winced, gulping down and laughing when he kissed me softly on my cheek. He pulled his jeans down and I thought everything was over. "Take your jeans off." He demanded and I hesitated, realizing I'd be completely nude if I did so. "Want help?"
"Nope." I shook my head, getting up from the bed and taking my jeans off slowly. He had already seen it, what the hell. "I can do it."
His eyes darkened visibly, pulling me to the bed in a swift movement and letting me to straddle him. He kissed me roughly, biting my lips and moaning every time I rolled my hips.
"Harry!" I shrieked when he rolled us over again, hovering on top of me.
"Let me know when you're about to cum, alright?" He said before kissing down my body, kissing my right nipple in his mouth and connecting his fingers to my clit, drawing quick 8 figures on it. I was still sensitive from before, even if I hadn't got to cum. I gasped when he entered a finger in me, pumping it in and out quickly while his thumb massaged my clit.
"I'm gonna add a second, yeah?" He mumbled, sliding a second finger inside of me.
"Fuck, Harry." I moaned, rolling my hips against his hands. He suddenly left my nipple, kissing down my skin until he could bite my hipbone. The sharp pain of his teeth sinking in my skin only added to the electric currents that were already running down my legs.
When he noticed my stomach quivering, he suddenly pulled out, making me groan in frustration.
"Harry!!" I whined, but he just shut me up, kissing me roughly, my legs going around his waist to push him down to me.
"We're gonna try that 3 more times, okay?" He said, making his way down, kissing a straight line down my body, my skin feeling on fire with his touch, and the ball of pressure in my stomach still begging to be released.
"Jesus, Harry, I can't."
"You can. Let me know."
He kissed my thighs, which were already feeling clammy and hot, his wet kisses somewhat refreshing the skin. He nibbled on the skin softly, smirking when I whimpered and tangled my fingers in his hair, pulling him closer to me.
He blew a little air over my center and my legs jerked away a little.
"Fuck." I was close and all I needed was a little attention, which he was refusing to give to me.
He still didn't give up, brushing his lips over me and kissing around my center without really doing anything.
"Please." I cried and sighed in relief when he finally licked a stripe from the entrance to the clit several times, barely paying attention to my clit.
I was squirming, propping myself up on my elbows and watching him with his hands around my thighs and his head dipped between my legs. It was such a hot sight.
"You're so fucking wet." He smiled, finally licking and flicking his tongue over my clit.
"Oh." I moaned, pulling at his hair a little harder when he sucked for the first time. He swirled his tongue around it and sucked on it. He continued doing it, going a little harder or slower according to my own body. If I started squirming, or visibly shaking, he would slow down until I calmed down a little, the fire that was starting to build desperate to consume me.
He hollowed his cheeks, sucking on my clit faster than before, humming a little, which only made me moan even louder. It was a great idea to not stay in my room; my roommate would probably throw me out.
I was feeling so close, and I tried to get away, trying to wriggle away but Harry continued to suck and lick, until I was literally at the verge of reaching my high. Only then, he let me go, pulling away all too quickly.
"What the fuck?" I cried, letting him pulled me to him when he laid on the bed, my hips rolling against him, feeling all the roughness of his jeans and creating a nice friction for myself while I kissed him desperately.
We kissed for a couple of minutes, my moans coming more and more desperate.
"If you beg me, I'll make you cum right now." He mumbled against my skin, kissing roughly on it until more purple spots appeared on it.
"Please. Please let me cum, Harry." I was desperate, my legs were shaking and I could feel myself so wet and throbbing it was almost ridiculous.
"No one can make you cum like I do, you know that, right?" He asked me when he rolled us over, his fingers slightly teasing my clit again. I was so sensitive, after 2 frustrated orgasms, that I really didn't need that much.
"I do." I nodded, feeling how he was going a little harder.
"You want me to make you cum?"
"Yes, please."
He kissed me roughly, until my lips so swollen and bruised I was sure I was going to bleed after we were done. His fingers continued drawing 8 figures over my clit, massaging quickly until I was almost crying, pulling at his hair, and rolling my hips. He pulled his hand away, a mischievous smirk tugging his lips up.
"Fuck, Harry, I'm gonna fucking kill you." I moaned, letting him kiss and bite down until he was sucking on my clit, humming and flicking his tongue over it. The two fingers he entered in me almost without warning made me gasp, feeling his tips rub that spongy spot that had me squirming away within seconds.
"Fuck." I moaned, feeling a surge of electric jolts take over my body. My vision went black and my stomach quivered so hard I needed to bring my knees up, shaking as if I couldn't control my body anymore. I couldn't think and I could barely breath, whatever Harry had me doing resulting in a mind blowing high that I was sure I wasn't going to be able to reach again.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." I kept moaning, letting my own body calm down and feeling Harry lying by my side.
"Are you okay?" He laughed, running a hand down my spine, which only made my skin fill with shivers.
"Fuck." I panted one last time. Harry kissed softly my back, until my body stopped trembling and I buried my head on the pillow. "That was so fucking good."
"I know. Aren't you glad you lost that bet?"
"Fuck, yes." I mumbled, humming when he trailed his fingers on my back. "Do I have to go?" I asked, not really wanting to get up from that bed. I was so fucking tired and spent.
He left a last kiss on my shoulder blade, bringing the covers up and getting up to go to the bathroom.
"No, please stay."

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